Good-humoured and kind, but it was distressingly clear that she was no more

To him than a comrade.

Yet she knew (в тоже время она знала) that he was not in love with anybody else

(что он не был влюблен ни в кого еще). The love-letters that women wrote to

Good-humoured and kind, but it was distressingly clear that she was no more - Good-humoured and kind, but it was distressingly clear that she was no more - Good-humoured and kind, but it was distressingly clear that she was no more -

him (те любовные письма, что писали ему женщины) he read out to Julia with a

chuckle (он зачитывал Джулии вслух с усмешкой), and when they sent him

flowers (и когда они посылали ему цветы) he immediately gave them to her (он

немедленно передаривал: «давал» их ей).

"What blasted fools they are (какие чертовы дурехи они; blasted —

разрушенный, взорванный, проклятый)," he said. "What the devil do they think

(что, черт возьми, они думают; what the devil — что за черт, какого черта)

they're going to get out of it (они смогут добиться всем этим)?"

"I shouldn't have thought (не думаю, что) it very hard to guess that (очень

сложно догадаться; to guess — догадываться, предполагать)," said Julia dryly

(сказала Джулия сухо).

Although she knew (хотя она знала, что) he took these attentions so lightly (он

так легко воспринимает эти знаки внимания; attention — внимание, забота,

благосклонность) she could not help feeling angry and jealous (она не могла не

чувствовать себя рассерженной и не ревновать; cannot help doing smth. —

быть не в состоянии удержаться от чего-либо).

"I should be a damned fool (я был бы треклятым дураком) if I got myself mixed

up (если бы связался; to get mixed up — связаться, спутаться) with some

woman in Middlepool (с какой-нибудь женщиной из Миддлпула). After all

(кроме того), they're mostly flappers (в большинстве своем они просто

девчонки; flapper — девушка-подросток, молодая женщина /особ. ветреная,

взбалмошная, без особых моральных устоев/). Before I knew where I was (не

успею я и глазом моргнуть: «до того, как я узнаю, где я») I'd have some irate

father coming along (ко мне явится какой-нибудь разгневанный отец: «у меня

будет разгневанный отец на подходе») and saying, now you must marry the girl

(и скажет, что теперь ты должен жениться на девочке)."

chuckle ['tSAk(q)l] guess [ges] jealous ['dZelqs]

Yet she knew that he was not in love with anybody else. The love-letters that

Good-humoured and kind, but it was distressingly clear that she was no more - Good-humoured and kind, but it was distressingly clear that she was no more - Good-humoured and kind, but it was distressingly clear that she was no more - Good-humoured and kind, but it was distressingly clear that she was no more -

Women wrote to him he read out to Julia with a chuckle, and when they sent

Him flowers he immediately gave them to her.

"What blasted fools they are," he said. "What the devil do they think they're

going to get out of it?"

"I shouldn't have thought it very hard to guess that," said Julia dryly.

Although she knew he took these attentions so lightly she could not help

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