Study the following target patterns and translate into Russian the sentences below each box
Ignorance isn’t the same as prejudice either.
Невежество тоже не тождественно предубеждению.
1. It is not easy to speak fluently either.
2. Poor writers cannot see and manage the whole either.
3. He is not ready to accept sharp criticism either.
4. I would not like this work to be graded either.
It’s the rare examples of change being resisted with violence.
Именно исключительно важным переменам оказывают неистовое сопротивление.
1. It is the essay being comprised of a problem, cause and effect.
2. This crisis is the result of fatal educational principles being accepted by vocational schools.
3. The ever-growing number of subjects being taught at colleges require no examinations.
4. The attempts being made at village schools to provide modern teaching technologies are failing because of the lack of computers.
5. Ignorance being exposed inflicts much pain.
6. Nowadays most people suffer from diseases being caused by poor ecology.
7. It is the rarest time in the world to find a person being criticized so unfairly.
A prejudiced person to avoid the pain of blaming himself turns the blame on others.
Человек с предубеждениями обвиняет других чтобы не испытывать боль, обвиняя самого себя.
1. Doing this he can save himself from harm.
2. They were themselves the objects of prejudice.
3. A child starts thinking of himself as dangerous too.
4. The basic rule of this writer is to create something to please himself.
5. These children did not behave themselves at the lesson.
6. A prejudiced person behaves toward the whole group as if there were no individual differences among its members.
7. When giving your opinion be careful not to talk about yourself, otherwise you may seem to focus on yourself not your subject.
8. Inferior people tend to blame scapegoats to feel comfortable.
9. A child is asked to wash every time he gets dirty.
10. Educational institutions that permit students to indulge themselves in such a manner contribute to the decay of a democracy.
Parents can and do communicate prejudice.
Родители могут передавать и действительно передают свои предрассудки (детям).
1. It does take a man or woman of real integrity to give a lower grade.
2. If a student did learn intellectual responsibility he will never turn in an inadequate paper.
3. Many countries do evolve rapidly into knowledge – based societies.
4. He seldom did write a story fit to print.
Whether achildgraduates from this stage to correct thinking or to prejudiced thinking depends on his experience with his teachers and parents.
Перейдет ли ребенок из этой стадии к правильному пониманию, или у него сформируется предвзятое мнение, зависит от его опыта общения с преподавателями и родителями.
1. Whether he must be criticized for ill-behavior doesn’t matter.
2. Whether to introduce a radically new system or not is up to him to decide.
3. Whether you will choose the proper word depends on your literacy.
4. Whether he jokes or serious is defined by his mood.
5. Whether the project will be adopted or rejected is a matter of chance.
Just as the Jews once symbolically piled all their guilt on a goat …, so these prejudiced people make scapegoats out of Negroes, Russians, … women.
Подобно тому, как евреи когда-то символически возложили свои грехи на козла отпущения, таким же образом и люди с предубеждениями делают козлами отпущения то негров, то русских, то … женщин.
1. Just as anyone who spoke of intense physical training as an easy enterprise so anyone who speaks of learning as a source of enjoyment only would be thought a fool.
2. Just as universities have established social contacts with societies so governments have denied the nature of these contacts with universities.
3. Just as parents promote prejudice so children organize their life experience.
Insecure people respond to others as if these groups were all alike.
Плохо осведомленные люди относятся к другим группам (людей) так, как если бы они все были одинаковыми.
1. He behaves as if he wanted to be regarded as an unprejudiced person.
2. You should treat others as if they were your friends.
3. He persisted in his belief as if it were proved documentally.
4. You are looking as if your were afraid to be caught unaware.
5. He makes sweeping judgments as if he were a child.
Other studies have shown that young adults are much freer of prejudice than older ones.
Другие исследования показали, что молодые люди намного более свободны от предрассудков, чем люди в зрелом возрасте.
1. Each of these may contribute to development either as a prejudiced person or a tolerant one.
2. A best writer has many ideas while a poor one has few ones.
3. This book is one of a few devoted to the moral side of education.
4. Industrial production is steadily shifting from labor – intensive products to knowledge – intensive ones.
Fortunately, we seem today to be making progress in the question of less prejudiced belief and behavior.
К счастью, кажется, что в настоящее время мы менее предвзяты в своих убеждениях и поступках.
1. School is certain to have exerted a healthy influence on educating a tolerant personality.
2. Some generalizations turned out to be true and useful.
3. Southerners are likely to have darkly pigmented skin and nearly always curly hair.
4. Conforming prejudice is supposed to be easily given up.
5. Prejudiced people are more likely to make scapegoats out of those who fit their need.
6. These judgments turn out to have been made in a hurry.