II. A) Open the brackets and choose the right word and translate the sentences

Контрольная работа №2

Для студентов заочной формы обучения


Выполнил(а) (ФИО)____

Направление з/о____________курс_______шифр__________


Данная контрольная работа предназначена для студентов 2 курса заочной формы обучения всех направлений. Она составлена на базе профессионально-ориентированной тематики и включает в себя лексико-грамматические задания, а также задания на закрепление и развитие компетенций в различных видах речевой деятельности: говорении, понимании, чтении и письме.

Требования к выполнению контрольной работы

По иностранному языку.

1. Контрольная работа состоит из лексико-грамматических упражнений, а также включает в себя задания на развитие всех видов речевой деятельности.

Контрольная работа №2
Тема/лексика Грамматика Письмо Чтение Говорение\аудирование
Тексы: Города и достопримечатель-ности США. Экология. Инженерное дело. (5тыс.печ.знаков) Словообразование. Прилагательные и наречия. Виды писем.   Поисковое, изучающее чтение. Профессия инженера.  

2. Студент должен самостоятельно выполнить контрольную работу №2 в течение 2-го семестра (февраль-май) и предоставить её к устной защите (см. часть 2) рецензенту в течение летней сессии во время практических занятий по иностранному языку.

3. Перед выполнением контрольной работы следует повторить грамматический материал и изучить алгоритм работы с заданиями (см. часть 2); во время выполнения контрольной работы следует использовать словари и другую справочную литературу.

4. Студент должен заполнить титульный лист (ФИО, направление, курс, шифр).

5. Студент должен выполнить все задания контрольной работы №2 в письменном виде чернилами, чётким почерком в выданной ему контрольной работе.


I. Read the text, translate it and fill in the gaps choosing the right answer.

Quebec has several problems with (1) C . Because of its location at the northeast corner of North America, winds from the southwest carry pollution to the (2) C .Acid rain has (3) A damaged (4) C lakes and some forestlands, with maple trees the hardest hit. About half of the sulfur compounds that (5) D acid rain originate at power plants and industrial sites in the United States, a quarter originate in Ontario, and a quarter originate within Quebec. In (6) B__________ , large parts of the St. Lawrence Riv­ er are polluted by fertilizer runoff and toxic industrial dis­ charges despite federally (7)A regulations to improve the (8)B_ of the water.  
  1. A pollute
B polluted C polluting D pollution
  1. A provincialism
B provincial C province D provincially
  1. A seriously
B serious C seriousness D more serious
  1. A numerously
B numerate C numerous D numerated
  1. A causality
B causally C causative D cause
  1. A additional
B addition C add D added
  1. A enforced
B forcing C force D enforce
  1. A qualitative
B quality C qualifying D qualify

I. Read the text, translate it and do the exercises given below.

Washington, D.C.

Washington, D.C. is not only the nation’s capital but perhaps the most interestingly designed and most beautiful city in the United States. It was not the first capital of the country. The capital had been located earlier in New York City and then in Philadelphia. When the 1st Congress agreed to build a capital on the banks of the Potomac, land was ceded to the federal government by two states, Maryland and Virginia.

The city of Washington is the federal district (District of Columbia). The grand plan of the city was created by the French architect Pierre Charles L’Enfant. He had volunteered to fight in the American Revolution and remained in the country following the end of the war. Having served under General Washington in New Jersey, he was recognized both for his bravery and his work as an artist and engineer.

The unique character of Washington, D.C. comes from an elegant expanse of public space called the national Mall. From any point on the Mall, one can glimpse the symbols of the nation – the Capitol, the White House, and the presidential monuments.

There are many statues of George Washington in the city. However, the principal monument honouring the nation’s first president is a simple obelisk, 170 meters high, built on a slight rise in the centre of the city’s federal area. Begun in 1848, it was not completed until 1885 because of funding problems and the Civil War. G. Washington, in his farewell address, gave good advice to those who would follow him in leading the country: “Observe good faith and justice toward all nations……”

The Jefferson Memorial reflects his respect for classical architecture which he introduced in his design for the University of Virginia. Completed in 1943, the memorial is a fitting tribute to this multitalented man – architect, inventor, author of the nation’s Declaration of Independence, and its third president.

The interior walls of the white marble building are inscribed with ringing words of freedom from Jefferson’s writings, reflected the hopes and aspirations of the nation’s founders: “I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man….”

The Lincoln Memorial was completed in 1922. The brooding figure of Abraham Lincoln, carved from white marble by sculptor Daniel Chester French, conveys a somber sense of the Civil War president’s responsibility. Although some people questioned the decision to use a design based on a Greek temple to commemorate a man born in a log cabin, most people see the memorial as a fitting tribute to its greatest President, the man who preserved the union, making it possible for the democratic experiment to continue.

II. a) Open the brackets and choose the right word and translate the sentences.

1. This building was designed (bad/badly). → Здание было разработано плохо

2. He gave me (good/well) advice. → Он дал мне хороший совет

3. The monument seems to be (high/highly). → Памятник кажется высоким

4. The statue looks (great/greatly). → Статуя выглядит великолепно

5. They look at me (serious/seriously). → Они смотрят на меня серьезно

6. He always did his work (responsible/responsibly). → Он всегда делал свою работу с ответственностью

7. He was (responsible/responsibly) for the plan. → Он был ответственным за план

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