The United States of America (2)
After 350 years of development the United States of America still holds the leading position in the western world. The USA is the most powerful and highly developed country of the world. The United States of America lies in the central part of North American continent. Its western coast is washed by the Pacific Ocean. Its eastern coast is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico.
The USA consists of three separate parts. They are the Hawaiian Islands, Alaska and the rest major part of the USA. There are fifty states and district of Columbia. The states differ very much in size, population and economical development. The population of the United States is about 250 million people.
What makes the USA the leader of the western world is its economical, political and military dominance over other countries.
The United States is a federal republic. The Government is divided into three branches: legislative (the US Congress), executive (the President and his Administration) and judicial (the US Supreme Court).
There are two main political parties in the USA: the Democratic and the Republican.
The flag of the USA is called "Stars and Stripes". The 50
stars - white on a blue field - represent the 50 states, 18 stripes represent 13 original English colonies, which in 1776 became independent of England.
The capital of the United States is Washington. It was named in honor of the fi ■ president whose name was George Washington. The biggest cities of the USA are New York, San Francisco, LosAngeles, Chicago and other-
1. Where is the US situated?
2. What are the major political parties?
3. Who is the US president now?
4. How many States are there in the country?
5. What is the US population?
6. What is the political structure in the country?
7. What is the capital of the USA?
8. What is the name of american flag?
Vocabulary: development - развитие to hold - держать leading - ведущий powerful - могущественный, мощный coast - побережье to consist - состоять to be washed by - омываться separate - отдельный dominance - преобладание branch - ветвь, отрасль to divide - разделять legislative - законодательный executive - исполнительный judicial - судебный to represent - представлять
Соединенные Штаты Америки (2)
Соединенные Штаты Америки после трехсотпятидеся-
тилетнего периода развития по-прежнему удерживают ведущие позиции в западном мире. США - самая могущественная и высокоразвитая страна в мире. Соединенные Штаты лежат в центральной части северо-американского континента. Западное побережье омывается Тихим океаном. Восточное побережье омывается Атлантическим океаном и Мексиканским заливом.
США состоят из трех отдельных частей: Гавайские острова, Аляска и остальная ббльшая часть Америки.
США состоят из пятидесяти штатов и округа Колумбия. Штаты сильно отличаются друг от друга размерами, населением и экономическим развитием. Население США составляет более чем 250 миллионов человек.
Лидером западного мира делает США их экономическое, политическое и военное превосходство над другими странами.
США - федеративная республика, в которой власть разделена на три составляющих: законодательную власть (конгресс США), исполнительную (президент и его администрация) и судебную (Верховный "суд США). В США существуют две основные политические партии: Демократическая и Республиканская.
Флаг называют "звезды и полосы". Пятьдесят белых звездочек на синем фоне обозначают 50 штатов, а 13 полосочек - 13 первоначальных английских колоний, которые в 1776 году стали независимыми.
Столица Соединенных Штатов Америки - Вашингтон. Она была названа в честь первого президента США -Джорджа Вашингтона. Крупнейшие города США - Нью-Йорк, Сан-Франциско, Лос-Анджелес, Чикаго и другие.
The USA. Geographical Position. Climate. Rich Resources
The United States of America stretches fromAtlantic Ocean across North America and far into the Pacific.
Because of such a huge size of the country the climate differs from one part of the country to another. The coldest
climate is in the northern part, where there is heavy snow in winter and the temperature may go down to 40 degrees below zero. The south has a subtropical climate, with temperature as high as 49 degrees in summer.
The continental part of the USA consists of the highland regions and two lowland regions. The highland regions are the Appalachian mountains in the east and the Cordillera in the west. Between the Cordillera and the Appalachian mountains are the central lowlands which are called, the prairie, and eastern lowlands called the Mississippi valley.
There are many mountains especially in the west and southwest. The Rocky mountains extend all the way from New Mexico to Alaska.
Many rivers cross the country. The most important are the Mississippi, Missouri, Colorado, Sacramento. The main lakes in the USA are the Great Lakes in the north.
The nation's natural advantages and resources are probably greater than those of any other area of equal size.
The land is as varied as it huge. There are plains and mountains, grasslands and forests, sandy soil, clay and rich, dark loams. The mineral resources vary from precious gold and rare uranium to common lead and zinc. Coal, oil, iron, copper and other minerals are abundant. They form basis of modern industry.
1. Does climate differ from one part of the country to another?
2. How many parts does continental part consist of?
3. Are there many mountains in the USA?
4. What are the most important rivers?
5. Is the USA rich in natural resources?
What forms basis of modern industry?
Vocabulary: to stretch - простираться to consist - состоять to extend - простираться
advantage - преимущество
equal - равный
clay - глина
precious - драгоценный