Translate the sentence from Russian into English.(task45-46)

45. Следующий этап – разработка бренда. Яркий, заметный и понятный бренд – основа для дальнейшего продвижения заведения. Поэтому здесь лучше не заниматься самодеятельностью и поручить разработку бренда профессионалам. Бренд в обязательном порядке должен быть протестирован на фокус-группе. Однако не стоит недооценивать и другие средства воздействия на восприятие гостей, ведь бренд воздействует только на зрение. Необходимо воздействовать и на слух (музыкальный фон или как еще называют «форматная музыка»), и на обоняние (для этого используются аромогенераторы, причем самые популярные запахи, которые привлекают гостей, - это запахи кофе, корицы и выпечки).

46. На плечах ресторатора лежит ответственность за всю работу предприятия. Он разрабатывает концепцию ресторана, решает все юридические и финансовые вопросы, занимается управлением персонала, закупками оборудования, занимается маркетинговыми исследованиями, рекламой и многими-многими другими вопросами. Цель – собрать все это воедино и создать такое место, предлагать такую еду, такую атмосферу, которая притягивала к себе гостей и при этом приносила ощутимый доход.

Итоговый тест для 3 курса 6 семестр

(профессиональный перевод)

Part 1

Match each of these introduction thesis statements with its rewritten version for a conclusion.

1. … Supermarkets are best places to buy food because of their convenience and lower prices.

2. …. Travelling abroad is valuable learning experience.

3. … Learning to play a musical insrument is very beneficial for children.

4. … Creating and owning a business offers more advantages than working vas an employee in a compane.

A. People can learn many things by travelling to other countries.

B. Despite the challenges, beeing an entrepreneur can offer more benefits than other types of employment.

C. The fact that larger supermarkets offer cheap prices and a large selection of products makes them the best place for shoppers.

D. When children are exposed to music and are taught to play instruments such as a piano or a violin, there are much positive effects.

Read the paragraph below and choose the best conclusion.

Before I travelled to the UK last year, I thought that British food was just fish and chips, roast beef, apple pie, rice pudding and endless cups of tea. These foods are popular in Britain, but during my travels, I discovered that there is so much more to eating in the UK. People from all over the world have made their home in Britain, and they have brought with them their own food. Even in small towns, you can find Chinese, Indian and Italian restaurants among others. The UK can be divided into different regions that each has its own characteristic foods influenced by the culture of the people who live there.

A. The British eat many different kinds of food, but the typical diet of many people includes eating a lot of fast food and ready-made dishes. The popularity of hamburger and pizza restaurants has increased greatly over the years. As a result of this diet, many British people have food-related health problems. To create a healthier society, people should learn about eating a good diet and should teach their children to do the same.

B. Clearly, it is difficult to say that there is one type of British food. Every part of the country has its own special dishes based on the produce and tastes of that region. From Ancient Britons and Roman, Saxon and Viking invasions to present-day immigrants, the cuisine of the UK continues to change with its changing population.

C. People who have come from other countries to live in the UK have brought their own traditions and customs with them and added them to British culture. It is possible to find restaurants from all different ethnic backgrounds, especially in larger cities around the country. Immigrants may also maintain their traditions by building places to practice their religion, such as mosques, temples and churches. By continuing to follow some of customs and beliefs, immigrants can stay in touch with their past while also living a new life in a new country.

Circle the topic of the sentence. Underline the main idea about the topic.

6. Switzerland is a very interesting country to visit.

7. Dogs make excellent pets.

8. Learning a foreign language creates job opportunities.

Label each statement (T) for thesis statement, (M) for main idea, (S) for supporting point, or (C) for conclusion.

Title: The Benefits of Yoga.

9. … Develops clear thinking

10. … Physical benefits

11. … Improves concentration

12. … Reduces fear, anger, and worry

13. … Mental benefits

15. … Improves blood circulation

Read these statements. Write True (T) or False (F). If the statement is false, change it to make it true.

16. …Details give more specific information than the topic sentence.

17. An explanation tells the reader what something is or how it works.

18. A detail is usually a short, personal story.

19. The concluding sentence uses the same words as the topic sentence.

20. A peer editor should give some positive comments.

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