Translate the given sentences.

a) Он обожал детективы.

b) Эта книга очень захватывающая.

c) Она всегда читает книги о путешествиях очень быстро.

d) Рассказ о Томе был действительно забавным.

e) Книги в жанре фэнтези только для детей.

f) Необходимо формировать привычку к чтению с детства.

g) Он всегда читал своему сыну перед сном.


Name the parts of a book.


4. What is exlibris?


Choose the book and describe it. You can add imagined information.

Translate the given sentences. - Translate the given sentences. - Translate the given sentences. -

Translate the given sentences. -

Test 2. Theme: Cinema.

Translate the sentences.

a) Он любит короткометражные фильмы.

b) Этот знаменитый режиссер снял множество замечательных фильмов.

c) Она смотрит только сериалы.

d) Он обожает комедии и приключенческие фильмы.

e) Основная идея экранизации очень интересна.

f) Немое кино раньше было очень популярно.

Write down 10 sentences about your favourite film or serial.


Write down the cinema genres.


Name people which create a film.


Test 3. Theme: The theatre.

Translate the sentences.

a) The Mariinsky Theatre is a historic theatre of opera and ballet in St Petersburg, Russia.

b) Opened in 1860, it became the preeminent music theatre of late 19th century Russia, where many of the stage masterpieces of Tchaikovsky, Mussorgsky, and Rimsky-Korsakov received their premieres.

c) Since Yuri Temirkanov's retirement in 1988, the conductor Valery Gergiev has served as its general director.

d) The Mariinsky Theatre is home to the Mariinsky Ballet, Mariinsky Opera and Mariinsky Orchestra.

Translate the text.

The theatre is a splendid art. It is also a very difficult art, and a defenceless one, because everyone sees only the tip of the iceberg but is quite sure that he sees it all, and has something to say about it. Personally I am not a passionate theatre-goer. I prefer to sit at home and read the play. The theatre dictates to me: they put their dish before me and insist on my swallowing it. I won’t have it. I prefer to have my own vision of the play. Of course, one mustn’t lose sight of the educational role of the theatre. But education should by no means become the primary aim, it shouldn’t be too obvious, too didactic. The educational aim is best achieved when suddenly some secret spring is touched, and the spectator feels: here is the moment of Truth. It is for this precious moment of Truth that people go to the theatre.


Write down the advantages of cinema and theatre. Then disadvantages.

Cinema Theatre
Cinema Theatre

Test 3. Theme: Travelling. Holiday-making. Environmental protection.

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