Translate into English. Курс.Занятие №1

Курс.Занятие №1


Infection means invasion of the body by microorganisms, which are harmful. The most common sources of infection in medical practice are direct contact with a patient’s blood and saliva, consequently instruments and equipment used in the treatment become contaminated. If no action were taken infection may enter the body through skin cuts or abrasions or the eyes, it may also be swallowed. Infection from the contamination would be passed on from patient to patient, from patient to staff and from staff to patient. This involvement is called cross- infection.

Even ancient people taught that body’s first of defense against infection was an intact surface, e.g. the outer layer of skin and the protective outer layer of mucous membrane. If infection had passed it the second line of defense started its action. It was the liquid secretion produced by the protective surfaces. The mucous membrane and the salivary glands had produced saliva, which neutralized some bacterial poisons and could kill some microorganisms. Tears and sweat had a similar effect. The acidity of gastric juice killed many bacteria in food. The third line of defense is discovered now. It is immunity.

And we also know that if these defense mechanisms fail to prevent infection, the last line of defense is a response by the body called inflammation.


EXERCISE 1. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:

1. Означать

2. Кровь и слюна пациента

3. Через порезы на коже

4. Глотать

5. Наружный слой слизистой оболочки

6. Продуцируемая защитной поверхностью

7. Яды, вырабатываемые бактериями

8. Желудочный сок

9. Пища

10. Ответная реакция

EXERCISE 2. Процитируйте предложения из текста со следующими словами и словосочетаниями:

1. Direct

2. Abrasion

3. To teach

4. To start

5. To produce

6. To kill

7. To discover

8. Mechanism

9. Effect

EXERCISE 3. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. What are the most common sources of infection?

2. How may infection enter the body?

3. What did ancient people teach?

4. When does the second line of defense start its action?

5. What is it produced by?

6. What can saliva do?

7. What effect do tears and sweat have?

8. When was the third line discovered?

9. What is the last line of defense?

EXERCISE 3. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. What are the most common sources of infection?

2. How may infection enter the body?

3. What did ancient people teach?

4. When does the second line of defense start its action?

5. What is it produced by?

6. What can saliva do?

7. What effect do tears and sweat have?

8. When was the third line discovered?

9. What is the last line of defense?

EXERCISE 4. Измените предложения в прошедшее совершенное время:

MODEL: They have finished the work ( by 5 o’clock yesterday).

They had finished the work by 5 o’clock yesterday.

1. My friend has prepared the report ( by last Monday).

2. The students have done the exercises ( by the end of the lesson).

3. Mother has cooked supper ( by the time I came home).

4. We have not seen our teacher ( before the bell rang).

5. Have you done the work( before I called you up).

6. He has translated the article ( by this time yesterday).

7. She has not bought a present for him ( when we came to her place).

EXERCISE 5. Составьте 12 вопросов к тексту « Infection».


New words

1. contagious - заразный

2. to effect - поражать

3. whitish - беловатый

4. patch - налет

5. to spread - распространять, расстилаться

6. windpipe - дыхательное горло

7. complication - осложнение

8. emergency -хирургический

9. convalescence - выздоровление

10. to proceed - продолжать

11. infectious diseases hospital-инфекционная больница

Diphtheria is a highly contagious disease which mainly effects the throat. The symptoms

are sore throat, fever, head­ache. There is difficulty in swallowmg . There is a whitish

patch on the windpipe, there is difficulty in breathing. The child looks ill and toxic. The

disease can lead to many complications of nerves, heart and kidneys, and sometimes an emergency operation (trecheostomy) may have to be done if the windpipe gets blocked

with the membrane and the child has difficulty in breathing. The child will have to be hospitalized in an infectious diseases hospital for 3-4 weeks, and then convalescence

proceeds at home for a few weeks more. This disease can be prevented by immu­nizing

the child.


1 Answer the questions.

1.What kind of disease is Diphtheria ?

2. What are the symptoms of Diphtheria?

3. What kinds of complications can the disease lead to?

4.Where is Diphtheria treated?

2.Give Russian equivalents:

1. contagious -

2. to effect-

3. whitish -

4. patch -

5. to spread -

6. windpipe -

7. complication -

8. emergency -

9. convalescence -

10. to proceed -

11. infectious diseases hospital-

Diphtheria is a highly contagious disease which mainly effects the throat

The disease can lead to many complications of nerves, heart and kidneys, and sometimes an emergency operation (trecheostomy) may have to be done if the windpipe gets blocked with the membrane and the child has difficulty in breathing.

Translate into English.

беловатый налет, заразное заболевание, трудности при дыхании,

выглядеть больным, дыхательное горло, заболевание можно предупредить.

Дифтерия-заразное заболевание, которое главным образом поражает горло. Симптомы дифтерии: боль в горле, жар, головная боль. Возникают затруднения при глотании. На дыхательном горле появляется беловатый налет. Заболевание может привести к осложнениям в нервной системе, на сердце и почках.

4. Назовите симптомы дифтерии по-анг­лийски.

1)Подведение итогов :

2)Задание на дом: Используя изученный материал , составьте рассказ “Diphtheria”

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