F) Write a guide for British Children who want to visit our city.

Горные хребты Хабаровского края

An attractive waterfront park and esplanade and a combination of modern apartment blocks and old one storied wooden houses give the city an interesting flavor especially for tourists.

The Lenin Square is wide and clean. There are a few charming fountains here. The biggest one is in the very center of the square.

Фонтаны на площади Ленина

F) Write a guide for British Children who want to visit our city. - student2.ru

F) Write a guide for British Children who want to visit our city. - student2.ru

In the evening when it gets dark many people gather round the fountains. It is colored and sparkles in the night. It’s a marvelous sight!

Nothing can beat it!

There are many old buildings in the central street of the city.

F) Write a guide for British Children who want to visit our city. - student2.ru

Старое здание в центре города

They are made of red bricks and they are really splendid. The railway station saw millions of people coming to Khabarovsk. Recently it has been reconstructed.

Вокзал Хабаровска

F) Write a guide for British Children who want to visit our city. - student2.ru

The Amur river cliff is a pride of the city. Many years ago Muravyov – Amurskyexclaimed standing on the cliff: “It is here that the town will be built”.

Граф Муравьёв - Амурский

F) Write a guide for British Children who want to visit our city. - student2.ru

Утёс Хабаровска

F) Write a guide for British Children who want to visit our city. - student2.ru

And today, standing on the cliff, we can see the Amur river with ships, boats and steamers. Far below there are many people walking and talking to each other.

In winter sculptors make a lot of figures from ice in Lenin Square.

F) Write a guide for British Children who want to visit our city. - student2.ru

F) Write a guide for British Children who want to visit our city. - student2.ru

Ледяные скульптуры в Хабаровске

These figures denote a lot of thongs: ancient animals, folk heroes and modern characters. Of course, they are unusual things.

a) Answer these questions:

When was Khabarovsk founded?

What is the main feature of the city?

What can we see in the Lenin Square?

What is the Amur cliff famous for?

What can we see I winter in the Lenin Square?

Are you proud of your city?

b) Read through the text and write what place of interest is meant in each sentence:

1.…gives the city an interesting flavor;

2.…have been recently built;

3.…is colored and sparkles at night;

4.…houses ice figures in winter;

5.…is here that the town has been built;

6.…is a splendid place to walk after reconstruction.

c) Match pictures and sentences: (соотнести картинки и предложения)

F) Write a guide for British Children who want to visit our city. - student2.ru


F) Write a guide for British Children who want to visit our city. - student2.ru


F) Write a guide for British Children who want to visit our city. - student2.ru


F) Write a guide for British Children who want to visit our city. - student2.ru



a)The Lenin Square is situated in the center of the city;

b)The Amur river is wonderful in spring when it overflows;

c)The Amur cliff is wonderful in the evening;

d)The Glory Square is a pride of our city.


B; 2-a; 3-c; 4-d.

e) Match adjectives and nouns:

F) Write a guide for British Children who want to visit our city. - student2.ru

F) Write a guide for British Children who want to visit our city. - student2.ru

F) Write a guide for British Children who want to visit our city. - student2.ru

f) Write a guide for British Children who want to visit our city.

(написать путеводитель для британских детей, которые хотят посетить город Хабаровск)

Khabarovsk is the capital of the Russian Far East. It was founded in 1858 by E.P. Khabarov.

What places of interest can you visit in our city?

1.The Amur river – one of the longest in Russia.

(Амур река- одна из самых длинных в России)

F) Write a guide for British Children who want to visit our city. - student2.ru

2.The Amur bridge – a unique railroad link, spanning the Amur near Khabarovsk.

(Амурский мост – это уникальная железнодорожная связь, которая соединяет Амур с Хабаровском)

F) Write a guide for British Children who want to visit our city. - student2.ru

3.The Amur embankment and the monument to

N. Zadornov. (памятник Н. Задорнову)

F) Write a guide for British Children who want to visit our city. - student2.ru

4.The Fine Arts Museum, established in 1931.

(художественный музей основан в 1931 году)

F) Write a guide for British Children who want to visit our city. - student2.ru

5.The Khabarovsk Museum of Local Lore, History and economy. (Краеведческий музей)

F) Write a guide for British Children who want to visit our city. - student2.ru

6.The Khabarovsk Arboretum. (Дендрарий)

F) Write a guide for British Children who want to visit our city. - student2.ru

7.Komsomolsk Square, to see the monument to the heroes of the Civil War.

(Комсомольская площадь, где находится памятник героям Гражданской войны)

F) Write a guide for British Children who want to visit our city. - student2.ru

8.The Lenin Stadium on the Amur River. (Стадион имени Ленина на Амуре)

F) Write a guide for British Children who want to visit our city. - student2.ru

9.The literary museum after A. Fadeev.

F) Write a guide for British Children who want to visit our city. - student2.ru

10.Glory Square with its memorial complex for those fallen in the Great Patriotic War.

F) Write a guide for British Children who want to visit our city. - student2.ru

11.The Khabarovsk Shipbuilding Plant (famous for its defense production).

F) Write a guide for British Children who want to visit our city. - student2.ru

12.The Khabarovsk Oil Refinery plant.

F) Write a guide for British Children who want to visit our city. - student2.ru

13.The Tatyana Burova Fashion House.

F) Write a guide for British Children who want to visit our city. - student2.ru 14. Theatres. (Театры)

F) Write a guide for British Children who want to visit our city. - student2.ru

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