Exercise 4. Put question to the given sentences

1. He will be a rock singer in future.

2. She is a teacher in college.

3. In her childhood she was fond of animals.

4. You will be abroad next summer.

5. We are tired today.

6. Ann was in the library yesterday afternoon.

Exercise 5. Translate into English.

1. Завтра нас не буде вдома.

2. Хто був радий бачити вас?

3. Ви не будете розчаровані.

4. Вони готові відповісти на ваше запитання?

5. Моя племінниця та племінник – інженери.

6. Буду щаслива вас бачити.

7. Всі книги були дуже цікаві.

8. Які доповіді були важливі?

9. Де бібліотека? Бібліотека –на 1 поверсі.

10. Конференція буде у вівторок.

11. Він буде підприємцем.

Exercise 6. Read and translate the following proverbs. Cover their meaning.

1. Time is money.

2. Time is a great healer.

3. Best defense is attack.

4. Silence is golden.

5. There is a skeleton in every house.

6. There is no smoke without fire.

7. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

8. While there is life, there is hope.

III. Pronouns


Personal pronouns Особові займенники Possessive pronouns Присвійні займенники
Проста форма Абсолютна форма
I you he she it we you they my - мій your - твій his - його her - її it - його, її our - наш your - ваш their – їх mine yours his her its ours yours theirs

Exercise 7. Fill in pronouns.

1. … have parents. … wife also has parents. 2. … are … mother-in-law and … father-in-law. 3. … parents are in Poltava. 4. … brother is in the army. 5. … family is in Kherson. 6. He has a wife. … name is Mary. 7. … has a son. 8. … name is Victor. 9. … family is large.

Exercise 8. Fill in pronouns.

1. This is … watch, and that is … (my, yours). 2. This is not … pencil, … is red (hers, her). 3. This picture is not … (our, ours). 4. These are … notes and those are … (theirs, our). 5. … name is Peter, … is John (my, his). 6. That bag is … (my, mine). 7. This girl is … daughter and that is … (his, hers).

IV. Numerals


Cardinal (how many?)


1 one 11 eleven 21 twenty –one
2 two 12 twelve 30 thirty
3 three 13 thirteen 40 forty
4 four 14 fourteen 50 fifty
5 five 15 fifteen 60 sixty
6 six 16 sixteen 70 seventy
7 seven 17 seventeen 80 eighty
8 eight 18 eighteen 90 ninety
9 nine 19 nineteen 100 one hundred
10 ten 20 twenty 200 two hundred

1 000 one thousand (a thousand)

2 000 two thousand

1 000 000 one million (a million)

2 372 538 two million three hundred and seventy-two thousand five hundred and thirty-six

Ordinal (which?)


1 first 11 eleventh
2 second 12 twelfth
3 third 13 thirteenth
4 fourth 14 fourteenth
5 fifth 21 twenty-first
6 sixth 1 000 one thousandth
7 seventh 1 000 000 one millionth
8 eighth  
9 ninth  
10 tenth  



1. What is the date today? It’s the fourth of January. (Br.E.) It’s January fourth. (Am.E)
2. When is your birthday? It’s the twenty-third of November. It’s November twenty-third.
3. When are you going to New York? I’m going on the third of March. I’m going on March third.
4/11/1969 the fourth of November, nineteen sixty-nine November fourth, nineteen sixty-nine

в 1900 році - in nineteen hundred

в 1909 році - in nineteen nine

in nineteen o (ou) nine

в 1969 – in nineteen sixty-nine

в 2000 B.C. – in two thousand (Before Christ)

в 2004 році – in two thousand (and) four/ in twenty oh four

в 2014 - in twenty fourteen

Telephone Numbers and Addresses Номери телефонів, адреси 1. Номери телефонів читаються окремими цифрами 769-8250 – seven six nine, eight two five oh 2. Адреси 741 Linden Avenue – seven, forty – one 6324 Kenwood – sixty-three, twenty-four 5100 Main Street – fifty-one hundred

Exercise 9. Read the following numbers. Make them ordinal.

41, 62, 89, 97, 17, 125, 796, 450, 1820, 25 129, 49 357, 151 583, 1 352 765.

Exercise 10. Translate into English:

9 травня 1945 року, 7 січня 1977 року, 6 серпня 2000 року, до 31 січня 2015 року, в липні 1996 року.

V. Prepositions of Time

Прийменники часу

at 5 o’clock, half past two, a quarter past six, ten minutes to seven, about eight o’clock
at sunrise, sunset, dawn, daybreak
in the morning, the afternoon, the evening, the daytime, January, February, March, etc. Winter, spring, summer, autumn, the year 1987, in 1993.
in June, October, December, 1978, 2002
in -через in an hour, in two weeks, in a month
on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday on the seventh of November On what day do you have English classes?
By - до By 6 o’clock, by Monday
But: This year, next week, last month How many times a week do you visit your parents?

Exercise 11. Fill in the prepositions:

1. Don’t come late. Come … nine o’clock. 2. What time is it? It is half … six. 3. We are going to leave … a quarter … ten. 4. It is twelve o’clock now. Come here in ten minutes, ten minutes … twelve. 5. Is it a quarter … three? 6. We must work … eight … five o’clock. 7. The train arrives … ten.

About Myself

VI. Vocabulary

1. first / Christian / given name ім’я
2. middle name / patronymic по батькові
3. surname / last name / family name прізвище
4. full name повне ім’я
5. nickname прізвисько
6. to be married Ant: to be divorced бути одруженим
7. to be single бути неодруженим

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