Task 6. Read the postcard. Who is writing it? Where is he? What is happening there?
Hi Tom,
Greetings from Gelendzhik! It’s hot and sunny and we are having a great time!
We are staying at my aunt and uncle’s house. It’s quite near the sea! My sister Susan and our cousins are playing volleyball at the beach now. My father is mending his car at the garage. My mum and aunt are cooking dinner in the kitchen and I’m making a present for my uncle’s birthday. I’m going to glue a ship model for him. You know, he has a rich collection of ship models.
What are you doing? Are you still in Moscow?
Best wishes,
Task 7. Imagine you are Tom. Write a postcard to Mike. Say what you and your family members are doing now.
Тема 1.3. Человек, здоровье, спорт.
Здоровый образ жизни.
Чтение: работа с учебным текстом «Healthy way of life» Грамматика: условные предложения нулевого типа, Лексика: проблемы здоровья, здоровый образ жизни. Говорение: диалог-беседа по теме занятия
Warm up:1. Do you have a good health? 2. How often do you visit a doctor? 3. Have you got any bad habits? 4. When do you usually go to bed? 5. Do you get up early? 6. Do you feel stressed sometimes? 7. What do you do if you suffer from stress? 8. Have you ever helped disabled people? 9. Do you keep to a healthy diet? 10. Do you take sport?
Task 1.Study the vocabulary:
doctors | врачи | body parts and organs | части тела и органы | |
surgeon | хирург | hip | бедро | |
dentist | стоматолог | thumb | большой палец | |
chiropractor | мануальный терапевт | throat | горло | |
general practitioner | терапевт | stomach | желудок | |
psychologist | психолог | belly | живот | |
optician | оптик | wrist | запястье | |
dermatologist | дерматолгог | tooth | зуб | |
oculist | оккулист | bone | кость | |
nurse | медсестра | blood | кровь | |
emergency doctor | врач скорой | lung | лёгкое | |
illnesses | болезни | elbow | локоть | |
asthma | астма | ankle | лодышка | |
the flu | грипп | finger | палец | |
to fall ill (with) | заболевать | toe | палец (ноги) | |
infectious | заразный | groin | пах | |
abscess | нарыв | liver | печень | |
break | перелом | kidney | почки | |
cut | порез | shoulder | плечо | |
burn | ожог | heel | пятка | |
cancer | рак | jaw | челюсть | |
heart attack | сердечный приступ | backbone | позвоночник | |
rash | сыпь | others | другое | |
stroke | инсульт | painkiller | болеутоляющее | |
sick leave | больничный | bandage | бинт | |
cough | кашель | ambulance | скорая помощь | |
intoxication | отравление | crutch | костыль |
Task 2. Match the health problem to the doctor you need to see. Make up sentences as in the example.
Health Problems | Professions | |||
you break your arm | A | surgeon | ||
you don’t feel well | B | dentist | ||
you have a stiff neck | C | orthopaedic surgeon | ||
you have bad acne | D | chiropractor | ||
you have toothache | E | general practitioner(GP) | ||
you need an operation | F | psychologist | ||
you need new glasses | G | optician | ||
you have terrible nightmares | H | dermatologist |
Example: You need to see an orthopaedic surgeon if you break your arm.
Task 3. Match the problem to the advice, then make up sentences, as in the example.
sunburnt | a | stay in bed, drink plenty of fluids | |
hay fever | b | pinch the top of your nose | |
flu | c | wash your face regularly, use a special cream | |
nosebleed | d | take a cool bath, rub on lotion | |
sprained ankle | e | suck a throat lozenge | |
sore throat | f | use a nasal spray | |
acne | g | put on a cold compress, bandage it | |
migraine | h | lie down in a dark room |
Example:If you've got sunburn, take a cool bath and rub on lotion.
Additional vocabulary.
вредный - harmful, injurious недееспособный (инвалид) - disabled, handicapped неизлечимая болезнь - incurable illness/disease очки - glasses, spectacles падать в обморок - to faint пластырь - (sticking) plaster побочное действие - side-effect пот - sweat, perspiration принимать лекарство - to take (some) medicine | глухой - deaf дышать - to breathe перевязь - sling прыщ – spot шприц - syringe язык – tongue пульс - pulse рентген - X-ray синяк - bruise слепой - blind | простудиться - to catch/get a cold рецепт (мед.) - prescription снотворная таблетка - sleeping tablet/pill солнечный удар - sunstroke средство - remedy, cure страдать - to suffer (from) таблетка - tablet, pill у меня болит голова - I have a headache у меня болит горло - I have a sore throat у меня болит зуб - I have (a) toothache умирать/умереть - to die чувствовать себя хорошо - to feel well |
Task 4. Read the dialogues and translate them.
Dialogue 1.
Doctor: Good evening, please take a SEAT. Tell me what’s your name?
James: Good evening doctor, my name is James Ocando.
Doc: Well James, how do you feel? What’s the matter with you?
James: Well doc you see, I was with a friend playing Counter-Strike…
Doc: And a terrorist shot you? That’s terrible. Well, we don’t have anything else to do, We must operate.
James: Doc, no really, I was playing and I think that my wrist has broken, because the pain is killing me.
Doc: It’s ok, move your wrist.
James: AUCH!
Doc: Don’t be a cry baby, you have a little sprain on your wrist.
James: Does it have cure?
Doc: Yes! Buy this muscle cream and put it in the affected area during 3 days at night. And remember don’t move the wrist too much.
James: Thank you doctor.
Dialogue 2.
Dr Jones: Hello, Peter. What seems to be the problem?
Peter: Well, I haven't been feeling very well for the last few days.
Peter: And my throat is sore and it hurts when I swallow.
Dr Jones: Have you noticed a loss of appetite?
Peter: Not really. But it's difficult to swallow.
Dr Jones: Let me have a look ... mmm ...yes your throat is quite inflamed. We’d better take your temperature.
Peter: Actually, I do feel a bit warm.
Dr Jones: Just as I thought... 38.5°C I'd say you've got tonsillitis. Are you taking any medicine at the moment?
Peter: No, not really
Dr Jones: There's nothing to worry about, really. I'm going to give you a prescription. Make sure you drink lots of hot fluids and soup, nothing cold
Peter: OK, thanks a lot.