Text B. What does Land Cadastre Consist of?
The land cadastre consists of four parts: 1. land users’ registration; 2. the title of quantity and quality of land resources; 3. soils’ qualities assessment; 4. economic evaluation.
The land use planning agencies register the right on land parcels which are given to land users. The new land users are registered when decisions arc taken by local administrative bodies.. All kinds of land uses must be registered in land-title books.
The land users are given land parcels for certain uses and for different needs. The lands are divided into agricultural and non-agricultural lands. The former are subdivided into pastures, grazing lands, grasslands and so on. The State land-title book is the only document for land registration.
Land evaluation consists of soils' assessment and economic evaluation of land resources. The assessment of soils determines the natural fertility of land resources and land capability for agricultural production.
Land inventory is a systematic survey of land capability of all regions. The boundaries of the survey embrace land of many millions of square kilometres. Land inventory is also a means to control land users. Land use planners make analysis of uses, particularly the efficiency of agricultural production. The data of the land productivity are quite necessary to determine the rate of taxation and for proper land use management. The land users must know the land capability of all the lands which they operate. Much is being done to carry out soil surveys.
For many years soil scientists and land use planners have been carrying out a programme of classification and mapping the soils. There are now soil maps for almost all agricultural areas. These maps describe the quality of the soils and whether the soil is clay, silt, loam, sand or gravel. They indicate soil's fertility and agricultural capability.
IV. Определите без словаря значение следующих словосочетаний:
high level of living; land cadastre; agro-industrial association; Ministry of Agriculture; department of land uses; modern technology; soil scientists
V. Переведите предложения на русский язык. Объясните, почему глагол-сказуемое употреблен в форме продолженного времени:
1. The need for land is constantly increasing throughout the world. 2. He was not preparing for his examinations during those two weeks, he was ill. 3. The records are being modernized by means of remote sensing and modern technology. 4. We shall be planning our work when you return from your business trip. 5. The students were making their calculations by means of computers when their tutor came in. 6. He was being asked by the teacher while the rest of the students discussed their plans for the holiday. 7. I am not going to stop my work now. You may go alone or with Mike. 8. We were discussing cadastral problems from 6 till 8 in the evening.
VI. Закончите следующие предложения:
1. The Department of Land Uses maintains basic land-title records... . 2. Cadastral surveys are very important for... . 3. Our state is the owner of... . 4. Land resources are used to help to provide... . 5. There are two sets of reasons why the need for land cadastre is constantly... .
VII. Дайте русские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:
land use practice; level of living; cadastral survey; land conservation; land cadastre; land-title system; land inventory; soil classification
VIII.Запишите формы прошедшего и будущего продолженного времени от данных ниже глаголов. Употребите эти глаголы в вопросительных предложениях. Вопросы и ответы на них запишите в тетрадь:
to increase, to plan, to consult, to meet, to demand, to make, to give, to develop
IX. Вставьте подходящие по смыслу слова. Переведите предложения на русский язык:
1.We have sufficient land now in use to provide ... space, food, ... and other land products. 2.. There are two sets of reasons why need for land cadastre has ... in recent time. 3.. We modernize land-title records by means of ... and modern technology. 4. We need both agricultural and ... land. 5. We shall be planning the land needs for ... purposes. 6. Farmland covers only ... per cent of the total territory. 7. We are constantly in need of ... land.
X. Переведите с русского языка на английский:
1. Роль земельных ресурсов в различных отраслях производства неодинакова. 2. Важнейшим свойством земли, используемой в сельском хозяйстве, является плодородие. 3. Назовите составные части государственного земельного кадастра. 4. Государственный земельный кадастр включает регистрацию или учет земель, бонитировку почв и экономическую оценку.
XI. Запишите словами следующие количественные числительные, дроби и хронологические даты:
12; 40; 88; 100; 107; 2,506; 8,000; 6,432; 505; 8,001
2/3; 4/6; 3/8; 4/3; 1/7; 1/4; 1/18; 7.85; 0.9; 3.8
1242, 1799, 1900, 1905, 1917, 1941, 1945, 1977, 1980, 1983