I. Перепишите предложения, поставьте глагол

Заключенный в скобки, в нужную грамматическую форму.

Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. When you ( to come) back, please call me immediately.

2. As soon as we ( to arrive) in Paris we will visit the “Olimpia-Hall” theatre.

3. They will be happy to see you when you return.

4. Please, unlock the door in case somebody ( to come).

5. I will not reply you until you ( to make) your offer more polite.

6. The grass will not grow until it (to rain).

7. After I ( to finish) the letter I must send it to our business partner.

8. If I ( to get up) earlier tomorrow I will see the sunrise.

9. Unless you (to explain ) me the task I can not help you.

10. When the show starts we (to appear) on the stage.

11. He ( to invite) you as soon as he completes the construction of his new house.

12. If our father buys tickets we ( to hear) opera tomorrow.

II. Переведите предложения на английский язык, обращая внимание

На выражение будущего действия в придаточном условия и времени.

1. Если я не буду занят, я пойду на концерт.

2. Если он не придет вовремя, можно мне уйти?

3. Когда погода станет лучше, мы поиграем в футбол.

4. Пока не придет мама, я не выйду гулять.

5. Он выучит это стихотворение на случай, если его спросят на экзамене.

III. Поставьте глаголы, заключенные в скобки, в соответствующую форму страдательного или действительного залога:

1. He (to want) on the phone.

2. We (to listen) to the radio performance very attentively.

3. The members of the club (to tell) to come at 10 a. m.

4. The doctor (to send) for already.

5. This actor (to play) his first role at the age of thirty.

6. They (to say) that you are leaving tomorrow.

7. Too little money (to spent) on the election campaign every month.

8. Tea drinking (to consider) an art form in Japan.

9. We were very (to impress) by the qualification and experience of our new director.

10. People want (to inform) about other cultures.

11. Modern plays as well as classics (to stage) at the theatre.

12. This work must (to do) on time.

IV. Переведите предложения:

1. It is well said.

2. Forewarned is forearmed.

3. A fool and his money are soon parted.

4. What is done cannot be undone.

5. A good name is sooner lost than won.

6. Better unborn than untaught, but better untaught than ill-taught.

7. Money spent on brain is never spent in vain.

8. A summer is not made by one swallow.

9. Lost time is never found again.

10. Rome was not built in a day.

V. Переведите предложения, употребляя глаголы в соответствующей форме

страдательного залога:

1. Интервью было показано по телевизору на прошлой неделе.

2. Я уверен, что проблема будет решена в ближайшем будущем.

3. Фирма представлена несколькими специалистами.

4. Этот вопрос часто обсуждается.

5. Когда мы пришли, нас собрали вместе за одним столом.

6. Все эти дома были построены 10 лет назад.

7. Легенды об истории этого острова были собраны и записаны известным писателем.

8. Нам расскажут кое-что интересное.

9. Его попросили принять участие в конференции.

10. Меня представят всем гостям?

11. Вы приглашены на день рождения?

12. За детьми присматривают квалифицированные работники.

VI. Перепишите предложения, переведите их на русский язык.

Подчеркните сказуемое и определите его видовременную форму.

1. We have just come back home after lessons. We are tired.

2. He has worked here only six months.

3. They've been studying English for three years.

4. I have written half a dozen letters this afternoon.

5. I have read "David Copperfield" this week.

6. I have been reading books by Dickens all my life.

7. My sister has cleaned out the room. It looks empty now.

8. Have you ever been to Japan?

9. He has never spent a night outdoors.

10. Have they finished their test work yet?

11. She has been waiting to see you since two o'clock.

12. You have never looked so beautiful!

VII. Перепишите предложения. Поставьте глагол, заключенный в скобки,

В Present Perfect или Past Simple.

1. I ( not yet to eat) today.

2. He ( not to eat) yesterday.

3. You ( to play) the piano yesterday?

4. What you ( to prepare) today?

5. Look at this house. Mike (to build) it himself.

6. He ( to build) it yesterday.

7. I already ( to do) my homework. I can go out for a walk.

8. I ( not to do) my homework yesterday.

9. She already ( to come) from school.

10. He ( to come) home a minute ago.

11. You ever ( to be) to New York?

12. I ( to call) her a minute ago.

VIII. Перепишите предложения. Переведите их на русский язык.

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