Chore is another word for a job which is regular and unpleasant. It is often used for jobs around the house. Read and discuss the story of Mrs Green

My day starts at 6.30 a.m. Then I make breakfast for my husband and children. I do the dishes, make the beds and take the children to nursery school.

During the morning I dust the furniture, vacuum the floors, clean the rooms, wash three loads of laundry in the washing machine, iron the linen and mend it. I take the garbage away and water my plants.

I do shopping. Sometimes I have to visit everyday service establishments: shoemaker’s, drycleaner’s, tailor’s.

I collect the children and then make lunch. Then comes the evening meal for the family and more dishes.

1) Which of the chores above do you/would you find most unpleasant? Why?

2) Which of the chores do you do very often? Occasionally?

3) Which of the chores have you never done? Why not?

d) Do you think housework is shared fairly among the members of your family?

Each noun and each verb in the boxes relates to one or more of the chores in the table below. Group them together by listing the words in the most relevant column.

mop rinse dry up stir sweep wipe scrub beat scour soak wring fold drain scorch chop press
sponge broom brush bucket ironing board cloth detergent dustpan chopping board bowl tea towel
  Cleaning the floor Washing up Washing a sweater Ironing a blouse Making dinner

10. Here is a list of domestic jobs/ household chores people hate most:

1. doing the washing-up 2. cleaning bathrooms 3. ironing 4. scrubbing floors 5. dusting 6. vacuuming 7. cleaning windows 8. cooking

Discuss with your group-mates:

What are three types of housework you most hate doing? Why?

How much time do you spend every week doing housework?

Speak about your manner of doing housework.

What should be done to make your mother’s life easier?

Here’s some of the chores that kids can generally do by certain ages, according to Mrs. Clean Jeans’ Housekeeping With Kids. Each list builds on the one that precedes it.

Tasks for kids ages 6 to 9 - Make the bed. - Feed pets. - Put away groceries. - Set and clear table. - Tidy bedroom.
Chore is another word for a job which is regular and unpleasant. It is often used for jobs around the house. Read and discuss the story of Mrs Green -
Chore is another word for a job which is regular and unpleasant. It is often used for jobs around the house. Read and discuss the story of Mrs Green - Tasks for kids ages 3 to 5

■Put away toys and games.

■ Dust low furniture.

■ Return CDs, DVDs and videos to their cases.

■Water plants. Help fold laundry.

Tasks for kids ages 14 to 17 a)Clean toilet, sinks and tubs. b) Organize closet c) Prepare meals. ■ Clean the shower.
Chore is another word for a job which is regular and unpleasant. It is often used for jobs around the house. Read and discuss the story of Mrs Green -

Tasks for kids ages 10 to 13 1. Make lunch for school. 2. Unload dishwasher. 3. Sort, wash and fold laundry. 4. Clean windows. 5. Shovel snow

Chore is another word for a job which is regular and unpleasant. It is often used for jobs around the house. Read and discuss the story of Mrs Green -

Look through this newspaper article. Agree or disagree with the experts. Express your opinion on this problem. Are you keen on doing things about the house yourself or do you prefer to get things done? Use standard phrases given below.

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