X. Summing up. Saying goodbye. Lesson 49 Does Helen like reading?

Lesson 49
Does Helen like reading?

Цели урока:
познавательный аспект:знакомство с интересами и увлечениями детей в англоязычных странах;
развивающий аспект:развитие воображения, способности к сравнению (находить сходства и различия), развитие способности использовать в общении речевые средства выражения: жесты, мимику, телодвижения и т. д.;
воспитательный аспект:воспитание внимательного отношения к друзьям, к их интересам и увлечениям;
учебный аспект:формирование лексических навыков и грамматических навыков, совершенствование навыков чтения по транскрипции.
Сопутствующая задача: развитие умения аудировать.
Языковой материал:
лексический: V-ing формы известных глаголов (riding a bicycle, watching TV, skateboarding, playing the piano, playing games, playing computer games, playing sports, roller-skating).
Оснащение урока: кубик, фишки, аудиозапись.

Сценарий урока:
I. Greeting. Warming up activities.

II. Going over homework.
SB ex. 5. 2), Lesson 48. “My Friend”. Глава 5. “My Friend likes doing ...”.
T: Open your Activity Books and read the new chapter about your make-believe friends. What do they like doing?
T: Excellent! Good job!

III. Mike and Helen like watching TV.
SB ex. 1. 1)

Методические пояснения:формирование лексических навыков. Семантизация новых лексических единиц при помощи картинок.

Т: Helen and Mike like doing activities which differ from (отличаются от)the activities the fairy-tale characters like. Open your textbooks on page 160. Look at the pictures and say what Helen and Mike like doing.
Ch:(слушают и читают под фонограмму)
Mike likes riding a bicycle. Mike and Helen like watching TV. Mike likes skateboarding. Helen likes playing the piano. Mike and Helen like playing games. Helen likes playing computer games. Mike likes playing sports. Mike and Helen like reading. Helen likes roller-skating.
SB ex. 1. 2)
T: Do Helen and Mike know each other’s favourite activities well? Read their notes on page 161 and answer the questions.
SB ex. 1. 3)
T:Вы заметили неточности в их высказываниях? Find them and correct them.
Ch:Mike likes riding a bicycle, watching TV, skateboarding, playing games, playing sports and reading. But he doesn’t like playing the piano. Helen likes watching TV, playing the piano, playing games, playing computer games, reading and roller-skating. But she doesn’t like skateboarding.

IV. “Role play”.
SB ex. 2. 1)
T: (Helen and Mike are talking about their families’ favourite activities.)Хелен и Майк разговаривают об увлечениях своих близких. Helen asks Mike about his family members’ favourite activities. Mike answers Helen’s questions. Let’s role play their conversation. Some of you will play the role of Helen, the others will play the role of Mike. Open your textbooks on pages 162—163 and read the tasks in Card 1 and Card 2.
Ch:(работают в парах. Дети в роли Майка, глядя в таблицу на с. 163, отвечают на вопросы. Дети в роли Хелен отмечают галочкой ответы на свои вопросы в таблице на с. 162.)
— Does your father like fishing?
— Yes, he does.
— Does your father like riding a bicycle?
— No, he doesn’t (etc.)
SB ex. 2. 2)
T: Now what do you know about favourite activities in Mike’s family?
Ch:His father and grandpa like fishing. His sister Joy likes riding a bicycle. His father, mother, sister Jane, grandpa and grandma like reading. They all like watching TV. His sisters and mother like playing games. His mother, sister Joy and grandma like playing the piano.
SB ex. 2. 3)
T:Сравните интересы членов семьи Майка и вашей семьи.
Ch:His father likes ... . And my father likes ... , too. They both like ... . They both don’t like .../dislike ... .

Методические пояснения:по аналогии сравнивают интересы других членов семьи.

V. Action time.
T: Let’s play the miming game. (Выполняете, как упр. 4, урок 48.)

VI. Let’s play “The more the better”.
SB ex. 3 (AB ex. 1)
T: Open your Activity Books on page 87. Look at the board game “The more the better” which you know very well. Write as many sentences as you can about different activities children like doing.

Методические пояснения:смотрите правила игры в уроке 39.

VII. What’s the title of the lesson? Why?

VIII. Setting homework.
SB ex. 4 (AB ex. 2)
T: Helen’s classmates are discussing their favourite activities. At home, listen to the tape. In the Activity Books on page 88, find the activities they like doing in the word box. (Put the numbers from 1 to 10 next to the corresponding sentences.) Впишите цифры от 1 до 10, соответствующие увлечениям Энн и Ника, в нужные предложения. For example: Ann likes roller-skating (6), etc.
SB ex. 5 (AB ex. 3)
T: (Ask Mike about the activities the members of Helen’s family like doing.) Расспросите Майка об увлечениях семьи Хелен. Запишите свои вопросы, затем послушайте рассказ Майка и отметьте галочкой вопросы, на которые вы получите ответы.

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