Read the text and translate it. Various types of valves are applied in oil and gas industry

Various types of valves are applied in oil and gas industry. Valves are devices, which are installed on pipelines or tanks and used to control liquid or gaseous operating flow by means of changing their open flow area.

There are many different designs and types of pipeline valves, however various types of valves, as a rule, consist of the following common parts: body, bonnet, stem, actuator, packing, seat, and gate often made in the shape of a disk.

Implementation of the same functions can be performed by different types of pipeline valves, the most common of which include:

- gate valves, in which the gate is made in the shape of a plate, disk or wedge and reciprocally moves along sealing rings of the seat with right angle to fluid flow axis;

- globe valves, in which the gate is made in the form of a disk and reciprocally moves along sealing rings of the seat in parallel to fluid flow axis;

- plug valves and ball valves, in which the gate (plug) is made in the shape of body of revolution looking like a cylinder, cone or ball with a through hole and can rotate around its axis often with right angle to fluid flow axis.

By functional purpose valves can be divided into the following groups:

- stop valves used to close and open fluid flow;

- control valves used to regulate flow parameters by changing flow rate of fluid in the pipeline. Control valves also include throttling valves or chokes designed for significant reduction of fluid pressure and operating under conditions of high pressure differential. Control valves are driven by external power sources;

- distribution valves used to control flow direction;

- pressure-relief or safety valves used to release excessive pressure in pipelines by bleeding excessive amount of fluid;

- shutoff valves, and check valves used to protect equipment against changing of such parameters of operating medium as pressure, flow direction by isolating a pipeline section. The difference between safety valves and shutoff valves is that in case of an incident safety valves open to release fluid, and shutoff valves close to isolate the protected section of the pipeline.

Quick-union connections are used to perform well operations associated with application of mobile equipment, for example, injection of process fluids during well workover and servicing operations, formation hydrofracturing, acid treatments, well dewaxing and so on. In order to perform such operations all units and parts of equipment are connected with quick-union connection pipes. Quick-union connection lines can be easily and quickly assembled, as nuts are screwed manually and tightened with a hammer, and elbows and short pup-joints allow to lay the pipeline to the target bypassing obstacles.


device [dɪˈvaɪs] – механизм

install [ɪnˈstɔːl] – устанавливать

liquid [ˈlɪkwɪd] – жидкость

flow [fləʊ] – поток

body [ˈbɒdɪ] – корпус

bonnet [ˈbɔnɪt] – крышка (задвижки)

stem [stem] – шпиндель (задвижки, клапана)

actuator [ˌæktjuˈeɪtə] – исполнительный механизм

packing [ˈpækɪŋ] – башенная насадка

seat [siːt] – гнездо, упор

gate [geɪt] – запорный элемент (клапана)

implementation [ˌɪmplɪmenˈteɪʃən] – внедрение, выполнение

wedge [wedʒ] – клин

angle [ˈæŋgl] – угол

axis [ˈæksɪs] – ось

revolution [ˌrevəˈluːʃən] – вращение

throttling valve [ˈθrɔtlɪŋ vælv] – дросселирующий клапан

control valve [kənˈtrəʊl vælv] – клапан дистанционного управления, регулирующий вентиль

external [eksˈtəːnl] – внешний

gate valve [geɪt vælv] – запорный вентиль, шиберный клапан

globe valve [gləub vælv] – шаровой кран

plug valve [plʌg vælv] – проходной клапан

stop valve [stɒp vælv] – секущий клапан

distribution valve [dɪstrɪˈbjuːʃən vælv] – распределительный клапан

pressure-relief valve [ˈpreʃə rɪˈliːf vælv] – разгрузочный клапан, клапан для снижения давления

shutoff valve [ˈʃʌtɒf vælv] – клапан-отсекатель

bleeding [ˈbliːdɪŋ] – выделение нефти/газа из пласта

excessive [ɪkˈsesɪv] – чрезмерный

amount [əˈmaʊnt] – количество

dewaxing [deˈwæksɪŋ] – депарафинизация

nut [nʌt] – гайка

screw [skruː] – завинчивать

hammer [ˈhæmər] – молот

pup-joint [pʌp dʒɔɪnt] – патрубок

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