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Noun Verb Adjective/adverb

5. Сопоставьте английские словосочетания с их русскими эквивалентами:

1. provide a feature-rich suite of capabilities 2. a robust and reliable service 3. technical development and international cooperation 4. develop a system across national boundaries 5. bring significant benefits 6. good speech quality 7. new cellular technology 8. low service cost   a. безопасный и надежный сервис b. предоставлять широкий выбор возможностей c. техническое развитие и международное сотрудничество d. принести значительную выгоду e. хорошее качество передачи речи f. новые технологии сотовой связи g. низкая стоимость услуг h. разработать систему независимо от национальных границ

6. Прочитайте текст и укажите абзац, в котором говорится о…

- истории развития GSM;

- преимуществах GSM;

- клиентах GSM

GSM History

March 16, 2015 by Tomas Moldy


In its time, the GSM cell or mobile phone system has become the most popular cellular telecommunications system in the world. GSM handsets has become available at affordable and the networks offered a robust and reliable service.

Along with this, the GSM system provided a feature-rich suite of capabilities for its time with applications such as SMS text messaging, international roaming, SIM cards and the like. It was also enhanced with technologies including GPRS and EDGE. To achieve this level of success took many years and was the result of both technical development and international cooperation. The GSM history can be seen to be a story of cooperation across Europe, and one that nobody thought would lead to the success that GSM is today.

Although now well in the past, the first cellular telecommunications systems represented a huge leap in capabilities. The first cell phone systems that were developed used analogue technology. Typically they used frequency-modulated carriers for the voice channels and data was carried on a separate shared control channel. Two of the major systems that were in existence were the AMPS (Advanced Mobile Phone System) that was used in the USA and many other countries and TACS (Total Access Communications System) that was used in the UK as well as many other countries around the world.

Another system that was employed, and achieved the milestone of being the first system to be commercially deployed. It was the Nordic Mobile Telephone system (NMT). This was developed by a consortium of companies in Scandinavia and proved that international cooperation was possible.

It soon became obvious that cellular technology needed to be more efficient. The experience gained from the NMT system has shown that it was possible to develop a system across national boundaries, and with the political situation in Europe lending itself to international cooperation it was decided to develop a new Pan-European System. Furthermore it was realized that economies of scale would bring significant benefits. This was the beginnings of the GSM system.

To achieve the basic definition of a new system a meeting was held in 1982 under the auspices of the Conference of European Posts and Telegraphs (CEPT). They formed a study group called the Groupe Special Mobile (GSM) to study and develop a pan-European public land mobile system. Several basic criteria that the new cellular technology would have to meet were set down for the new GSM system to meet. These included: good subjective speech quality, low terminal and service cost, support for international roaming, ability to support handheld terminals, support for range of new services and facilities, spectral efficiency, and finally ISDN compatibility.

Meanwhile technical development was taking place. Initial trials has shown that time division multiple access techniques offered the best performance with the technology that would be available. This approach had the support of the major manufacturing companies which would ensure that with them on board sufficient equipment both in terms of handsets, base stations and the network infrastructure for GSM would be available.

Looking back on the way GSM developed, the way it was deployed and grew over the years, shows the GSM history is a story of success. GSM was used in many countries outside Europe. Deployment on this scale had not been anticipated and it resulted in its name change from Groupe Special Mobile to Global System for Mobile communications.

The number of subscribers grew rapidly and by the beginning of 2004 the total number of GSM subscribers reached the 1 billion mark - a major milestone in the history of cellular telecommunications as well as for GSM itself. Attaining this figure was celebrated at the Cannes 3GSM conference held that year. Figures continued to rise, reaching and then well exceeded the 3 billion mark. In this way the history of GSM has shown it was a major success.

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