These words have been left out of Nick’s theatre visiting story below. Say where they go and retell Nick’s impressions to your groupmates

actors seats audience performance reviews sets lobby cast programme stage

To tell the truth, I had a special liking for the Yanka Kupala Academic Theatre. As far as I know it is one of the oldest theatres in your republic. Yesterday my friends invited me to see an ambiguous... of Simon-Musician. Leaving our coats in the cloakroom, we passed on to the… We bought a… and occupied our… The theatre was full. There was hardly any vacant seat. It was grand, magnificent and a landmark. The …were realistic and costumes were wonderful. It was a good… acting with an absolutely fascinating charm and power. Within seconds, the… managed to create a field of energy around lifeless Symon – played by Alexander Molchanov. We enjoyed the play greatly. The… kept the actors on the… for a long time after the performance. The main actors were presented with flowers. The way Nicolay Pinigin had organized the performance was excellent and it got rave… in the papers.

Let’s phone to the book-office and try to reserve tickets. The table given above will help you.

Talking About Performances

Svetlov is a great theatre-goer. So once after the talks he asked Mr. Dunn:

Svetlov: What is on at London theatres now?

Dunn: ____1_____. The Covent Garden Theatre is famous for opera and ballet performances with the best English singers, ballerinas and ballet-dancers. The National Theatre shows the best in the world drama. Some theatres put on modern plays and at others you can sometimes enjoy good musicals, folk songs concerts or concerts of “pop” music.

Svetlov: Mr. Dunn. I’ve heard very much about the Royal Shakespeare Theatre. It’s in Stratford-on-Avon, isn’t it?

Dunn: Right. But in 1960 the Royal Shakespeare Company also began to perform at the Aldwych Theatre in London where they put on both classical and new plays.

Svetlov: Have you seen any performances on the stage of the Stratford Theatre?

Dunn: Oh yes. As a matter of fact my wife and I were there a couple of months ago and saw “Othello”.

Svetlov: What did you think of it?

Dunn: It was an excellent performance. The cast was very good, except for the actress who played the part of Desdemona. ____2_____.

Svetlov: What was wrong with her performance?

Dunn: Well, ____3____. During the interval everyone was saying that.

Svetlov: How about the actor who played the part of Othello?

Dunn: Oh, his performance was very convincing and dramatic. There were seven or eight curtain calls for him, when the performance was over.

Svetlov: There was a full house, I believe.

Dunn: Yes, indeed! ___4____. Anyway, Mr.Svetlov, I recommend you to go and see some play at the Aldwych Theatre. ___5____.

Svetlov: This sounds a good idea.

1. a) It is an extremely popular theatre. b) This play always has a full house. c) The house was rather thin. 4. a) You’ll enjoy it. b) It is worth seeing. c) The play turned out a frost.
2. a) She was rather ordinary. b) There was so much emotion in her acting that many cried. c) Her sun is set. 5. a) There was no feeling in it. b) She seemed to be talking in her sleep. c) Her play was so natural.
3. a)There is a bit of everything. b) Let’s go over to the billboard and see what’s on. c) The theatres started the new seasons.  

What’s on at the Cinema Today?

5. What types of movies does the customer like (dislike)? Restore the dialogue and you‘ll find the answers.

Clerk: Let’s see … We have The Secret Agent Returns. That’s pretty exciting. Customer: Hmm. Maybe a comedy. Clerk: Hi. Can I help you? Customer: Yeah, but I’ve seen it already. Maybe an action movie. Do you have any new movies? Clerk: Well, Three Clowns is very funny. Clerk: Do you know what type of movie you want to see? Comedy? Drama? Science fiction? Customer: Well, I want to rent a video, but I don’t know what to watch. Customer: Um … What’s that one from France that won the award at the film festival? Clerk: Not really, it’s more of a spy thriller. The acting is great, and the plot is very clever. I liked it a lot. Customer: Is it violent? I don’t like violent movies. Clerk: We have a few … Anything in particular you’re interested in? Customer: I don’t know … Well, how about foreign films? Clerk: Oh, you mean C’est la Vie? Clerk: OK. Let me just make sure that … Customer: That’s the one! I’ll rent that.

Use these questions to have a conversation with your partner.

What is your favorite type of movie? Why?

What’s the worst movie you have seen? Why didn’t you like it?

Who is your favorite actress (actor)? Why?

What is the last movie you watched? Did you like it?

What movie that is currently playing do you want to see? Why?

7. Work in pairs You’ve managed to see a theatre performance and a new film at the cinema with your friends. Share your impressions using:

Definitely. That’s exactly my own view. I’m not at all, in fact. That’s not the way I see the play. You can’t be serious!

Do you think the play is more laughable than sad?

I was deeply impressed by the play.

The main characters were superb.

They have given the piece a realistic treatment.

The cast leaves much to be desired.

It’s a rather poor production.

I like the open-air scenes with their breath-taking beauty.

The film is dull in spots.

It is a masterpiece of French cinema art.

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