Useful words and phrases summary

  Useful words and phrases summary -

Useful words and phrases summary - first class an air vent ( a nozzle)

to travel business class to adjust

economy class an attendant call button

a blind (a shade)

the first class cabin to be fitted (with)

the business (club) (executive) to be provided with

class cabin to be supplied with

the economy class cabin a sliding ash-tray

to number an armrest

to letter a tray-table

Useful words and phrases summary - a notice (sign) an angle (pitch)

taxiing a baby cot

take-off a bulkhead

ascent a bedding

descent a baby kit

landing a galley-pantry

curtains to be designed for

a carpet to accommodate

an electrical socket location

an electrical shaver clothes-hangers

a wash basin

a towel

Passenger Service Unit

Above each group of seats there is a passenger service unit often having three functions. It may be necessary to show an inexperienced passenger what it is used for.

Useful words and phrases summary -

Practise dialogues :

Dialogue № 1

P: - It’s very hot and stuffy in here

CA: - If you adjust this nozzle you can control the direction and amount of air conditioning.

Dialogue № 2

P: - I can’t see to read my book.

CA: - This switch button controls your individual reading light/lamp (The individual reading light switch is in the armrest).

Dialogue № 3

P: - How can I call you in future?

CA: - If you press this button one of us will come to your assistance.

Dialogue № 4

P: - I can’t hear anything through the headset.

CA: - You can adjust the volume with plus and minus buttons in the armrest of your seat (This is a volume control button).

Dialogue № 5

P: - I can hear music through the headset but I want to hear the film soundtrack.

CA: - The film soundtrack is on channels one and two.

Dialogue № 6

P: - I want to listen to the music.

CA: - I see. This is a music channel selector switch.

Dialogue № 7

P: - I’m sorry to trouble you.

CA: - No trouble at all. What can I do for you?

P: - Could you tell me how to recline the seatback, please?

CA: - This button is for fixing the backrest of your seat in a comfortable


Passenger Arm-Rest Controls

Useful words and phrases summary -

The controls in this unit are, from left to right:

a) attendant call buttons

b) light switch

c) volume controls for a headset

d) channel selector buttons for the audio system

e) channel indicator

f) socket for a pneumatic headset

g) socket for an electrical headset

Forms of politeness

II. How to Address people:

1. If I don’t know the name/surname :

- sir (for a man)

- madam (for a woman)

2. if I know the surname:

3. Mister (Mr.) (for a man)

4. Missis (Mrs.) ( for a married woman) (a widow)

5. Miss (for a single woman)

6. Ms (for a woman if we do not know her title Miss or Missis)

then comes the surname.

For example: Mr. Parker

Mrs. Brown

Ms. Smith

3. a group of people

- Ladies (for women)

- Gentlemen (for men)

- Ladies and Gentlemen (for both)

- Lady and Gentlemen (if one woman and some men)

- Ladies and Gentleman (if some women and one man)

4. a stranger ( there is no special form) but “Excuse me, please” is good for that.

5. a saleslady/salesman (there is no special form).

6. if I know the person well

I can call him/her by the name:

- Helen

- Ted

7. Distinguished persons:

- Your Magesty! ( a king)

- Your Royal Highness! ( a queen)

- Your Grace/His ( a churchman)

- The Honourable…….! (name the title)

- Your Excellency! (a foreign ambassador)

- Senator…….(Davis)

- The President/ (to the president)

- Mr. President

III. How to Greet people:

From the very morning until twelve hours:

- Good morning.

From twelve hours until seventeen or eighteen:

- Good afternoon

From eighteen until twenty-four hours:

Good evening

Notes: 1. - Hello!

- Hi! (to greet relatives or friends or fellow workers)

2. - Good night (isn’t a greeting)

3. - How do you do? (it’s a greeting in introductions)

IV. How to Introduce people:

- May I introduce (present)……..?

May I present Professor Gray?

- May I introduce myself?

- Let me introduce… you.

- Mr. President, I have the honour to present our Captain.

- Mr. Parker, may I present His Excellency, the British Ambassador?

A reply to an introduction:

A: How do you do?

B: How do you do?

IV. How to Pass Someone:

- May I pass, please? (Let me pass)

V. How to Leave a Person for a moment:

- Excuse me (for) a moment.

- I’ll be back in a moment.

VI. How to Attract Someone’s Attention:

- Excuse me, please.

VII. How to Inquire about Someone’s:

1. Health: - How do you feel?

- How are you? ( after a greeting)

2. Life: - How’s your life?

- How are you getting on?

3. Things: - How are your things?

Note: How are you doing? (instead of three questions).

4. Possible answers: Fine, thanks. Very well, thank you. Not bad. Not very well, I‘m afraid.

VIII. How to Apologize to Somebody for Something:

1. I am (very terribly/ awfully) sorry

For example:

- I’m sorry to trouble you

- I’m sorry, I’m (5 min) late

- I’m sorry to keep you waiting

- I’m sorry, I do not get it.

- I‘m sorry, smoking is not allowed.

- I’m sorry, smoking is not allowed (permitted)=I’m sorry but smoking is prohibited (forbidden).

2. “Pardon me” (when sneezing, coughing, yawning or hiccuping in company)

3. “to apologize” (in oral announcements or in written forms)

We’d like to apologize to you for the caused inconveniences.

Note: “Excuse” (as an apology used in America)

4. Possible replies:

- That’s all right

- It’s quite all right

- That’s OK

IX. What to Say:

1. if I haven’t heard what was said to me.


-I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that

-Would you say it again, please?

2. if I do not understand:

-I’m sorry, I do not get it

-I have a bit of a problem understanding you

-My English is not so good

-My English is poor, but I do speak French very well.

-What do you mean?

3. on one’s birthday:

-Happy Birthday!

-Happy Birthday to you!

-Many happy returns of the day!

on the Eve of a New Year:

- Happy New Year! (the same to you)

on the Eve of Christmas

- Merry Christmas! (the same to you) request

- Please (fasten your seat-belt)

- Will you please……..?

- Fasten your seat- belt, please. agreement

- With pleasure

- Of course

- Certainly

- Surely

- You’re welcome

6 in giving (handing) smth.

- Here you are (there you are).

- Here it is (Here is the newspaper and the booklet). reply to “Thanks” (Thank you):

- You’re welcome

- Not at all

- Don’t mention it

Language practice

Translate from Russian into English

1. - Вы можете мне помочь?

- С удовольствием / конечно.

2. - Можно мне Ваше пальто?

- Вот, пожалуйста.

3. - Пожалуйста, пристегните Ваш привязной ремень.

4. - Разрешите Вам помочь?

- Спасибо.

- Не за что.

5. Извините, что заставил Вас ждать.

6. Извините, что заставляю Вас ждать.

7. Извините, я не понимаю.

8. Извините меня. Я вернусь через минуту.

9. - Извините за беспокойство.

- Никакого беспокойства.

10. Мы бы хотели извиниться перед вами за причиненные неудобства.

11. Извините, можно пройти?

Change the following sentences so that you say the same thing in a more polite way. Use the words in brackets.

1. Put out your cigarette!


2. Can’t you find your seat?

(Are you….trouble…..your seat?)

3. You have made a mistake.

You are in someone’s seat.

(…..think…..may be…..wrong seat)

4. Please change seats with this passenger.


5. Show me your boarding pass, please


6. Put your seatback fully upright?


Note: remember the verbs which need a gerund to complete the sentences:


To be in trouble_____________________________________ing

To mind___________________________________________ing

To avoid___________________________________________ing

To stop ( someone)___________________________________ing

To keep____________________________________________ing

Boarding the Aircraft

For cabin attendants there are two particular points that they should note. Firstly, if weather conditions are bad, the flight may be delayed or diverted. In this case CАs must be ready to deal with passengers for whom this creates a problem. Secondary cabin attendants must note if any important passengers are booked on the flight. The purser will brief the cabin crew of any special requirements that passengers may have. This may include special meals, special seating arrangements for disabled or sick passengers. Such passengers as unaccompanied minors (UMs) are normally pre-boarded.

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