Asking / telling the time

Asking / telling the time -

Asking / telling the time -


food – еда / to cook – готовить (еду) / a meal – пища, прием пищи / healthy - здоровый, полезный / unhealthy – нездоровый, вредный / spicy – острый / tasteless – безвкусный / delicious – вкусный / disgusting – отвратительный / fresh – свежий / unfresh – несвежий / to fry – жарить / to steam – готовить на пару / on the go – на ходу / to bake – печь, выпекать / to boil – варить / salt – соль / pepper – перец / meat – мясо / bread – хлеб / fish – рыба / milk – молоко / ham – ветчина / caviar – икра / sausage – колбаса / an egg – яйцо / cheese – сыр / seafood – морепродукты / butter – сливочное масло / oil – растительное масло / French fries – картофель фри / fruit – фрукты / vegetables – овощи / juice – сок / noodles – лапша / lunch – обед, ланч / dinner – ужин / to be starving – быть очень голодным / Enjoy your meal! – Приятного аппетита! / sugar – сахар / honey – мед / a cake – торт / a toast – тост / rice – рис / cookies – печенье / to lose – терять / brunch – поздний завтрак / a pear – груша / a cucumber – огурец / a potatoe – картофель / to avoid – избегать / a pancake – блин / a peach – персик / an orange – апельсин / a melon – дыня / a water melon – арбуз / a cherry – вишня / a mushroom – гриб / an onion – лук / a carrot – морковь / dumplings – пельмени / flour – мука / cabbage – капуста / to melt – таять; растапливать / main – основной, главный / famous – знаменитый / cuisine – кухня / porridge – овсянка / salad – салат / a cup – чашка / a glass – стакан / a bottle – бутылка / beer – пиво / between – между / among – среди / true – настоящий / a piece – кусок / convenience food – полуфабрикаты / to find – находить / everywhere – везде / a dish – блюдо / nowadays – в наши дни / to increase – увеличивать, увеличиваться, расти / vegetarian – вегетарианец / to be interested in – интересоваться чем-либо / instead of – вместо / advice – совет / to advise – советовать / low-fat food обезжиренная еда / to sell – продавать / however – тем не менее / mineral water – минеральная вода / the right way to use – как правильно использовать / to know – знать / a knife – нож / a fork – вилка / a spoon – ложка / before – предлог до / a plate – тарелка

Food can be: healthy or unhealthy, spicy or tasteless, delicious (tasty, yummy) or disgusting, fresh or rotten (unfresh), fresh or convenience food, fried or steamed, taken at table or on the go etc.

How can you cook food? You can fry / stew / steam / bake / boil / cut / salt / pepper / warm up etc.

Asking / telling the time - Asking / telling the time - Asking / telling the time - Asking / telling the time - Asking / telling the time - Asking / telling the time - Asking / telling the time - Asking / telling the time - Asking / telling the time - Asking / telling the time - Asking / telling the time - Asking / telling the time - Asking / telling the time - Asking / telling the time -

Asking / telling the time - Asking / telling the time - Asking / telling the time - Asking / telling the time -

meat - … / бекон – … / бутерброд – … / ветчина – … / икра -… / колбаса – … / сосиски -… / масло сливочное – … / салат - … / сметана - … / сыр –… / flour[6] - … / хлеб - … / яйцо - … / мед –… / мороженое - … / печенье - … / … - sugar / … - cake / шоколад – …. / … – чизбургер / French fries – … / hot-dog – … / … – пицца / milk – … / fruit[7] – … / vegetables – … / cabbage – … / porridge - … / cereal – … / … – сок / … – йогурт / noodles – … /

47. Соотнесите выделенные слова и их определения:

1. Have you had breakfast? 2. What time do you have lunch? 3. What are we having for dinner? 4. Do you want some supper? 5. We’ve only got time for a snack. 6. I hope you’ve got a good appetite. 7. I’m starving. 8. We had a barbecue in the back garden. a. a small meal eaten just before you go to bed b. the desire for food c. the meal eaten around midday d. very hungry e. the first meal of the day f. a quick and easy meal g. when you grill food outside h. the main evening meal

К указанным вопросам подберите наиболее подходящий ответ.

1. Do you take sugar? a. I’d rather have noodles
2. Would you like some cereal for breakfast? b. I’m going to make a cake.
3. Why did you buy flour? c. No thanks, ketchup is fine.
4. Can you get a loaf when you’re out? d. Yes, two, please.
5. Would you like marmalade on your toast? e. Some cornflakes would be nice.
6. Do you want some mustard on your burger? f. I’ll just have a little dressing.
7. Do you want anything on this salad? g. White or brown?
8. Shall we have rice with this stir-fry? h. No thanks, just butter.

Соотнесите слова под цифрами со словами под буквами.

1. salt and a. biscuits
2. fish and b. butter
3. bread and c. cream
4. cheese and d. pepper
5. strawberries and e. chips

Соотнесите название продукта с наиболее подходящей группой определений:

1. coffee or tea a. too strong / weak / sweet
2. steak b. too many bones
3. an Indian dish c. too rich / thick / bland
4. a sauce d. a bit overdone / underdone
5. fish e. too hot / spicy
6. a cake f. a bit dry / stale

Соотнесите предложения под цифрами с фразами под буквами.

1. Is dinner nearly ready? a. I’ve lost my appetite.
2. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. b. It’s really given me an appetite.
3. No more for me, thanks. c. It’ll spoil my appetite.
4. I’m glad we went for that walk d. I’m starving.
5. I shouldn’t eat chocolate before dinner. e. I’m full.

48. Найдите русские эквиваленты:

breakfast / brunch / lunch / dinner / snack

49. Соотнесите картинки с названиями продуктов:

Asking / telling the time -

50. Дополните таблицу:

Healthy food Unhealthy food
Fish Vegetables … … … Sweets Chips … … …  

51. Продолжите фразы:

In my fridge there are always …….. …… ……. …….. ……

I always have …… ……. …… …….. …… ……. for lunch.

At lunch I usually have …. …….. ……. …….. ……. …… …….

I prefer healthy food such as ….. ………. ………. …….. ………

I avoid ……………………….. …………………….. …………..

The food like …… …….. ………. ……….. ……… is unhealthy.

To make pancakes you need …… …….. …….. ……. ………. …

Traditional Russian meals are ……. …….. ……… ………. …….

52. Соотнесите картинки с названиями фруктов:

apple, pear, bananas, lemon, orange, peach, pineapple, grapes, (black) currants, plums, cherries, strawberries, raspberry, pomegranate, melon

Asking / telling the time -

53. Соотнесите овощи и их названия:

potato, mushroom, carrot, onion, cabbage, broccoli, turnip, leek, courgette, aubergine, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, peas, beans, sweet corn

Asking / telling the time -

54. Расскажите о традициях русской кухни.

What do «meat dumplings» and “cabbage rolls” mean? What are the main Russian dishes? What comes in your mind when you are told about the Russian cuisine? What is it famous for? Do you prefer Indian or Chinese cuisine (food)? Isn’t it too spicy and salty? What about French and Italian cuisine? Is it yummy? What cuisine do you prefer?

55. Переведите рецепт и догадайтесь. о каком блюде идет речь:


2 cups flour, stirred or sifted before measuring / 2 1/2 teaspoons baking powder / 3 tablespoons granulated sugar / 1/2 teaspoon salt / 2 large eggs / 1 1/2 to 1 3/4 cups milk / 2 tablespoons melted butter


Sift together flour, baking powder, sugar, and salt. In a separate bowl, whisk together the eggs and 1 1/2 cups of milk; add to flour mixture. Blend in melted butter. If the batter seems too thick to spread, add a little more milk. Cook on a hot, greased griddle, using about 1/4 cup of batter for each pancake. Cook until bubbly and somewhat dry around the edges, and lightly browned on the bottom; turn and brown the other side.

56. Составьте рецепт вашего любимого блюда

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