Formulae and equations

The modern trends are:

1. The accenting of names of chemical substances on the final syllable is notrecommendedwhere the accent is not emphatic (such as the names amine [´æmaɪn], sulphide[´sʌlfaɪd], amidin[´æmɪdɪn]).

2. The general trend of the accent in the English language is now to be away from the endand toward the beginningof the word.

3. The ending –ideshould be pronounced as [aɪd] (bromide[´broumaɪd], chloride[´klɔ:raɪd], oxide[´ɔksaɪd] ).

4. For chemical names ending in –ine, the tendency is now to pronounce [i:n] (chlorine [´klɔ:ri:n], iodine [´aɪədi:n]).

This conflicts in sound with the pronunciation of the ending –ene but this is only with a few words, as benzine and benzene[´benzi:n], fluorineand fluorene[´fluəri:n], glycerinе[ɡlɪsə´ri:n].

5. The ending –ylshould be pronounced [ɪl] (methyl[´meθɪl]).

6. The ending –ile should be pronounced [ɪl] (nitrile[´naɪtrɪl]).

7. Adjectives ending in –icshould be accented on the next to the last syllable, as glyceric [ɡlɪ´serɪk].

8. Words ending in –valent [´veɪlənt] should be pronounced as trivalent [´traɪˌveɪlənt], monovalent[´mɔnouˌveɪlənt], divalent[´daɪˌveɪlənt] or bivalent[´baɪˌveɪlənt].

Приложение 9

Reading chemical compound formulae

And chemical reaction equations

Цифра перед обозначением элемента указывает число молекул; 2MnO2, например, читается следующим образом: [´tu: ´mɔlɪkju:lz əv ´em´en´ou´tu:].

Знаки + и –, стоящие в левом верхнем углу, обозначают положительную и отрицательную валентность иона:

H+ – hydrogen ion [´haɪdrɪʤən ´aɪən] или univalent positive hydrogen ion [ˌju:nɪ´veɪlənt ´pɔzətɪv ´haɪdrɪʤən ´aɪən]

Cu++ – divalent positive cuprum ion [ˌdaɪ ´veɪlənt ´pɔzətɪv ´kju:prəm ´aɪən]

Al+++ – trivalent positive aluminium ion [ˌtraɪveɪlənt ´pɔzətɪv ˌælju´mɪnjəm ´aɪən]

Cl – negative chlorine ion [´negətɪv ´klɔ:ri:n ´aɪən] or negative univalent chlorine ion.

Знак — или : обозначает одну связь и не читается:


:Cl: Cl

Formulae and equations - ..

Formulae and equations - :Cl: C :Cl: or Cl— C —Cl [´si: ´si: ´el ´f ɔ:]


:Cl: Cl


Знак = или :: обозначает две связи и также не читается:

.. .. ..

: O :: C :: O : or O=C=O [´si: ´ou ´tu:]

.. ..

Знак + читается: plus, and или together with

Знак = читается: give или form

Знак – читается: give, pass over to или lead to

Formulae and equations - Formulae and equations - Знак читается: forms или is formed from


1) 4HCl + O2 = 2Cl2 + 2H2O [´fɔ: ´mɔlɪkju:lz əv ´eɪʧ ´sɪ ´el ´plʌs ´ou ´tu: ´ gɪv ´tu: ´mɔlɪkju:lz əv ´si: ´el ´tu: ənd ´tu: ´mɔlɪkju:lz əv ´eɪʧ ´tu: ´ou]

2) Formulae and equations - Formulae and equations - H2+J2 2HJ [´eɪʧ ´tu: ´plʌs ´ʤeɪ ´tu: ´fɔ:m ´tu: ´mɔlɪkju:lz əv ´eɪʧ ´ʤeɪ] or [´eɪʧ ´tu: ´plʌs ´ʤeɪ ´tu: ´fɔ:md frəm ´tu: ´mɔlɪkju:lz əv ´eɪʧ ´ʤeɪ]

3) H


H—C—H [´si: ´eɪʧ ´fɔ:]



Приложение 10

Наши рекомендации