Elements of Design. Texture
I. Go through the following list of words and note their meaning.
English | Phonetics | Translation |
absorb, (v) | [əbˈsɔ:b] | поглощать |
addition,(prep) | [əˈdɪʃən] | кроме того |
affects, (v) | [ə'fekt] | влиять |
although, (prep) | [ɔ:lˈðəu] | хотя, не взирая на |
appear, (v) | [əˈpɪə] | казаться |
certain, (adj) | [ˈsə:tn] | определённый |
consider, (v) | [kənˈsɪdə] | полагать, считать |
cork, ( n) | [kɔ:k] | пробка |
desired, (adj) | [dɪˈzaɪə] | желаемый |
determination, ( n) | [dɪˌtə:mɪˈneɪʃən] | определение |
dimensional, (adj) | [dɪˈmenʃənl] | размерный |
discern, (v) | [dɪˈsə:n] | различать |
enhance, (v) | [ɪnˈhɑ:ns] | улучшать |
evaluate, (v) | [ɪˈvæljueɪt] | оценивать |
felt, ( n) | [felt] | фетр, войлок |
gloss, ( n) | [ɡlɔs] | глянец |
illusion, ( n) | [ɪˈlu:ʒən] | иллюзия |
imperfection, ( n) | [ˌɪmpəˈfekʃən] | дефект, недостаток |
instance, ( n) | [ˈɪnstəns] | пример |
layer, ( n) | ['leɪə] | слой |
maintain, (v) | [meɪnˈteɪn] | поддерживать |
matte, (adj) | [mæt] | матовый |
meaning, ( n) | [ˈmi:nɪŋ] | значение |
merely, (prep) | [ˈmɪəlɪ] | просто |
monotony, ( n) | [məˈnɔtnɪ] | монотонность |
muted, (adj) | [ˈmju:tɪd] | приглушенный |
pattern, ( n) | [ˈpætən] | образец |
polish, (v) | ['pɔlɪʃ] | полировать |
possess, (v) | [pəˈzes] | обладать |
prevent, (v) | [prɪˈvent] | предотвращать |
rather, (prep) | [ˈrɑ:ðə] | скорее, вернее |
reflect, (v) | [rɪˈflekt] | отражать |
shadow, ( n) | [ˈʃædəu] | тень |
sheen, ( n) | [ʃi:n] | блеск |
significant, (adj) | [sɪɡˈnɪfɪkənt] | существенный, важный |
smooth, (adj) | [smu:ð] | гладкий |
sponging,(v) | [spʌndʒ] | протирание |
sufficient, (adj) | [səˈfɪʃənt] | достаточный |
surface, ( n) | [ˈsə:fɪs] | поверхность |
tactile, (adj) | [ˈtæktaɪl] | осязательный |
themselves,(pron ) | [ðəmˈselvz] | сами,себя |
three-dimensional, (adj) | [θri: dɪˈmenʃənl | трёхмерный |
variety, ( n) | [vəˈraɪətɪ] | разнообразие |
visual, (adj) | [ˈvɪzjuəl] | визуальный |
II. Before you read discuss this question:
With what purpose do interior designers use texture?
III. Reading tasks
A. Understanding main points
Read the text about texture and answer questions below the text:
The features of a surface, both its construction and its finish, are its texture. Texture is a sensory experience that may be tactile, meaning that it can be felt by touch, in addition to being visual.
Certain visual textures merely appear to possess a three-dimensional structure that could be felt. For example, a simple faux(meaning fake) painting technique, called sponging, layers colors so that the surface appears to have a structural texture. Although the sponged surface is flat to the touch, visual interest is enhanced by this illusion of tactile texture, as if it had depth. Trompe l'oeilis another artistic technique that tricks the eye so that the viewer imagines a structure having significant three-dimensionality rather than being flat.
Texture becomes even more significant when the colors used in a space are muted or uniform. In these instances, a variety in textures serves to prevent monotony. A mix of coarse and smooth, large- or small-scale textures maintains greater visual interest than surfaces that have uniform textures.
Light plays a significant role in how texture is perceived. Shiny surfaces, such as a highly polished metal, reflect light. Matte surfaces, such as cork, absorb light. Again, designers need to consider the desired effect. Paint sheens, for example, vary from highly reflective or gloss to flat or matte. The glossier the sheen level selected, the more visible imperfections will appear. The angle of light across a surface projects shadows that change the way in which we see the texture and may even create patterns.
Distance affects the way in which we perceive texture. As with pattern, for texture to be perceived from a distance, the detail must be of sufficient size for the dimensional quality of the surface to be discerned. When designers are selecting finishes, the samples they evaluate need to be large enough, and viewed at varying distances and under varying lighting conditions, to enable a determination of how they will actually present themselves in the space.
1. What is texture?
2. Why do interior designers use texture?
3. How could texture be perceived?
4. What influences the way we perceive texture?
B.Understanding details
Mark these statements T (true) or F (false) according to the information in the text. Find the part of the text that gives the correct information.
1. Texture is a sensory experience that may be tactile, meaning that it can be felt by touch, in addition to being visual.
2. Visual textures appear to possess a two-dimensional structure.
3. Texture becomes less significant when the colors used in a space are muted or uniform.
4. Distance affects the way in which we perceive texture.
5. A mix of coarse and smooth, large – or small- scale textures maintains little visual interest than surfaces that have uniform textures.
IV. Vocabulary tasks
A. Definitions
Match these terms with their definitions.
1.tactile | a. area of shade, dark shape, thrown on the ground, a wall, floor, etc by something which cuts off the direct ways of light. |
2.texture | b. one of a number, part of a whole, taken to show what the rest is like. |
3.shadow | c. the state of being monotonous. |
4.monotony | d.a material consisting of compressed fibers of wood bonded together in sheets. |
5.sample | e. |
B. Collocations
Match the words on the left with their synonyms on the right
1.percieve | a. add to |
2.texture | b. knowledge |
3.experience | c. room |
4.paint | d. dye |
5.space | e. plane |
6. flat | f. fabric |
7.gloss | g. be aware of (discern) |
8. enhance | Brilliant |
C. Understanding meanings
Choose the best explanation for the phrase
a. A material consisting of compressed fibers of wood bonded together in sheets.
b. The features of a surface, comprising both its construction and its finish.
2. Trompe l’oeil
a. A term that refers to the reflectance of light by a surface layer; used in describing paint.
b. An artistic technique that tricks the eye so that the viewer imagines a two-dimensional plane as having three-dimensionality rather than being flat; a decorative painting technique that simulates a material such as marble or details so realistic that they do not appear to be painted.
V. Complete the sentences
1. Texture may be visual or tactile, or …
2. Texture is a tool that interior designers use to create …
3. Texture becomes even more significant when the colors used in space …
4. A mix of coarse and smooth, large- or small – scale textures maintains …
5. Distance affects the way …
6. For texture to be perceived from distance, the detail …
VI. Over to you
Scavenger Hunt: New materials and Applications
Use any research technique or a combination of methods to develop a list of new products or applications for lining interior spaces. Your list should feature products or uses of products that are not described in this text-those that are truly “hot off the press”, so to speak. Include at least one new product or application that is suitable for finishing each of the following surfaces: floor, wall, and ceiling. Summarize each product and include a description and illustration. In your summary, consider the relationship of the product to such factors as aesthetics, green design, universal design, and life –cycle coast.
Visit showrooms, manufacturing sites, projects sites, or trade shows. You may also review catalogs, trade and shelter publications, articles, news briefs, and books. Researching Web sites may also provide information.
Unit 8.