Задание 13. Переведите предложения на английский язык

1. Смотри, твои друзья идут сюда. 2. Что эти люди делают здесь? 3. Завтра мы с отцом будем работать всаду весь день. 4. Когда я вошел в комнату, родители слушали музыку. 5. Мы обычно смотрим телевизор по вечерам. 6. Наша группа будет обсуждать этот фильм завтра. 7. Что ваши дети делают сейчас? 8. Мы встрети­лись, когда профессор шел на работу. 9. Все студенты перевели текст хорошо. 10. Они писали контрольную ра­боту весь урок. 11. Кто читает эту книгу в настоящий момент? 12. Мы читаем такие книги часто. 13. Операто­ры будут проверять машину завтра в 9 часов. 14. Я про­верю ее работу завтра. 15. Новая машина работает сей­час? Нет, она будет работать утром.

Задание 13. Переведите предложения на английский язык - student2.ru Задание 4. Составьте предложения в Present, Past Future Perfect, используя нужный временно! индикатор.

1. She (clean) the rooms. 2. I (do) my home work. 3. My father (come) home. 4. They (write) their course papers. 5. You (see) his new film? 6. Who (visit) this exhibition? 7. We (watch) this football match. 8. Our operators (develop) many new programs. 9. The train (arrive) in St. Petersburg. 10. What films he (produce)? 11. The delegation (leave) for Moscow. 12. You (translate) this text. 13 .I (meet) my friend at the station. 14. Our team (be) the first to come.

Задание 5. Поставьте предложения в вопросительную) форму и дайте краткие ответы.

1. This year my children have finished school. 2. I have] just passed my exams. 3. My father had worked at this plant before the army. 4. It will have stopped raining by noon. 5. They had been to many countries. 6. Nobody has seen your dog. 7. We shall have signed this contract by nexi Tuesday. 8. Our engineer has used your method recently. 9. You have known his parents for many years. 10. Both sisters had already left when I returned. 11. New machine has recently come from Germany. 12. The students will havel written their course papers by the end of the term. 13. The clock has just stopped. 14. They will have answered your letters.

Задание 6. Устно ответьте на предложенные вопросы.

1. Have you ever been to Great Britain? 2. Has your] family been abroad? 3. Have you got many friends? 4. Have you phoned them recently? 5. Who has phoned you? 6. Have you passed your exams well or not? 7. And what about your friends? 8. Has your mother higher education? 9. Has she been

the student of our Academy? 10. Had your father studied at this higher school before the army? 11. Have your parents got any other children? 12. Have you got any relatives? 13. Have they visited you recently? 14. And what about you? 15. Have you got the family library? 16. What books have you already read? 17. Have you written any books yourself? 18. Will you have written any course papers by the end of this or next term?

Задание 7. ' Определите время сказуемого.

1. Present In­definite 2. Past Indefi­nite 3. Future Indef­inite 4. Present Con­tinuous 5. Past Continu­ous 6. Future Con­tinuous 7. Present Per­fect 8. Past Perfect 9. Future Per­fect

1. My sister speaks English very well.

2. Has your father recently seen our


3. Did he help his friends?

4. Look, your boys are playing


5. Our guests went to Moscow last


6. His children study at this school.

7. Does he work in your laboratory?

8. Ann has already passed her

9. Your grandfather was going home

when I met him.

10. Who has done this exercise at home?

11. Will you read any books in summer?

12. Who knows this man?

13. Yesterday we were watching TV the whole evening.

14. I have never been to Great Britain.

  Задание 13. Переведите предложения на английский язык - student2.ru
    Задание 13. Переведите предложения на английский язык - student2.ru

Задание 8. Заполните пропуски нужной формой глагола.

15. Will your son have translated this article by Monday?

16. My father had worked at our plant before the army.

17. Both of you will be working in our lab for some days.

18. Russia borders on many countries.

19. What are they doing here?

20. The students knew the rule well.


We usually ... TV in the evening.

...she ... now?

My younger brother ...TV the

whole evening yesterday. I... TV before my mother came. She ... already ...this program

today. ...you ... tomorrow morning? 7.

They ...just... TV. He ... TV yesterday. The students ... this program by

10 o'clock.

11 12 13

Where are your children? They


She often ...TV.

...you already ... TV?

We ... TV the whole lesson


14. Did you ...TV yesterday?

15. Who ... this program recently?

1. watch

2. watches

3. watched

4. shall watch

5. will watch

6. am watching

7. is watching

8. are. watching

9. was watching

10. were watching

11. shall be watching

12. will be watching

13. has watched

14. have watched

15. had watched

16. shall have watched

17. will have watched

16. What ... you ...at the moment? 17. His parents ... TV when I phoned them.


1. What... she ... now?

2. We ... our tests next lesson.

3. They ... already ... their reports.

4. Who ... this exercise at home?

5. What ...the students... at the


6. He ... all letters when I came

home. 7.1... never ... this article.

8. What ... you ... the whole

evening yesterday?

9. My daughter ...her home work

when I returned.

10. At the moment I... not ...my report.

11. You ... your article by next Tuesday.

12. When I entered he ... his course paper.

13. We ... our tests by the end of the lesson.

14. Your friend usually ... tests well.

15. What... you ... now?

16. ... your teacher ... this book?

17. ... you ... a letter to your parents?

write writes wrote shall write will write am writing

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

7. is writing

8. are writing

9. was writing

10. were writing

11. shall be writ­ing

12. will be writing

13. has written

14. have written

15. had written

16. shall have written

17. will have written

Задание 13. Переведите предложения на английский язык - student2.ru

1. обсуждали 2. обсуждаем (обычно/сейчас) 3. обсуждает (обычно/ сей­час) 4. обсуждаете (обычно/сейчас) 5. обсуждают (обычно/ сей­час) 6. обсудила 7. обсудили 8. обсуждала 9. обсудит 10. обсудим 11. будет обсуж­дать 12. будем обсуж­дать 13. будете обсуж­дать

Задание 9. Выберите адекватный вариант перевода ска­зуемого.

1.They have already discussed this


2. What are you discussing now?

3. Has your group discussed this


4. Usually we discuss such

questions at the lesson. Who will discuss our results? You will be discussing this plan

at 10 o'clock. Will you have discussed new

book by tomorrow?

8. They don't discuss such

questions with me.

9. We shall discuss it next lesson.

10. Did they discuss your plan?

11. What were they discussing when the teacher entered the classroom?

12. We have recently discussed this problem.

13. What problem are they discussing?

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