Students should pay for the use of swimming pools.

There is a rugby female team at the University

Dancing and bars are on campus.

The Kanzas City Royals is a football team.

6. World of Fun is a shopping mall.

Only residents of Missouri study at the University.

8. The university organizes picnics for students.

9. Students have fun only off-campus.

Ocean of Fun is the name for the Atlantic ocean.

Text 5

Jobs for Students.

New Words and Expressions.

Throughout the year = through the whole year - весь год. The Admission Board at the univer­sity works throughout the year.

Available - доступный, имеющийся в наличии. Is this textbook available at the library?

Working schedules - часы (расписание) работы. Anne earns money babysitting, and her working schedule is very convenient for her: weekends and Wednesday night. Flexible - гибкий. Flexible working hours are convenient for part-time students.

Custodial work - работа по уборке помещений. Custodial work is not very popular with the students.

Tutor - частный преподаватель, репетитор. In Russia many school-leavers study with tutors before applying to a prestigious University.

1. Not only do students at Central study and have fun, but a large number of students work throughoutsummer and winter breaks. 2. There are many different jobs available on campus. 3. Some of these jobs are working opportunities - remember those cafeterias? 4. Also dormitories, bookstores, university stores and administration help. They allow the students to work as many hours as they would like.5. These jobs provide students with the minimum salary, which is $4.75 per hour. 6. Working schedules are very flexible. 7. International students are allowed to work only on campus. 8. Many of them are working and are happy with this opportunity. Some of the students even work through the whole year..9. Working on campus is a good way to earn money and help yourself live. 10. I have been working on campus since I have been in Central University. 11. I worked in food service. 12. I did custodial work during the summer, and recently I have even worked as an English tutor. 13. I am very glad that I can try myself in a really working environment and help myself financially, and let me say one more thing: working is fun and easy!

Exercise 17. Из текста вырезаны два предложения. Найдите их место в тексте.

Some of the students even work through the whole year.

They allow the students to work as many hours as they would like.


Room and Board

New Words and Expressions.

Dormitory - общежитие, сокр. dorm. How many dorms are available for students in your institute?

A suite [swi:t] - номер в гостинице или общежитии, состоящий более, чем из одной комна­ты. Омоним - suite [sju:t] - костюм. They shared a 3-room suite in the Raddisson Hotel. She's bought an elegant trouser suite.

Option = возможность. At our institute you have 2 options: either to be enrolled in the day de­partment or in the distance learning (correspondence) department.

To rent - арендовать, снимать. It is expensive to rent an office in the center of Saratov. Convenient - удобный. The schedule for this semester is not very convenient - the classes start very late.

Off-campus - вне кампуса, за пределами кампуса. Freshmen in the Central are not allowed to live off-campus.

Advantage = benefit - преимущество. What are the advantages of studying at the day depart­ment?

Conditions - условия. The living conditions in this old dorm are very poor.

In the range of – в пределах… от… до. This van costs in the range of $ 10,000 – 15,000.

Utilities - удобства. In our new dorm the utilities are first-class.

Bill - счёт. At last the waiter brought us the bill for lunch. What is your monthly bill for the telephone?

Monthly payment - ежемесячная оплата. What's your monthly payment for the room in the dorm? The monthly payment for a one-roo flat is about 70 rubles.

Call - звонок. To call - звонить. I called your office three times today, but you were out. Long-distance - междугородний звонок (доcл. на длинное расстояние). The cost of long dis­tance calls is lower after 11 p.m.

Laundry - прачечная. Our laundry has long working hours.

Board - питание. Do you rent the room with board?

Washer - стиральная машина. An automatic washer saves a lot of time, but is quite expensive.

Drier - машина для сушки. Hair drier - фен.

Load - груз; зд. загрузка одной машины.

By hand – вручную. Underwear is usually washed by hand.

Free – бесплатный. In the USA children from the families with low income have free meals at school. I think medical care shoud be free for all.

As soon as you arrive here in Warrensburg the University staff will help to place you in a dormitory. What is an American dorm? It is something like a Russian dorm. Our dormitories at Central have suits, which are two rooms for two people in each and one bathroom. So, only 4 people share a bathroom. Also, you have a choice of staying just by yourself in a room like this, but it costs a little bit more.

For those who are 20 years and older , there is an option to rent an apartment outside the cam­pus. But many students prefer living on campus for their whole student life because it is very convenient. Then you don't need a car to drive and park. Staying in a dorm saves you a lot of time you could spend on something more important .

But staying off-campus has many advantages, too. First of all, the students have more inde­pendence, especially if they like loud parties. But seriously, let me talk about the cost. To rent a one-bedroom apartment in Warrenburg for just yourself costs about $200-350, depending on the conditionsof the house or apartment. two-bedroom apartments will cost you in the range of $300-400. What most students do is get somebody else, or even 2 or 3 other people and rent a two-bedroom apartment for 2 people. It is necessary to mention that you must pay for all or some of the utilitiesyou use. You may pay for gas and electricity, sewer and water, telephone and TV. Let me give you one example. A friend of mine from Kenia found 2 other guys, and they decided to share a 3-bedroom apartment. So, each of them had their own room and they shared the kitchen, the bathroom, the living-room, and all utilities. They paid $150 a month each, and they divided their other expenses into 3 parts. Their electricity billwas about $35 a month, TV - $19, telephone - $15 a month. So, their monthly payment was about $170-180 per month depending on how many times they called long-distance.

Before I start talking about board, I want to say a word about laundry.Each dorm has a laundry room with fully automatic washers and driers. It costs $7,5 for each load to wash and also 0,75 for each load to dry. There are also several public laundries in town where you can wash your laundry a bit cheaper. Of course, you still can wash it by hand forfree!

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