To buy, to bring, to eat, to teach, to write, to study, to enter, to finish, to cut, to come, to understand, to work

3. Составьте предложения в Past Perfect.

1. Mike / to write / a report by last Friday.

2. The students / to prepare / for the exams by the end of January.

3. Last year they went to England for the first time, they never / to be there before.

4. First the children / to do / their homework and then went for a walk.

5. The police / to make / ten arrests by the time the match ended.

6. Before Mary joined the company, she / not to work / anywhere.

7. Pat / to cook / the breakfast when Sally got up.

8. I couldn't concentrate in the lesson because I / not to sleep / enough that night.

4. Ответьте на вопросы, используя Past Perfect.

1. Was Tom at the party when you arrived? – No, he / to go / home.

2. Why didn't Mary want to go to the cinema? – She already / to see / the film.

3. Why didn't you tell him about my exam? – I didn't know that you already / to pass / it.

4. Why did she feel tired? – She / to work / hard the day before.

5. Why didn't he eat supper? – He already / to have / it.

6. When did Alice get to the University? – When the lecture already / to start.

7. Did you inform Mr Smith about your decision? – No, he already / to know.

5. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках в нужном времени: Present Perfect, Past Indefinite, Past Continuous или Past Perfect.

1. Sorry, I'm late. The car (break) down on my way here.

2. We (drive) along the road when we (see) a car which (break) down and we (stop) to help them.

3. When I (see) her she (be) an old woman which (be) beautiful in her youth.

4. When children (come)home, their parents already (decorate) the Christmas-tree and the presents already (be) prepared.

5. By the date of the examination the students (pass) all the credit tests.

6. Mary (hear) a strange noise and (come) down the stairs but (not/see) anybody. She (think) that somebody (knock) at the door and (run) away.

7. What (happen) to Harry? – He (lose) all his money. – How it (happen)? – It (happen) when he (walk) in Paris. He (get) to the hotel and (understand) that somebody (steal) his wallet.

8. She (become) very rich but she still (want) to be more successful.

Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. К шести часам инженеры закончили тестирование новой установки.

2. Я внезапно вспомнил, что оставил ключи дома.

3. До того как наши шведские коллеги приехали в Мурманск, мы заказали им гостиницу.

4. Прежде чем он уехал, мы договорились с ним о нашем участии в конференции.

5. Мэри часто забывала о своих деловых встречах (appointments), поэтому она завела себе ежедневник (diary).

6. Он посмотрел шестнадцать фильмов к концу февраля.

7. Тони купил новый компьютер, и поэтому он продал свой старый.

8. Когда Роберт пришел домой, он увидел, что кто-то унес его новый дорогой телевизор.

The Future Perfect Tense

Будущее совершенное время

Утвердительная форма будущего совершенного времени образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to have в будущем неопределенном времени (will have) и причастия прошедшего времени (Participle II) смыслового глагола:

We willhave discussedthis article by the end of the week. – Мы обсудим эту статью к концу недели.

They will have passed all their exams before they go to camp. – Они сдадут все экзамены до того, как поедут в лагерь.

Для образования вопросительной формы вспомогательный глагол will ставится перед подлежащим, a have и причастие прошедшего времени – после подлежащего:

Will we have discussed this article by the end of this week? – Мы обсудим эту статью к концу недели?

Will they have passed all their exams before they go to camp? – Они сдадут все экзамены до того, как поедут в лагерь?

Для образования отрицательной формы после вспомогательного глагола will ставится отрицательная частица not:

We will not have discussed this article by the end of the week. – Мы не обсудим эту статью к концу недели.

They will not have passed all their exams before they go to camp. – Они не сдадут все экзамены до того, как поедут в лагерь.

В разговорной речи обычно используется сокращенная форма will ('ll) и have ('ve):

I'll have earned enough money soon to buy a new car.–Я скоро заработаю достаточно денег, чтобы купить новую машину.

Bill will've left by the time you get home. – Билл уедет к тому времени, когда вы доберетесь до дома.

и сокращенная форма will not (won't):

The performance won't have finished by ten o'clock. – Спектакль не закончится к 10 часам.


Утвердительная форма Вопросительная форма Отрицательная форма
I (we, you, he, she, it, they) will have left before it starts raining. Will you (we, I, he, she, it, they) have left before it starts raining? – Yes, I (we, you, he, she, it, they) will. No, I (we, you, he, she, it, they) won't. I (we, you, he, she, it, they) will not (won't) have left before it starts raining.

Употребление Future Perfect

Future Perfect употребляется для выражения действия, которое закончится до определенного момента в будущем или до начала другого действия в будущем:

By one o'clock tomorrow I will have done this work. – Я сделаю эту работу завтра к часу дня.


1. Прочитайте текст, найдите в нем предложения с Future Perfect и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на употребление данного времени.

I sometimes look at the first-year students at the University and think about their lives. What will they be doing in ten years' time? In four years they will have graduated from the University and will be looking for work. Some of them will have returned to the University to take the post-graduate course and some of them will have found some work. When they started to study their electronics course all of them were going to work really very hard and were going to get excellent and good marks and to get really well-paid jobs. But I'm sure that lots of them will have changed their minds completely before the end of the first year. Many of them will have done badly in their studies by that time, some of them will have missed many lectures. And what about me? What will I have done in ten years? I hope I will have retired and bought myself a Harley Davidson. I'd like to cruise down through the USA, just like I was going to do when I was a teenager.

2. Составьте утвердительные, отрицательные и вопросительные предложения во времени Future Perfect со следующими глаголами:

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