Текст выполненного учащимся письменного высказывания с элементами рассуждения (с сохранением языкового оформления)
Our science have changed every year. Nowadays a lot of money is spent on space exploration projects. Many people think that it is not right because this money should be used to solve problems on Earth. Let’s consider both views on this issue.
In my opinion, space exploration is very importand for us because we must know more about universal, planets, stars and meteorits. Scientists haven’t already know all about of them and if they are dangerous for us. Secondly, when scientists studied the sun they discovered new chemestry elements for example gelius. Also when they study the sun they study how our healthe depends from it. Thirdly, we can travel on space and see Earth from space-ship. People spend a lot of money for this traveling so they give this money for new discovers.
On the other hand, some people who think that space exploration it is a waste of time and money because this money can help people who have very dangerous illnesses. Secondly, goverment can helps spend this money on our education. They can buy new equipmenfor school. Thirdly, this money can be used for helping poor countries and people who live in them. This money can help to make their life better.
In conchesion, I would like to say that it’s better to spend money on space exploration because in future people will live in space.
ЗАДАНИЕ 4. Прочитайте фрагмент выполненного учащимися задания (см. предыдущее задание). Какое из выполненных учащимися вступлений написано правильно?
It’s reported that billions of dollars are spent on space exploration projects every year. Some people belive that this money should be used to solve problems on Earth. And I think so.
Problems of space exploration and problems of Earth are very important, I think. But which problem is more important for humanity?
Nowadays, most billions of dollars are spent on space exploration. For what do they do it? There are a lot of advantages and disadvantages of spending this money.
ЗАДАНИЕ 5.Прочитайте фрагмент выполненного учащимися задания. Какое из выполненных учащимися заключений написано правильно?
To sum up, I believe that such spending money on space exploration is not only waste of time, but a part of every human’s life too.
In conclusion, I would like to say that all money which have all gaverments must be spend for people.
To finish, money can not decide all problems on Earth. Money can not decide the problem of love, the problem of friend or the problem of communication with your relatives. People should not believe, that money should be used to solve problems on Earth, because our life will be boring, not interesting without problems.
ЗАДАНИЕ 6. Прочитайте фрагмент выполненного учащимися задания. Какое начало основной части (первый абзац основной части, раскрывающий первый пункт плана в основной части) из приведенных ниже написано правильно с точки зрения критерия «Решение коммуникативной задачи»? Высказали ли учащиеся свое мнение и привели ли два весомых развернутых аргумента в защиту своей позиции?
In my opinion, we must spend that money in this two ways. In one hand, we must know what happaning in space, and we should be ready to protect our planet in space. I think aliens can flying somewhere in space and we must be ready. In other hand, we must solve our Earth problems like terror, transport problems and etc. This problems are very important for our live. All our money must spend in good way and make our live better.
The space problem is very important in the world. The Earth is in danger. People give a money on space exploration projects to save our planet from bad things, which can happened with the planet. Also the enviroment on the planet is in danger, too. People can save the space and our planet by space exploration projects.
To start with, I am deeply concerned that billions of dollars are wasted on space exploration projects. Nowadays people don’t take care about our planet, the only place where we can live yet. I think, there are a lot of ecological problems which should be solved, such as air pollution, which cause global warming, water contemination and so on. Moreover a lot of endangered species are in need to help them. Old people need this money to improve their health and living conditions.
ЗАДАНИЕ 7.Прочитайте фрагмент выполненного учащимися задания. Какое продолжение основной части (второй абзац основной части, раскрывающий второй пункт плана в основной части) из приведенных ниже написано правильно с точки зрения критерия «Решение коммуникативной задачи»? Привели ли учащиеся иное мнение по обсуждающемуся вопросу и правильно ли дали контраргументы?
Some people think, that space projects is not very important and is not very useful, and human must think about global problems, because, if we would not solve this problems, people and whole the Earth could die.
On the other hand many people think that space exploration projects is a bad idea because there are a lot of more urgent problems on Earth. I don’t agree with this point of view because due to these projects people made many discoveries which helped to improve different equipment and find new medicines.
However, there are some arguments for spending a lot of money on space exploration projects. It is opinion that the deeper we explore space the sooner we will get answers on different questions. Researchers will be always looking for a different forms of life. Human being was always interested in founding UFO.
However we have got another opinion some people think that they musn’t help each other. And they are egoistic. They think only for there life. People musn’t do so. They want to be a king of all the world. It is bad for our population, for our children, for our life.
ЗАДАНИЕ 8.В каком случае мы поставим 1 балл за содержание?
А) если все аспекты, указанные в задании, раскрыты
Б) если некоторые аспекты, указанные в задании, раскрыты не полностью
В) если содержание отражает не все аспекты, указанные в задании
ЗАДАНИЕ 9. Изучите заполненную дополнительную схему оценивания по критерию «Решение коммуникативной задачи» (приложение 5). Какой общий балл из 3 максимальных вы дадите за данную работу?
а) 3 балла
б) 2 балла
в) 1 балл
г) 0 баллов
Дополнительная схема оценивания по критерию «Решение коммуникативной задачи»:
а)Вступление (постановка проблемы) (+);
б) Мнение автора с аргументами (+);
в) Другая точка зрения с объяснением, почему автор не согласен с ней (+ –);
г) Заключение (вывод) (+)
д) Объем высказывания соответствует поставленной задаче (+).
ЗАДАНИЕ 10.Изучите задание и дополнительную схему оценивания к нему (приложение 5). Какой аспект организации текста отсутствует в данном отрывке из выполненной работы, в какой графе дополнительной схемы следует поставить минус (неверно/не выполнено)?