Text B. The Land Use Planner and His Work.

Land has much to do with our needs and the way we fulfil them. Many of our activities we devote to getting the basic items of food, shelter, and clothing. We need highways and automobiles, forests and railways and many other things. It is likely that if we had all that we could list, new wants would arise. And again we would be faced with the problem of how to satisfy them.

Land is necessary to satisfy man's needs. The people's needs can be satisfied only if we secure the best uses of land resources.

It is true that no progress in satisfaction the needs of man can be made if no labor is applied. If we want to live better we must work better. No progress can be made if labor is applied without intelligence. The land use planner is to secure wise land uses.

When we approach a familiar city after a year's absence, we now expect to see housing developments on land. We observe that old buildings are being demolished to permit new constructions.

The land use planner must decide whether to use a tract for a home site or for crops, or whether to use a valley to produce corn. He is to decide whether to use the river bottom land for growing tomatoes and cabbage. He is to be aware of the ability of land to satisfy wants when it is used for pastures or when it is used for wheat. He must know its productivity in each use. He must know many things about the land ability.

The land use planner determines which acreage to employ in each land use. He decides whether the land should be used now or later and how it must be used .He plans the living centres and the field patterns and many other services that land can supply. He must consider the best uses of the land.

The land use planner determines not only the productivity of land. He has to distinguish between the physical productivity and the economic productivity of the land. He is to know the productivity of the land itself and that of labour, capital and other resources. The general principle is each hectare of land should be given to the use in which its economic productivity is the highest.

IV. Определите без словаря значения следующих словосочетаний:

land use problem; industrial products; natural environ­ment; land resources; people's needs; industrial centres; highest efficiency; economic productivity

V. Употребите глагол, стоящий в скобках, в нужной форме:

1. Land (to be) not only the soil under our feet. 2. We (to devote) much of our labour to get the basic items of food and clothing. 3. The land use planner (must) secure wise land uses. 4. Farmers (to use) land to produce wheat or cotton or to feed cattle. 5. The land use planners (to determine) which acreage is to be employed in each land use. 6. I (to be) a student of the Land Use Planning Faculty.

VI. Закончите следующие предложения, используя лексику текста:

1. To get the basic items of food, shelter and clothing we... . 2. If we secure the best uses of land resources... .3. We expect to see new housing developments when... .4. The land use planner determines which acreages... . 5. The land use planner must decide whether to use a tract... . 6. Each hectare of land must be used... .

VII. Дайте русские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:

townsman; playground; land use planner; construction site; hectare; population; crop

VIII. Перестройте данные ниже утвердительные предложения в отри­цательные:

1. We have unlimited land resources on our planet.2. The first-year student wishes to live far from his Institute.3. Progress can be made if our labour is applied without intelli­gence. 4. When we visit a familiar city after a year's absence we expect to see it unchanged. 5. The farmers of this zone use all their land to pasture cattle. 6.They use fertile land for construction sites.

IX. Вставьте подходящие по смыслу слова. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. For ... land is a place to build his house on. 2. Land is not only the ... under our feet. 3. Plants need ... and rain.4. The falls of the streams ... the generation of electricity.5. The farmers use land ... wheat, cotton and other crops.

X. Переведите с русского языка на английский:

1.Земельные ресурсы составляют богатство нашего государства. 2. Землеустроитель должен обеспечить пра­вильное использование земель. 3. Землеустроитель должен хорошо знать потенциальные возможности каждого вида землепользования. 4. Каждый гектар земли в этом хозяйст­ве используется экономично.

XI. Определите, какими частями речи являются выделенные слова. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. To know howa plant grows, we must study botany. 2. His brother works at thisplant.3.Plants need water and sun. 4. Land is necessary to satisfy man'sneeds. 5. They pasture their cattle all the year round in this part of the coun­try. 6. These are the bestpasture grasses. 7. There are many good pastures on the farm. 8. The farmsuse electricity in most agricultural processes. 9. Theuse of electricity on the farm is necessary.

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