Задание 6. Переведите предложения на английский язык, употребив нужный причастный оборот

1. На столе лежали работы, исправленные учителем.

2. Поскольку профессор заболел, лекции были отменены.

3. Я прочел много книг этого автора, переведенных на русский язык. 4. Работая с разными людьми, мы узнали много интересного. 5. Никто не заметил, как ребенок ус­нул. 6. Будучи молодым, Марк Твен сменил много про­фессий прежде, чем стать писателем. ?. Вы просмотрели журналы, присланные из Лондона? 8. Работа не была сделана вовремя, мне пришлось извиниться. 9. Обе кни­ги были переведены на русский язык, причем перевод был отличный. 10, Кто видел, как они вошли в офис? 11. Пробыв в Париже несколько месяцев, я мог расска­зать вам о многом. 12. Капитан следил, как корабль при­ближался к берегу. 13. Мой брат собрал много разных марок, причем некоторые из них очень редкие. 14. После того, как работа была выполнена, мы разошлись по до­мам. 15. Используя новые технологии, можно добиться хороших результатов.

There are many beautiful parks

and squares in our city. Everything went fine and she was


3. Do you know who this man is?

4. His room was full of old and rare


5. The stranger went to the forest but

we didn't follow him.

6. All of us know that the Earth is

round. If my Dad is free tomorrow we shall

go fishing. Many teachers, postgraduates and

senior students carry on scientific

research work. The travelers covered a long

distance and were very tired. . When the boys returned they saw

the empty room. . We couldn't see the sun because it

was covered by clouds. . There were many books,

magazines and newspapers on the

shelves. . The students were given the task

but they failed to do it.

New machines can function both

in manual and automated modes.

15. Nobody knew where he had lived before.

16. Although it was raining we went for a walk.

17. Who was the stranger was unknown.

Задание 2.

Назовите тип придаточного предложения. Пе­реведите предложения на русский язык.

1. подлежащее 2. сказуемое 3. дополнительное 4. определитель­ное 5. об-во времени 6. об-во места 7. об-во причины 8. об-во условия 9. об-во цели 10. об-во следствия 11. об-во образа


1. If Ifinish my work in time we

shall go to the cinema.

2. How they did the task is a secret.

3. This is what you are to do.

4. Do you know where she works?

5. This is the city where my brother


6. You were running as if you were

late somewhere.

7. The Smiths returned where they had lived before.

8. My sister is always busy whenever I visit her.

9. New methods were so effective

that we used them.

10. Ann couldn't do her work because she was ill.

11. Please, do this exercise now lest you should forget about it later. Действия.

12. Although my sister wasn't well
she went on working.

12. об-во уступи­тельное 13. сравнитель­ное

13. We shall lend you a hand if you

14. It won't be warm until spring comes.

15. How he managed to get the tickets is interesting.

16. The question is who can do this work.

17. I don't know who wrote this book.

18. You should do it because it is your duty.

19. This machining center can perform as many operations as 10 machines can.

20. As soon as the postman comes we shall know the news.

21. You will be skilled specialists when you graduate from the Academy.

22. The problem is where to get the necessary materials.


1. While we are students we are to work hard. 2. Children, you'll go for a walk if the weather is fine. 3. The girl you have asked about is my friend. 4. What you have told us is well known. 5. He is as old as he looks. 6. That's why I haven't answered this letter. 7. Why the dog disappeared was very strange. 8. Since you need this book I'll give it to you. 9. If you run after 2 hares you'll catch none.

10. One must remember that the time is the best doctor.

11. They will start working before the engineer comes. 12. The

Задание 6. Переведите предложения на английский язык, употребив нужный причастный оборот - student2.ru Задание 6. Переведите предложения на английский язык, употребив нужный причастный оборот - student2.ru students won't finish their course papers in time unless they work harder. 13. Will you speak slowly so that we can understand you? 14. His mother won't be happy until he returns home. 15. He went to school in spite of the fact that he had a bad cold-. 16. Did your secretary send the invitations early that the partners might arrive in time? 17. Mother went very slowly as if she was tired. 18. Our plant can deliver such machines provided that we receive your order. 19. While there exists life, there exists hope. 20. My friend asked me where I was going. 21. It was the only country that we had never visited. 22. If you ordered more than 100 machines the price would be lower. 23. Why didn't she speak to my son before he left? 24. What do you think of the people who work together with you? 25. I wonder if the stranger will return again. 26. Why was your friend surprised when he saw us? 27. Mother talked to me as if I was a child. 28. Please, give me the book our teacher gave you to read.

Задание З. Употребите соответствующее средство связи. А.

1. because 2. so as 3. when 4. so that 5. although 6. where 7. but

1. This book is not... interesting ...

you think. 2.1 shall inform you ... my brother

comes back.

3. He did not answer ... he lived

last year.

4. My daughter reads a great deal

... she wants to know much.

5. ... the weather was bad we
went for a walk.


My friend collects stamps ... it is

his hobby. Will you give me your notes ... I

could read them at home once


... our father comes home he will

tell us about his trip.

The Don is not ... long ... the

Volga is.

... the machine needs repairing

it keeps on working. ... a computer can perform many

different operations is known to



1. Your engineer asked ... we used

his plan.

2. This robot can do ... much work

... several people do.

3. Children couldn't do this

exercise ... they had little time.

4. Our car stopped ... we reached

the city.

5. New material is very light ... it is

widely used in many industries.

1. so as

2. because

3. when

4. so that

5. where

6. in spite of the fact that

7. that

8. than

1. as as

2. because

3. if

4. that's why

5. before

6. so so

7. that

8. than

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