Put in the most suitable tense.

1. He _______(never/study) any foreign languages.

2. She_______ (phone ) just now.

3. Is this your first trip to Wales? No. I ______(be) there before.

4. I _______(live) in France in 1997.

5. Tom _______(arrive) in the morning.

6. Where_____ (be) you last night?

7. I _____(lose) my key.

8. This is the first time I_____ (have)paella.

9. We ______(dance) a lot at the party.

10. My father is a composer. He ______(write) lots of songs.

TEST № 3

Future Forms

Fill in the blanks using will or be going to. Use the verbs in



Erna Hart 1 _______(swim) across the English Channel tomorrow. She

2 _______(set out) from the French coast at 5 o'clock in the morning. Erna is only 14 years old and she hopes to set up a world record. She is a strong swimmer and many people fell that she is sure to succeed. Erna's father 3_____ (set out)with her in a small boat. Mr Hart has trained his daughter for years. Tomorrow 4 ______(watch) her anxiously as she swims the long distance to England. Erna intends to take short rests every two hours. She 5 ______(have) something to drink but she 6_______ (not eat) any solid food. Most of Erna's school friends 7______ (wait)for her on the English coast. Among them 8_____ (be) Erna's mother, who swam the Channel herself when she was a girl.

Choose the correct verb form.

1. Workers______ the new roads by the end of this year.

a. will complete b. will be completed

2. Everybody_______ anxiously as the new buildings go up.

a. will have been watching b. will be watching

3. We______ never______ the heroes who gave their lives for our country.

a. will ... forget b. would ... forget

4. He said he______ to London the next day.

a. will go b. would go

5. By the end of the year I_______ five English books.

a. will have read b. will read

6. Don't ring her up at three o'clock. She _______ a letter to her mum.

a. will be writing b. will write

7. At this time tomorrow the girls_______ the X-mas tree.

a. will decorate b. will be decorating

8. I expect we______ problems with bad weather.

a. 'll have b. are going to have

9. When we get back we ____________.

a. will have travelling b. will be travelling

10. This time next week we________ down Costa del Sol.

a. are going to travel b. will be travelling

Tick the correct sentence.

1. a John will begin his new job tomorrow.

b John will be beginning his new job tomorrow.

2. a By 2001 he will work for ten hours.

b By 2001 he will have worked for ten hours.

3. a He will be staying with us as often as possible.

b He will stay with us as often as possible.

4. a From two till three he will be working in the garden.

b From two till three he'll work in the garden.

5. a He said he'll be in the south the next week.

b He said he would be in the south the next week.

6. a What is she going to do on Friday?

b What will she be doing on Friday?

7. a Computers are going to be important but they are not going to replace teachers.

b Computers will be important but they won't replace teachers.

8. a If I have time I'll go.

b If I have time I'll have gone.

9. a Where are you going to stay in Paris?

b Where will you have stayed in Paris?

10. a What time will they be returning home?

b What time will they return home?

Match the two parts of the sentences.

1. I will play volleyball unless ...

2. I hope ...

3. He will be working in his office ...

4. I'm going to stay …

5. I'll be seeing them …

6. Don't be afraid ...

7. They are a good team, I think ...

8. He'll do some shopping ...

9. I don't know ...

10. I'll have been living there...

a. ... I won insult him.

b. … when I'll come back.

c. … from ten till five.

d. … and then he'll have lunch.

e. … at home today,

f. …I have as headache.

g. … when I've finished with you.

h. … they are going to win the match.

i. … for 15 years next April.

j. … you'll phone me regularly.

Correct the errors.

1. They are going to need a medical kit.

2. They won't arrive by then.

3. At 12 o'clock tomorrow he'll work.

4. Look at the sky. It will rain.

5. You smoke a lot. You are going to have headaches.

6. When I come home my dog will sit at the door waiting for me.

7. We will finish all the work by 5 o'clock in the afternoon.

8. The temperature will be reaching 25 C.

9. She will have passed her exams successfully.

10. This time next week I will swim in the Black Sea.

TEST № 4

Modal Verbs

1. Fill in the blanks with can or be able in different tenses.

1. When Carol've passed her driving test, she_____ hire a car from Jane.

2. When the fog lifts we______ see where we are.

3. You've put too much in your suitcase you never________ carry it.

4.___________ you use the word processor?

5. He________ skate all day and dance all night.

6. We________ borrow umbrellas from the Smiths; so we didn't get wet.

7. I knew London so I_________ advise Betty what to see.

8. If you had had the right tools_________ you have repaired the fence?

9. _________I speak to Mr. White, please?

10. If I knew Greek I_______ tell you what this means.

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