Now return to your original partner and share and talk about what you found out. Make mini-presentations to other groups on your findings
1. Discuss in pairs:
- What springs to mind when you hear the word ‘tourism’?
- Do you like to get off the beaten track?
- What is the ‘all’ in ‘get away from it all’?
- Where is your perfect holiday destination?
- Do you think Antarctica should be set up as a holiday destination?
- How long do you think it will be before there is serious environmental damage in Antarctica?
- Are there any pristine parts of your country?
- Is it a good idea to auction holiday places to the highest bidders?
- What do you imagine vacationing in a frozen wilderness to be like?
- Is modern tourism a force for good?
- Should we now do what we can to keep Earth’s unspoiled places unspoiled?
- Where are there usually hordes of tourists? Have you ever been part of the hordes?
- Do you think Antarctica should become a country?
- What does Antarctica mean to the world?
- What delicate ecosystems are there in your country?
Write a magazine article about tourism in Antarctica. Include imaginary interviews with a tour company CEO who sees millions of dollars of profit and a penguin who wants Antarctica to be left alone. Read what you wrote to your classmates the next lesson. Write down any new words and expressions you hear from your partner(s).
Look up the translation of the following words and word combinations in the dictionary:
1) appeal (to) (v) I think Jane Austen’s novels probably appealmore towomen.
2) attach importance to sth (phr) Women attachgreater importance tobirthdays than men.
3) attract(v) Have you ever lied about your age to attractsomebody?
4) class(n) (U) At the end of the story love overcomes differences in class.
5) compared with Three out of four women buy new clothes to attract somebody, compared withone in five men.
6) cross paths (phr) If two people cross paths, they meet.
7) delighted (adj) Mrs Bennet is delightedwhen Mr Bingley is attracted to one of her daughters.
8) despise (v) If you despisesomeone, you strongly dislike them.
9) diet (v) If you diet, you eat less to lose weight.
10) eligible (adj) Mrs Bennet wants to find wealthy husbands for her eligibledaughters.
11) enormous(adj) Something that is enormousis extremely big.
12) estate (n) An estateis a very large area of land that belongs to one person.
13) executioner (n) An executioneris someone whose job is to kill criminals.
14) fate (n) Fateis the power that is supposed to control people’s lives.
15) be in favour of (phr) Men aremore in favour ofmarriage than women.
16) gradually (adv) Mr Darcy graduallygrows more interested in Elizabeth.
17) grow interested (phr) At first he considers her inferior but then growsmore interestedin her.
18) handsome(adj) A handsomeman is good-looking.
19) hilarious (adj) Something that is hilariousis extremely funny.
20) I don’t care. (phr) “How do you feel if your partner forgets your birthday?” “I don’t care.”
21) infatuated (adj) Someone who is infatuatedis in love with another person even though they may not know that person well.
22) inferior (to) (adj) If you think someone is socially inferior toyou, you think they are not as wealthy or important as you.
23) knock a few years off (phr) If you knock a few years offyour age, you lie and say you are younger than you are.
24) lie (v) People sometimes lieabout their age to try to attract a partner.
25) live up to sth (phr v) Tom Hanks said he felt confident that he lived up tohis reputation as “Mr Nice Guy”.
26) Mr Nice Guy(n) “Mr Nice Guy” is an expression for a man who is always kind and thinks of other people.
27) neighbouring (adj) “Neighbouring” is a word meaning “near the place where you live”.
28) overcome (v) A t the end of the story love overcomesdifferences in class.
29) prejudice (n) A prejudiceis an unreasonable feeling of not liking someone or something.
30) pride (n) Prideis a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction about something you have achieved.
31) put on (a few kilos) (phr) If you put on a few kilos, you gain a few kilos in weight.
32) rebellious (adj) Someone who is rebelliousdoes not accept authority or accepted rules.
33) relate (to) (v) I found the characters irritating and silly, and couldn’t relate tothem at all.
34) save the planet (phr) If you want to save the planet, you want to help the environment by reducing pollution.
35) significant (adj) A significantnumber of men and women admitted they had lied about their age.
36) similarly (adv) “Similarly” is a word that means “in the same way”.
37) solar-powered (adj) A machine that is solar-poweredgets its energy from the sun.
38) take an instant dislike (phr) Elizabeth takesan instant disliketo Darcy because she thinks he is superior.
39) take risks (phr) I don’t take risks– I always read books by authors I know.
40) wait ages (phr) “You’re late!” “I’m sorry, I had to wait agesfor a bus.”
41) wealthy(adj) Someone who is wealthyhas a lot of money.
42) witty (adj) Something that is wittyis clever in an amusing way.
Adjectives ending in –ed
1) annoyed If you feel annoyed, you feel slightly angry.
2) bored The film was too long and we got bored.
3) challenged If you feel challenged, you feel slightly worried or frightened of something difficult.
4) confused If you feel confused, you don’t know what to think or feel.
5) excited I get really excitedwhen one of my favourite authors brings out a new book.
6) exhausted If you feel exhausted, you feel very tired.
7) fascinated I’m fascinatedby biographies of famous people.
8) inspired If you feel inspiredto do something, you really want to do it.
9) interested Some people are more interestedin films than books.
10) relaxed W e feel nice and relaxedafter the holiday.
11) tired I usually feel tiredafter a day at work.
12) worried What are you so worriedabout?
Adjectives ending in –ing
1. annoying Something that is annoyingmakes you feel slightly angry.
2. boring I read the first page and if it’s boring, I don’t buy the book.
3. challenging Something that is challengingis difficult to achieve.
4. confusing Something that is confusingis difficult to understand.
5. engaging Characters who are engagingare attractive and easy to like.
6. exciting The book was really exciting– I couldn’t put it down.
7. exhausting Something that is exhaustingmakes you feel very tired.
8. fascinating Something that is fascinatingis extremely interesting.
9. gripping The book wasn’t just exciting – it was gripping!
10. inspiring I find strong women in history particularly inspiring.
11. interesting What I find interestingin a book is the relationships between the characters.
12. relaxing Reading a book in a hot bath is very relaxing.
13. thought-provoking Something that is thought-provokingis stimulating and intriguing.
14. tiring Something that is tiringmakes you feel tired.
15. worrying Something that is worryingmakes you feel worried.
1) author (n) Who’s your favourite author?
2) autobiography (n) An autobiographyis a book that a person writes about their own life.
3) bestseller (n) A bestselleris a book that sells a lot of copies.
4) biography (n) A biographyis a book about a person’s life written by someone else.
5) book review (n) Book reviewsare articles written by a journalist about new books.
6) can’t put it down(phr v)The book was gripping – I just couldn’t put it down!
7) chapter (n) Books are divided into chapters.
8) (central/main) character (n) The centralfemale characterin Pride and Prejudice is Elizabeth Bennet.
9) cover (n) If the coverof a book looks interesting, I buy it.
10) difficult to get into (phr) The book was a bit difficult to get intoat first, but I ended up really enjoying it.
11) fantasy (n) A fantasybook is a book about an imaginary world.
12) fiction (n) I never read fictionbut I love biographies.
13) novel (n) Pride and Prejudice is a classic romantic novel.
14) paperback (n) A paperbackis a book with a soft cover.
15) plot (n) The plotof a story is the things that happen during the story.
16) revolve around (phr v) The storyline of Pride and Prejudice revolves aroundMr and Mrs Bennet and their daughters.
17) romantic novel (n) Pride and Prejudice is a classic romantic novel.
18) science fiction (n) Science fictionis books and films about imaginary future events and characters.
19) be set in (phr v) Pride and Prejudice is set inEngland in the early 19th century.
20) short story (n) A short storyis a short piece of fiction.
21) the story unfolds (phr) As the story unfoldstrue love overcomes all obstacles.
22) storyline (n) The “storyline” is a word that means the same as “plot”.
23) take place (v) Pride and Prejudice takes placein England in the early 19th century.
24) well written (adj) Jane Austen’s novels are all very well written.
1) acting (n) The actingin the film was brilliant.
2) action film (n) An action filmis one in which there are a lot of interesting, exciting events.
3) be based on (v) Forrest Gump is based ona true story.
4) comedy (n) A comedyis a film that makes you laugh.
5) direct (v) I can’t remember who directedForrest Gump.
6) director (n) The film won six Oscars, including best director.
7) ending (n) Does the film have a happy or sad ending?
8) footage (n) Forrest Gump contains black and white footagefrom the 60s.
9) gangster film (n) A gangster filmis about the activities of gangs of criminals.
10) a hit (n) The film was areal hitand won six Oscars.
11) horror film (n) A horror filmis a film that is intended to frighten people.
12) leading actor (n) The leading actorin Forrest Gump is Tom Hanks.
13) love story (n) A love storyis about a romantic relationship between two people.
14) make you cry (phr) “The film made you cry, didn’t it?” “No, it didn’t, I’ve got a cold.”
15) musical (n) A musicalis a film that contains a lot of songs.
16) photography (n) The photographyis the photographs and images that are shown during a film.
17) play the part of (phr) Tom Hanks also plays the part ofthe executioner in The Green Mile.
18) premier(n) The premierof a film is the occasion on which it is shown for the first time.
19) romantic comedy (n) A romantic comedyis a film about a romance that is also amusing.
20) science fiction film (n) A science fictionfilm is about imaginary future events and characters.
21) soundtrack (n) The soundtrackis the music that accompanies a film.
22) special effects (n pl) The special effectsare all done using computers.
23) spy film (n) A spy filmis about people who find out secret information about a country or organisation.
24) subtitles (n pl) The subtitlesare the words appearing at the bottom of a screen to translate what people are saying in a foreign film.
25) a (sentimental) tearjerker (n) A sentimental tearjerkeris a film that makes you cry.
26) thriller (n) A thrilleris a film about something exciting or dangerous, such as a crime.
27) war film (n) War filmsare about war.
28) western (n) A westernis a film about cowboys.
29) win (six) Oscars (phr) Forrest Gump was a very successful film that won six Oscars.
1) album (n) What’s your favourite track on the album?
2) band (n) Who’s your favourite band?
3) blues (n) Bluesis a type of slow, sad music that originally comes from the southern US.
4) classical (adj) Do you prefer classicalor pop music?
5) dance(n) Dancemusic is very popular.
6) gig (n) A gigis a public performance of popular music.
7) hip-hop (n) Hip-hopis a type of music that uses rap combined with musical instruments.
8) lyrics (n pl) The lyricsare the words of a song.
9) opera (n) An operais a type of play that is sung to classical music.
10) orchestra(n) An orchestrais a large group of musicians who play classical music on different instruments.
11) perform live (phr) We saw the band performing liveat Wembley – they were brilliant.
12) reggae (n) Reggaeis a type of music that developed in Jamaica in the 1960s.
13) stereo system (n) The sound’s not very good – I think there’s a problem with the stereo system.
14) techno (n) I can’t stand all that technostuff – I like it when you can hear the lyrics!
15) track (n) The album is made up of twelve tracks.
Supplementary Reading
1. Read and translate the text:
Why women are up against it?
Someone once observed that a glass ceiling blocks women's rise to the top. But it seems more like a concrete ceiling. The following could be what's stopping women:
· Because boys are taken more seriously than girls at school.
· Because some female high achievers, such as Margaret Thatcher, often don’t promote other women.
· Because women have babies.
· Because men think women won’t be as committed to their jobs once they have a child.
· Because “women get all moody and useless once a month”.
· Because a woman is still judged on her looks.
· Because women think men won't love them any more if they're successful.
· Because women are busy doing housework when they could be training, impressing the boss and networking.
· Because “women’s brains are smaller”.
· Because working mothers are made to feel guilty.
· Because women are told to start out as secretaries, and good secretaries rarely get promoted.
· Because not enough women have the courage or confidence to speak out about inequality
· Because women say sorry, sorry, sorry all the time.
· Because women are either too tough or not tough enough.
· Because men fear and distrust powerful women.
· Because no one ever thinks of calling the father when a child is ill.
· Because a lot of men genuinely think of themselves as superior to women.
· Because some men just don't listen to what women are saying.
· Just because.
Exercises on the text
1. Scan the article. Which sentences have almost the same meaning as these?
1. When a child has a problem, people refer to the mother first.
- Successful women should show more solidarity with other women.
- Women apologize too much.
- If you are at the bottom of a company, you will probably stay at the bottom.
- Women are either weak or aggressive.
- To be successful, women have to be pretty.
- Women with children don’t work so hard at the office (according to men).
2. Can you think of another title for the article, without using the expressions “glass ceiling" or "concrete ceiling"?
3. Which are the most important points in the article? Choose the top three and explain them in your own words.
4. Make up two more sentences beginning “Because..." to add to the article. Discuss them with your partner.
1. Discuss in pairs: think about women who have successful careers. Choose one - it could be a member of your family, a friend, or a famous woman you know about. Tell your partner about her. Has she succeeded in a man's world? Does she also look after a family? What about particular problems she might have in her career? Has she experienced sexist attitudes from men, or even from other women?
2. Give parents some advice on how to avoid "stereotyping" when they bring up their daughters and sons. Write six points like this example:
"Don't give boys more attention than girls, even if they want it."
1. Translate the sentences from Russian into English using the vocabulary of the unit:
1) Во время проведения опроса лишь немногие женщины признались, что зачастую они скрывают свой истинный возраст, чтобы произвести более благоприятное впечатление на представителей противоположного пола.
2) В современном мире многие молодые люди отнюдь не стремятся вступать в брак, хотя их родители представляют веские доводы в пользу создания семьи.
3) Моя жена настаивает на том, чтобы я больше времени проводил с детьми и помогал ей по дому. Но признаться честно, возня с детьми и мытье полов, выводя меня из себя.
4) Если вы спросите меня о том, какая музыка мне нравиться больше всего, то мне сложно будет ответить на этот вопрос, т.к. я люблю и джаз, и классическую музыку, более того, я являюсь поклонником оперы. Кстати, как насчет того, чтобы сходить на концерт живой музыки?
5) «Гордость и предубеждение» - это настолько захватывающее произведение великой Джейн Остин, что просто не возможно оторваться от книги, не прочитав ее от корки до корки.
6) Мои музыкальные предпочтения так и не изменились с течением времени. Мне по прежнему нравятся блюзовые композиции и саудтреки ко многим романтическим фильмам. Недавно я побывал на музыкальном концерте и могу признаться, что потрясающее мастерство исполнителей произвело на меня неизгладимое впечатление.
7) Моя старшая сестра говорит, что скучные исторические драмы наводят на нее смертную тоску, а глупые комедии и слезливые любовные драмы раздражают. А вот фильмы ужасов, наполненные различными спецэффектами, заставляют ее сердце биться чаще.
8) Вчера я очень расстроилась и разозлилась. Мой муж в очередной раз забыл о годовщине нашей свадьбы. Свою забывчивость он объяснил сильной занятостью на работе и так и не признал своей вины.
9) Представляешь, меня недавно спросили, как я отношусь к тому, чтобы мужчины сидели дома и присматривали за детьми, а женщины делали карьеру и зарабатывали деньги. Я ответил, что это абсолютно неприемлемо.
10) Как правило, бестселлерами становятся те произведения, которые заставляют задуматься, пробуждают в вас новые идеи. Не важно, где разворачивается действие, главное, чтобы сюжет был полон самых неожиданных поворотов, а главные герои были правдоподобны и их истории вызывали живой отклик в ваших сердцах.
11) Широко распространено мнение, что женщина за рулем представляет серьезную опасность для других участников движения. Или что красивые женщины не могут быть умны. Подобные стереотипы не могут не раздражать современных женщин.
12) Постепенно все больше и больше работодателей принимают решение назначать именно женщин на руководящие должности.
13) Знаете, я предпочитаю не рисковать, и прежде чем купить дорогую вещь, я собираю информацию о ней в Интернете. Так, все мои приобретения еще ни разу не разочаровали меня.
14) Биографии выдающихся людей вдохновляют меня на новые свершения. А их достижения бросают своеобразный вызов и мне.
15) Сюжет этого вестерна настолько интересен, что я посмотрел фильм на одном дыхании.
1. Before listening to the article look at the headline of the article and guess whether these sentences are true (T) or false (F):