The verb “to be” in the Past Simple Tense

Affirmative   Negative
I was You were He / she / it was We / you /they were   I was not (wasn’t) You were not (weren’t) He / she / it was not (wasn’t) We / you / they were not (weren’t)
Questions   Short answers
Was I? Were you? Was he / she / it? Were we / you / they?   Yes , I was Yes, you were Yes, he/ she / it was Yes, we / you / they were No, I wasn’t No, you weren’t No, he / she / it wasn’t No, we / you / they weren’t

- Last year she was22, so she is 23 now.

-When I wasa child, I wasafraid of dogs.

- We were tired after the journey but we weren’t hungry.

- The hotel was very comfortable and it wasn’t expensive.

- Where were you at 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon?

- Wasthe weather good when you were on holiday?

- Those shoes are nice. Were they expensive?

Ex. 10. Put in was / wasn’t / were / weren’t.

1. We didn’t like that house. It __was__ very old and it __wasn’t__ large enough.

2. Helen got married when she __________ 21 years old.

3. I called you yesterday evening but you ___________ at home. Where ___________ you?

4. My son ________ at work last week because he ________ ill. He’s better now.

5. The shops ___________ open yesterday because it _________ a public holiday.

6. “_________ at home at 9.30?” “No, I ___________. I _________ at work.”

7. Kate _______ in the south last year but Sue ________. She _______busy with her work.

8. When my parents ___________ young they rented a flat.

Ex. 11. Put in am / is / are / was / were. Some sentences are present and some are


1. Last year she __was 22, so she ___is__ 23 now.

2. Today the weather _______ nice, but yesterday it ________ cold.

3. I _________ hungry. Can I have something to eat?

4. I _________ hungry last night, so I had something to eat.

5. Where ________ you at 11 o’clock last Friday morning?

6. Don’t buy those shoes. They _________ too expensive.

7. Why _________ you so angry yesterday?

8. We must go now. It ________ very late.

9. This time last year I _________ in Paris.

10. “Where ______ the children?” “I don’t know. They _______ in the garden ten minutes ago.

11. When I ________ a child I liked milk.

12. We ______ very pleased to see you.

13. __________ they in France or in Spain last summer?

14. _________ English very difficult?

15. You ________ not very friendly to my sister.

Ex. 12. Put in was or were.

Last night I had a strange dream. I _________ in the world where all the colours _______ different. The grass _________ orange, the trees ________ white; in the green sky there _______ a purple sun and a moon the colour of blood. I ________ a child again, eight years old, and I ________ lost. But I _________ not frightened. I front of me there _________ a long street, stretching away as far as I could see.

There __________ no people, but all around me I heard the noise of big insects. It _______ neither cold nor hot. I walked until I came to a church. In the church there _________ hundreds of people, all looking at me. They started to come towards me, slowly at first, then faster and faster. Then I woke up.

The verb “to be” in the Future Simple Tense

Affirmative Negative Questions
I He / she / it will be We / you / they I He / she / it will not (won’t) We / you / they I Will he/she/it be? we/you/they

Ex. 13. Put in the verb TO BE into present, past and future simple.

1. My father _______a teacher.

2. He _______ a pupil twenty years ago.

3. I _________ a doctor when I grow up.

4. My sister _______not _____ at home tomorrow.

5. She _________ at school tomorrow.

6. _______ your father at work yesterday?

7. My sister _______ ill last week.

8. Our teacher ______ ill so she _____________ at school next week.

9. Yesterday we _______ at the theatre.

10. Where ______ your mother now? - She ________ in the kitchen.

11. Where ________ you yesterday? - I ________ at the cinema.

12. When I come home tomorrow, all my family ___________ at home.

13. ________ your sister in bed now? - No, she ________.

14. __________ you _______ at school tomorrow? - Yes, I ________.

14. When my granny ________ young, she _________ an actress.

15. Where ________ your books now? - They _______ in my bag.

16. How old _______ you ______ next birthday?





Утвердительная форма   Отрицательная форма   Вопросительная форма
I walk You walk He walks She walks It walks We walk You walk They walk I do not (don’t) walk You do not (don’t) walk He does not (doesn’t)walk She does not (doesn’t)walk It does not (doesn’t) walk We do not (don’t) walk You do not (don’t) walk They do not (don’t) walk Do I walk? Do you walk? Doeshe walk? Doesshe walk? Does it walk? Do we walk? Do you walk? Do they walk?


1. Обычное, постоянное действие, свойственное подлежащему действие, т.е. действие,

происходящее вообще.

The postman brings us the newspaper Почтальон приносит газету утром.

in the morning.

(обычное действие)

He lives in Moscow. Он живет в Москве.

(постоянное действие)

She speaks three foreign languages. Она говорит на трех иностранных

(действие, свойственное языках.


2. Повторяющееся действие (обычно с always, usually, often, sometimes, never,

Every week, twice a month, etc.).

We go to the swimming pool twice a week. Мы ходим в бассейн дважды в неделю.

3. Общеизвестные истины.

The sun risesin the east. Солнце встает на востоке.

Ex. 14. Write the following sentences in the 3rd person singular.

1. They wish to speak to you. He __wishes to speak to you._____________

2. Buses pass my house every hour. It_

3. They help their father. He_________

4. We change planes at Heathrow. She_

5. You watch too much TV. He_______

6. They worry too much. He_________

7. I cash a cheque every month. He____

8. I always carry an umbrella. She_____

9. They wash the floor every week. She_

Ex. 15. Complete.

Helen (get) gets up at 7 o’clock, (wash) __________, (dress) __________, (have) _________

breakfast and (catch) __________ the school bus. She never (hurry) ____________, and she never (worry) ____________, and she never (miss) ____________ the bus. Helen (work) _____________ hard at school. At 12.45 she (go) ___________ home for lunch. She (catch) _____________ the bus and (arrive) _____________ home at 1.00. After lunch she (play) _____________ with her dog., Rusty. She (throw) ____________ sticks for him and he (run) _____________ after them and (catch) ____________ them. Helen (go) ____________ back to school at 1.45. Her mother (kiss) ____________ her goodbye and she (arrive) ____________ back at school at 2.00. At 4.00 she (catch) _____________ the bus home again. She (wash) _____________ her hands, (have) _____________ a cup of tea and a sandwich, and (do) _____________ her homework. Then she (watch) ___________ television or (go) _____________ to see her friends.

Ex. 16. Put in don’t or doesn’t.

Example: They don’t speak Greek.

1. He _____________ live in London. 9. We ______________ speak Russian.

2. Barbara ___________ like Tom. 10. I _____________ read newspapers.

3. They ____________ have a video. 11. She ___________ do her homework.

4. You ____________ get up early. 12. This hotel ______________ have a

5. We __________ to school by bus. swimmimg pool.

6. Our class __________ like English. 13. I ________________ play the piano.

7. You ______________ like spiders. 14. Mark __________ work in an office.

8. Steve ___________ speak Spanish. 15. This flat _________ have a balcony.

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