(полегшений варіант)

* Апостроф вживається ...

) для утворення присвійного відмінка;

) у скороченнях;

@) усі варіанти вірні;

) для зміни форми деяких іменників.

* Pick out the correct variant(s)

) children laughter;

@) children's laughter;

) childrens' laughter;

) children' laughter.

* Translate into English "Поставити крапки над "і"

) Cross your t;

) Cross your ts;

@) Cross your t's;

) Cross your ts'.

* The phrase "she'd rather not" equals to ...

@) she would rather not;

) she had rather not;

) she did rather not;

) she could rather not.

* The phrase "Jake's had it" equals to ...

) Jake is had it;

) Jake does had it;

) Jake was had it;

@) Jake has had it.

* The phrase "snap 'em up" equals to ...

) Snap him up;

@) Snap them up;

) Snap her up;

) There is no such form.

* Translate into English "Схвалили бюджет"

) OK the budget;

@) OK'd the budget;

) OKd' the budget;

) OK' the budget.

* Translate into English "Виділення помилок в екзаменаційній роботі"

) X out the mistakes;

) X' out the mistakes;

@) X'ing out the mistakes;

) Xing out the mistakes.

* У квадратні дужки включають ...

@) усі варіанти вірні;

) виправлення;

) пояснення;

) форму слова.

* Квадратні дужки часто вживаються ...

) у математиці;

) у хімії;

) в історичних текстах;

@) усі варіанти вірні.

* Двокрапка вводить ...

@) усі варіанти вірні;

) речення;

) параграф;

) список.

* Двокрапка вживається ...

) для розділу бібліографічних даних про видання;

) для позначення часу чи співвідношення;

) для розділу заголовку від підзаголовку;

@) усі варіанти вірні.

* Pick out the correct variant(s)

) Indeed, close coordination will be essential.

) Defeat may be inevitable; however, disgrace is not.

) The second report, on the other hand, shows a strong bias.

@) all the variants are correct.

* Pick out the correct variant(s)

@) all the variants are correct.

) A solid, if overly wordy, assessment.

) A solid, if overly wordy assessment.

) A solid if overly wordy assessment.

* Pick out the correct variant(s)

) Neither my brother, nor I noticed the error.

@) all the variants are correct.

) The more that comes to light about him, the less savoury he seems.

) The less said the better.

* При повному написанні дати комою виділяється ...

) день;

) місяць;

@) рік;

) нічого не виділяється.

* В неофіційній кореспонденції після привітання ставиться ...

) двокрапка;

) крапка з комою;

) тире;

@) кома.

* Три крапки ...

) ставляться у місці пропуску цитати;

) вказують на паузу у мовленні;

@) усі варіанти вірні;

) вказують на пропуск одного чи декількох рядків у вірші.

* Pick out the correct variant(s)

) Aren't you finished yet!

) Why me!

@) all the variants are correct

) You did what?!

* Дефіс вживається для ...

@) усі варіанти вірні;

) відокремлення префіксу, суфіксу, кореня від решти слова;

) між датами й числами зі значенням "до" і "після";

) перенесення частини слова на інший рядок.

* Pick out the correct variant(s)

@) all the variants are correct.

) The fee is Four Thousand Dollars ($4,000).

) Claims were made of its proven efficacy (some of us were skeptical).

) Claims were made of its proven efficacy. (Some of us were skeptical.)

* Pick out the correct variant(s)

) I'll get back to you tomorrow (Friday), when I have more details.

) Tickets cost $14 in advance, ($12 for seniors); the price at the door is $18.

@) all the variants are correct.

) The relevant figures are shown below (in millions of dollars.)

* Pick out the correct variant(s)

@) all the variants are correct.

) It won't be easy to sort out the facts; a decision must be made, however.

) The case could take years to work its way through the courts; as a result, many plaintiffs will accept settlements.

) His grades improved sharply, yet the high honour roll still eluded him.

* Pick out the correct variant(s)

) alumni/ae;

) air/sea cruise;

@) all the variants are correct;

) air-sea cruise.

* What punctuation mark is used in direct speech to indicate the end of a spoken sentence?

) question mark;

@) full stop;

) exclamation mark;

) colon.

* What punctuation mark is used at the end of a direct question?

@) question mark;

) full stop;

) exclamation mark;

) colon.

* What punctuation mark is used to separate main clauses that describe consecutive actions?

) full stop;

) exclamation mark;

@) comma;

) dash.

* What punctuation mark is used after "Yes" or "No" at the beginning of a sentence.

) full stop;

) exclamation mark;

@) comma;

) dash.

* What punctuation mark is used to introduce examples?

) exclamation mark;

@) colon;

) question mark;

) full stop.

* What punctuation mark is used to show interruption in speech?

) full stop;

) exclamation mark;

) comma;

@) dash.

* What punctuation mark is used to link a prefix with a proper or abstract noun?

@) hyphen;

) colon.

) question mark;

) full stop.

* What punctuation mark is used where letters are omitted in contracted forms?

) full stop;

@) apostrophe;

) comma;

) dash.

* Pick out the correct variant(s)

@) all the variants are correct"

) The question is, What went wrong?

) We couldn't help wondering, Where's the plan?

) We couldn't help wondering, "Where's the plan?"

* Pick out the correct variant(s)

@) skinny young waiters;

) skinny, young waiters;

) skinny young waiter's;

) skinny, young waiters'.

* Pick out the correct variant(s)

) This street takes you away from, not toward, the capitol.

@) all the variants are correct.

) There are grounds for a civil, and maybe a criminal, case.

) There are grounds for a civil and maybe a criminal case.

* Pick out the correct variant(s)

) As cars age, they depreciate.

) As cars age they depreciate.

@) all the variants are correct.

) This is an unworkable plan, and has been from the start.

* Austrians view working late as a sign of ___ (неефективність).

) unefficiency;

@) inefficiency;

) deficiency;

) misefficiency.

* Meetings with Austrians start with some brief ___ (світська розмова).

) public speaking;

) social blunder;

) small communique;

@) small talk.

* If you give a presentation, it should be ___ (стислий) and methodically thought out.

) shortage;

) deficient;

) shot;

@) succinct.

* ___ (Належність) to one's group and its ways is a powerful force in Austrian behaviour.

@) Allegiance;

) Belongs;

) Belongings;

) Ownership.

* ___ (Пунктуальність) is very important in Austria.

) Punctual;

) Timely;

@) Punctuality;

) Punctualness.

* Gratuity.

) help;

) range;

) politeness;

@) tip.

* Courtesy.

@) politeness;

) tip;

) appointment;

) range.

* To handle.

) to hand;

) to arrange;

) to meet people;

@) to manage.

* To schedule.

) to meet people;

@) to arrange;

) to handle;

) to range.

* To socialize.

) to schedule;

) to plan;

@) to meet people;

) to make friends.

* To differ.

) to change;

) to differentiate;

@) to diverge;

) to compare.

* Vital.

) mortal;

) essence;

) challenging;

@) crucial.

* Scope.

@) range;

) arrange;

) arrangement;

) arranging.

* Succinct.

) comprehensive;

@) concise;

) contractual;

) comparative.

* To assist.

) helpful;

) helpless;

) helping;

@) help.

* Tremendous.

) small;

@) huge;

) tiny;

) gorgeous.

* Engagement.

) wedding;

) divorce;

@) appointment;

) dismissal.

* In order to drive ___ Austrian motorways you must purchase an Autobahn-Vignette.

@) on;

) in;

) over;

) under.

* In accordance with etiquette you should acknowledge people ___ a formal greeting.

) on;

) in;

@) with;

) without.

* Before jumping ___ conversation you should greet people.

) onto;

@) into;

) up to;

) over.

* Failure to display a valid sticker will result ___ a fine.

@) in;

) on;

) at;

) with.

* The boss remains ___ a marked distance from the staff.

) on;

) in;

@) at;

) across.

* Documentation will also assist your Austrian counterparts ___ distributing information to others in the company.

) on;

) at;

) over;

@) in.

* Mandatory.

) stalemate;

) doubtful;

) courteous;

@) compulsory.

* In lieu of.

@) instead of;

) contrary of;

) compulsory;

) obligatory.

* To deviate.

) to abandon;

@) to diverge;

) to persuade;

) to desert.

* To convince.

@) to persuade;

) to desert;

) to persuade;

) to pursue.

* Position.

) to place;

@) post;

) posture;

) digression.

* Gracious.

@) courteous;

) glorious;

) rigorous;

) suspicious.

* Objective.

) stalemate;

) digression;

@) aim;

) deviation.

* Suspicious.

) conspicuous;

) glorious;

) rigorous;

@) doubtful;

* Rigorous.

@) severe;

) conspicuous;

) glorious;

) suspicious.

* Composure.

) stalemate;

@) calmness;

) digression;

) deviation.

* Digression.

) abandon;

) persuasion;

@) departure;

) devotion.

* Impasse.

) aim;

) purpose;

@) stalemate;

) composure.

* The French tend to focus ___ long-term objectives.

) in;

@) on;

) at;

) with.

* Power is intrinsic ___ French business culture.

@) to;

) in;

) at;

) with.

* The French are often reluctant ___ take risks.

) in;

) at;

) with;

@) to.

* Arguments tend to be made ___ an analytical perspective.

) in;

) at;

) with;

@) from.

* One's personal feelings or belief in an ideology may enter ___ the presentation.

@) into;

) at;

) onto;

) with.

* The French will not accept anything that deviates ___ the cultural norm.

) at;

@) from:

) onto;

) with.

* The U.S. "O.K." sign means ...

) summon the bill;

) a sign of breeding in this culture;

@) "zero" or "useless" in France;

) express approval.

* "Thumbs up" is used to ...

) summon the bill;

) a sign of breeding in this culture;

) "zero" or "useless" in France;

@) express approval.

* A writing gesture in the air is applied to ...

@) summon the bill;

) a sign of breeding in this culture;

) "zero" or "useless" in France;

) express approval.

* If you need to point ...

) summon the bill;

) a sign of breeding in this culture;

@) motion with your whole hand rather than your index finger;

) express approval.

* Good posture is considered ...

) summon the bill;

@) a sign of breeding in this culture;

) "zero" or "useless" in France;

) express approval.

* Find the odd-one-out

) insult;

) affront;

@) praise;

) offence.

* Find the odd-one-out

) beneficial;

) positive;

@) useless;

) valuable.

* Find the odd-one-out

) proposal;

) suggestion;

) tender;

@) supposition.

* Find the odd-one-out

) contradict;

@) correspond;

) cancel out;

) disagree.

* Find the odd-one-out

) accountable;

) responsible;

) answerable;

@) light-minded.

* Find the odd-one-out

) breach;

@) violence;

) infraction;

) contravention.

* Find the odd-one-out

) excellence;

) merit;

) integrityy;

@) similarity.

* Find the odd-one-out

@) polite;

) vulgar;

) bad-mannered;

) tasteless.

* Colours are attributed ___ special meanings in China.

) of;

) on;

) in;

@) to.

* Chinese businesspeople largely rely ___ subjective feelings and personal experience.

@) on;

) in;

) at;

) to.

* Chinese businesspeople like subjective feelings and personal experience ___ forming opinions and solving problems.

) on;

@) in;

) at;

) to.

* Belief ___ the party line will be a dominant influence in all negotiations.

) on;

@) in;

) at;

) to.

* Responsibility for all decisions rests ___ the party and assorted government bureaucrats.

@) with;

) on;

) in;

) to.

* Individuals working within the network are still accountable ___ their own actions.

) to;

) into;

) onto;

@) for.

* In Chinese business culture the collectivist way of thinking still prevails even in sectors experimenting ___ free enterprise.

@) with;

) on;

) in;

) to.

* In Chinese business culture gold is ___.

) to enter a meeting room in hierarchical order;

) on hierarchy in Chinese business culture;

@) the colour of prestige;

) a breach of protocol.

* Not reading the card in China is ___.

) to enter a meeting room in hierarchical order;

) on hierarchy in Chinese business culture;

) the colour of prestige;

@) a breach of protocol.

* In accordance with Chinese business protocol people are expected ___.

@) to enter a meeting room in hierarchical order;

) on hierarchy in Chinese business culture;

) the colour of prestige;

) a breach of protocol.

* There is a strong emphasis ___.

) to enter a meeting room in hierarchical order;

@) on hierarchy in Chinese business culture;

) the colour of prestige;

) a breach of protocol.

* What colour should printed materials be in China?

) red;

) green;

) black;

@) black and white.

* What do Chinese businesspeople rely on in forming opinions and solving problems?

) facts;

) objective data;

) emotions;

@) subjective feelings and personal experience.

* What does "saving face" mean?

) protecting your face from the sun;

@) social standing and a person's reputation;

) personal standing and the society's reputation;

) keeping your face look healthy.

* A ……. came to our company to teach us new skills.

) line manager

@) trainer

) trainee

) customer

) colleague


) employee

) manufacturer

* The person who directly supervises me is my …….

@) line manager

) trainer

) trainee

) customer

) colleague


) employee

) manufacturer

* I learned my job when I was a …… during my first year.

) line manager

) trainer

@) trainee

) customer

) colleague


) employee

) manufacturer

* I own a small business with only one ….., who helps with office work.

) line manager

) trainer

) trainee

) customer

) colleague


@) employee

) manufacturer

* The ….. is the highest-ranking person in my company.

) line manager

) trainer

) trainee

) customer

) colleague

@) CEO

) employee

) manufacturer

* My company is a …… of electrical goods.

) line manager

) trainer

) trainee

) customer

) colleague


) employee

@) manufacturer

* I share my office with one …… and we work together on a lot of projects.

) line manager

) trainer

) trainee

) customer

?) colleague


) employee

) manufacturer

* My company’s biggest …. Is the car-maker BMW.

) line manager

) trainer

) trainee

@) customer

) colleague


) employee

) manufacturer

* I usually … a taxi when I go to head office.

@) take

) am

) taking

) took

* We … very busy these days.

@) are

) being

) was

) will

* OK, let’s … to business.

) see

) feel

@) get down

) hang on

) need

) talk about

) don’t

) offer

* The aims of this meeting are to … the training budget for this year.

) see

) feel

) get down

) hang on

) need

@) talk about

) don’t

) offer

* In my opinion, we … to work on team building.

) see

) feel

) get down

) hang on

@) need

) talk about

) don’t

) offer

* I … that we need to wait.

) see

) feel

) get down

) hang on

) need

) talk about

@) don’t think

) don’t

) offer

* Could you just … a moment please?

) see

) feel

) get down

@) hang on

) need

) talk about

) don’t

) offer

* OK, now, how do you … about training, Pat?

) see

@) feel

) get down

) hang on

) need

) talk about

) don’t

) offer

* Why … we plan a product training day soon?

) see

) feel

) get down

) hang on

) need

) talk about

@) don’t

) offer

* I … what you mean but I think we need to do more.

@) see

) feel

) get down

) hang on

) need

) talk about

) don’t

) offer

* We could … incentives, too.

) see

) feel

) get down

) hang on

) need

) talk about

) don’t

@) offer

* I prefer to take only carry-on…

) of our soft drinks in a popular TV show.

) class, when we travel for work.

) leader, but the challenger is selling very well.

) about 50 jobs will be cut.

) the staff to use it.

@) baggage when I travel by air.

* The T-445 is the market …

) of our soft drinks in a popular TV show.

) class, when we travel for work.

@) leader, but the challenger is selling very well.

) about 50 jobs will be cut.

) the staff to use it.

) baggage when I travel by air.

* When the New York branch is downsized, …

) of our soft drinks in a popular TV show.

) class, when we travel for work.

) leader, but the challenger is selling very well.

@) about 50 jobs will be cut.

) the staff to use it.

) baggage when I travel by air.

* To keep costs down, we all fly economy …

) of our soft drinks in a popular TV show.

@) class, when we travel for work.

) leader, but the challenger is selling very well.

) about 50 jobs will be cut.

) the staff to use it.

) baggage when I travel by air.

* After the new system is installed, we’ll retrain …

) of our soft drinks in a popular TV show.

) class, when we travel for work.

) leader, but the challenger is selling very well.

) about 50 jobs will be cut.

@) the staff to use it.

) baggage when I travel by air.

* We had a good result from the placement …

@) of our soft drinks in a popular TV show.

) class, when we travel for work.

) leader, but the challenger is selling very well.

) about 50 jobs will be cut.

) the staff to use it.

) baggage when I travel by air.

* We need to … decision-making to give middle management more control.

) relocate

) relaunch

@) decentralise

* Customer … means consumers like to keep buying our brand.

) image

@) loyalty

) awareness

* Americans usually say … for a “single” ticket

) round-trip

@) one-way

) return

* After the new team have had time to settle in, we’ll … the situation.

@) reassess

) upgrade

) deregulate

* In London, people talk about the … rather than the subway.

) motorway

) lift

@) underground

* When a famous actor says he uses a product, that’s called a/an …

@) endorsement

) launch

) share

* When you reduce the number of employees in an office, you call it …

@) downsizing

) desizing

) resizing

* At the end of a meal, a British person usually asks for the …

) check

) cost

@) bill

* A market … is customers of a similar age, income or social group.

) share

@) segment

) leader

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