Task 7. €

You’ve learned idioms with a plant word. Your task is to write a funny story using at least 4 of the idioms from Task 6 (8-10 sentences)

Task 8. Как это было…

Надеемся, что после выполнения всех заданий вас переполняют эмоции, чувства, у вас отличное настроение от проделанной работы, вам хочется поделиться с остальными участниками и рассказать «Как это было...»

Ответьте на предложенные вопросы.

1. Какое у вас настроение после выполнения всех заданий?

2. Что было самым трудным и как вы преодолевали трудности?

3. За что вы можете себя похвалить?

Постарайтесь, чтобы ответы на вопросы было интересно прочитать и другим участникам. Ответы вы можете написать в любом жанре. Это может быть рассказ, заметка, сказка, стихотворение и др.

Рефлексия может быть выполнена как на русском языке, так и на английском.

Критерии оценивания:

· Рефлексия не предоставлена – 0 баллов

· Рефлексия выполнена для данного конкурса и представляет собой формальные ответы на вопросы, не связанные между собой – 1 балл

· Рефлексия выполнена для данного конкурса и представляет собой авторские развернутые ответы на вопросы – 2 балла.

Task 7. € - student2.ru Задания


Для внесения ответов участников используйте специальный бланк ELF- Бланк ответов_5-8.doc из архива с заданием мероприятия.

Выполненные работы необходимо загрузить в личном кабинете до 19 ноября 2015 года (включительно)

Task 1. Unscramble jumbled “nature” words.

Guess the word from its meaning.

1. Usually a river is calm and smooth, but here it suddenly jumps down – trallfaew.

2. It's a combination of solid and liquid stone, fire, hot gas and ash. It may sleep for centuries – oclovan.

3. It's a big, white, solid, cold and slowly moving river source – ciragel.

4. One of the huge landmasses of the globe – tnotnince.

5. A destructive thing made of violent winds, heavy rains and with an eye in the centre. – reuhinacr.

Task 2. Do you know what synonyms are?

Synonyms are different words that have the same or similar meaning. For example, big and large are synonyms.

Replace the word in bold with a suitable synonym A, B, C or D

1. My friend is a very sincere person.

(A) reliable (B) frank

(C) true (D) genuine

2. People should not drop litter in the streets.

(A) cast (B) fell

(C) throw (D) fling

3. It's high time to make up your mind about your future profession.

(A) choose about (B) elect

(C) conclude (D) decide on

4. Kate is a friendly, outgoing girl.

(A) sociable(B) social

(C) pleasant (D) good-tempered

5. Our teacher was very angry with us for violation of traffic rules.

(A) cross with(B) mad on

(C) cross at (D) mad about

6. Mark has given up his job. He's looking for another one.

(A) has left from (B) has fired from

(C) has gone from (D) has quit

7. If you don't want to be late, hurry up – there are traffic jams.

(A) the traffic is hard (B) the traffic is severe

(C) the traffic is heavy (D)the traffic is strong

8. The strawberry cake looks very appealing.

(A) interesting (B) inviting

(C) charming (D) likable

9. Watch out for snakes in the grass.

(A) look out for (B) look out of

(C) look up to (D) look after

10. We have no milk left in the fridge. Go and buy it, please.

(A) have run with (B) have run of

(C) have run away with (D) have run out of

Task 3. Do you know what Homographs are?

Homographs are words that have the same spelling, but different pronunciation and meaning.

Read the sentences and choose (a) or (b) the proper meaning for each homograph.


The knight made a bow (a)___ before the king.

The archer took his bow (b)___ and was ready to shoot.

(a) bend at the waist (rhymes with now)

(b) weapon that shoots arrows (rhymes with tow)


The trees were planted in a row___.

Luke and Amy had arow___ yesterday.

a) an argument (rhymes with cow)

b) a line (rhymes with snow)


At the end of the alley we saw a bighouse___.

How many people does this building house___?

a) a building (rhymes with mouse)

b) to lodge (rhymes with brows)


In the centre of the room there was a strange object___.

My friends offered to leave as soon as possible, but I had to object___.

a) to protest (rhymes with collect)

b) a thing (rhymes with project)


The doctor said that the wound___ was not dangerous.

The path wound___between the trees.

a) meandered (rhymes with sound)

b) an injury (rhymes with tuned)


Lots of animals live___ in the woods.

It was alive___ report.

a) exist (rhymes with give)

b) not recorded (rhymes with five)

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