УПРАЖНЕНИЯ НА ЗАКРЕПЛЕНИЕ. Упражнение 1. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на передачу модального

Упражнение 1. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на передачу модального значения глаголами shall и will, выражающими намерение, приказание, общепринятый порядок.

1) I want to be helpful to you both, if you will let me. 2) Well, I wish it could come all over again. Tell me how I can serve you. I will do anything you say to wipe out my mistake. 3) I won't have him in my office a day longer. 4) All right! I will send the letter first thing tomorrow morning. I will do that without fail. 5) You've stopped him doing what he wanted to. I won't answer for the consequences. 6) Listen, what shall I do when I'm introduced? Ought to shake hands? Or what? 7) I shall act and I shall act promptly. If the tree is rotten, it shall be cut down and cast into flames.
8) He shall not get away with it this time. He shall pay for it he shall!
9) The Treaty of Lausanne laid down in Article 27, that Turkey shall not intervene in the affair of Cyprus. 10) Everyone can add something to knowledge if he will make use of the opportunities richly offered by Nature. You shall repent of this neglect of duty, Mr. Zuraraer. It's no use trying to open the door, it will not open. 11) You shall do as you like now and always, my beloved child. I only wish to do as my darling pleases. 12) I am an Englishman, and I will suffer no priest to interfere in my business. "Give us drink and you shall hear all about it," said Campion with his crooked grin.

Упражнение 2. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на передачу модального значения глаголами shall и will.

1) «Вы ответите за это», - сказал он с угрозой в голосе. 2) Открыть окно? Здесь очень душно. 3) Вы пойдете и скажете ей всю правду.
4) Вы не против того, чтобы посидеть в саду? Там прохладнее.
5) Давайте послушаем музыку, у меня много прекрасных записей.
А может быть, вы предпочли бы пойти куда-нибудь? 6) Она часами сидела на берегу и смотрела, как волны набегали на берег.
7) «Потанцуем?» – сказал он, подходя к ней. 8) Что нам делать? Куда нам идти? Ведь уже очень поздно. 9) Если вы придете к нам на вечер, мы будем очень рады видеть вас. 10) Вы ей передадите, что я приходил и что мне нужно поговорить с ней? 11) Дверь никак не открывается, должно быть, замок не в порядке. 12) Собака не позволяла нам погладить ее, хотя мы кормили ее уже несколько дней. 13) Мы все пытаемся ей помочь, но она никого не слушает. 14) Вы сделаете то, о чем я вас прошу? 15) Мы ждали уже больше часа, но гроза никак не прекращалась. 16) По вечерам он рассказывал нам интересные истории о путешествиях и пиратах. 17) Ты знал, что мне не нравится, когда ты ходишь к этим людям, и все же ты ходил туда. 18) Пойдем в кино? Мне хочется посмотреть новую комедию. 19) Ты хочешь посмотреть телевизор? Я бы предпочел поиграть с тобой в шахматы. 20) Мы ждали мою двоюродную сестру и ее мужа, чтобы сесть за стол, но они никак не приходили. 21) «Ты знаешь, что я против того, чтобы ты приходил домой поздно, и все же ты приходишь не раньше двенадцати часов», - сказала мать сыну.

Упражнение 3. Переведите тексты, обращая внимание на значение модальных глаголов.

1. When Mrs. Blake woke up in the morning, she said she had a bad pain in her side.

Mr. Blake (Phones Dr. Smith): Nobody answers. Can he have gone out?

Mrs. Blake: Please, keep trying. My side is getting worse. Could it be appendicitis?

Mr. Blake: Don’t worry. I won’t give up until I can get him. (Speaks on the phone): Can I speak with Dr. Smith? Could you ask him to phone
Mr. Blake? It’s urgent. Thank you.

2. - Why on earth do you keep borrowing that saxophone from your neighbour? You can’t play it, can you?

- No, of course I can’t. But while I have it, he can’t play it either.

3.-Is it true that a wild beast can’t hurt you if you carry a torch?- a hostess asked one of her guests, a famous explorer.

- It all depends, he answered, on how fast you can carry it.

4.- You can’t sleep in my class

- If you didn’t talk so loud, I could.

5. Some of the admirers of the 18th century German poet Klopstock made a journey from Gottingen to Hamburg to ask him to explain a difficult passage in his work. Klopstock received them graciously, read the passage and said: ‘I cannot recollect what I meant when I wrote it, but I remember it was the finest thing I ever wrote, and you cannot do better than devote your lives to the discovery of its meanings

The Artist and the Fisherman

One day an artist looked out of the window of his room and saw an old fisherman going by. He thought the old man would make a good subject for a picture. So he went out and told the fisherman that he wanted to paint him.

The man thought about it for a minute and asked, "How much am I to get?" Well, I'll pay you two pounds", answered the artist and added, as the man still hesitated, "It's an easy way to earn two pounds, you see". "Oh! I know that", said the man, "but how am I to get the paint off afterwards, I wonder?"

The Difference

Man of Means: Why are learned people often to be seen in the houses of the rich, but the rich are not to be seen in those of the learned?

Scholar: This is as plain as plain can be. It is the learned who know what they need, and it is the rich who do not.

Natural Grief

Young man: I like the room, it'll suit me all right if you reduce the price by the week.

Landlady: The price is but reasonable. I'm afraid it can't be reduced.

Young man: The room must have been vacant for a long time, considering the price.

Landlady: We can afford to choose our lodgers.

Young man: I assure you, madam, I am a very good lodger. When I left, my landlady almost wept with grief.

Landlady: Very likely, you must have left without paying.


A lady once wrote a long story and sent it to a famous editor. After a few weeks the story was returned to her. She got angry and wrote to the editor. "Dear Sir! Yesterday you sent me back a story of mine. How do you know that the story isn't good? Either you have misunderstood the story or you must have failed to read it all, as I have pasted together pages 18, 19 and 20. When it came back the pages were pasted".

The editor wrote back: "Dear Madam! At breakfast when I open an egg, I don't have to eat all the egg in order to discover that it is bad".

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