Match the terms with the definitions.

1. analyte a. a homogeneous mixture composed of two or more substances
2. titrant b. a substance that is dissolved in another substance, known as solvent. These two are present in a solution
3. endpoint c. a solution of the substance whose concentration is unknown and sought in the analysis
4. indicator d. solution in which the concentration of a solute is precisely known
5. solution e. the point at which the titration is complete, as determined by an indicator
6. solute f. a substance used to show the presence of a chemical substance by its color

2. Translate the sentences into English without using a dictionary.

Match the terms with the definitions. - 1. Стандартный раствор — это раствор известной концентрации. 2. Во время титрования титрант прибавляют к раствору неизвестной концентрации для достижения точки эквивалентности. 3. Выбор индикатора может стать ключом к успешному титрованию. 4. В широком смысле титрование — это определение концентрации вещества в растворе. 5. Кислотно-основное титрование основано на реакции нейтрализации.

3. Read the following text about acid-base titration and unscramble the letters in the brackets to find the correct word.

Match the terms with the definitions. - Acid-base titrations are usually used to find the a________1 (tamnuo) of a known acidic or basic substance through acid-base reactions. The a________2 (lanatey) is the solution with an unknown m________3 (larmotiy). The titrant is the solution with a known molarity that will react with the analyte.

The analyte is prepared by dissolving the substance being studied into a s________4 (nosotiul). The solution is usually placed in a f________5 (skalf) for titration. A small amount of i________6 (candiroti) is then added into the flask along with the analyte. The reagent is usually placed in a b________7 (terubet) and slowly added to the analyte and indicator mixture. The amount of reagent used is recorded when the indicator causes a change in the color of the solution.

Rewrite the sentence using the modal verbs.

a I’m sure you know the difference between a solid and a gas! MUST

You must know the difference between a solid and a gas!________________________________________________________________________

bIf a substance does not contain hydrogen, then we are sure that it isn’t an acid. CAN’T


cIf we put some litmus paper in a solution and it turns red, then we are sure that the solution is an acid. MUST


dIf we add a substance to a red-cabbage solution and it stays red, then we are sure that the substance isn’t an alkali. CAN’T


eIf we add a substance to a red-cabbage solution and it turns green, then the substance is sure to be an alkali. MUST


f If we put some litmus paper in a solution and it turns red, then we are sure that the solution isn’t an alkali. CAN’T


gIf it’s not an acid, or an alkali, then it’s sure to be neutral. MUST


h If we use a universal indicator to check a substance, and it turns purple, then we are sure that the substance isn’t an acid. CAN’T


Look at the picture and comment on it from the point of view of chemistry.

Match the terms with the definitions. -

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