III. Study Texts В and С and
a) explain the meaning of:
delicious (about food), layer-cake, oven, napkin, a big eater, done to a turn, seconds.
b) give the Infinitive oft
overdone, spilt, upset, mashed, stewed.
IV. a) Give asummary of Text В in reported speech.
Example: Text С is a talk between two friends in the dining hall of their Institute. They seem very hungry, but they haven't got much time left before the end of the break, so one of them stands in the line, while the other reads the menu. There is a rich choice of dishes in it but as they are in a hurry they take only salads, fish jelly and chicken soup, which shows that they are obviously Russians: the English are not overfond of soup, as you know.
b) Learn Text С by heart and recite it la pairs.
V. Study Essential Vocabulary II and the commentary to it and answer the following questions:
1. What kinds of food do you know? Give as many nouns denoting food as you can. 2. What meals do you know? 3. What dishes do you know? Give as many names of dishes as you can. 4. What is understood by a "course"? What attributes may qualify this word? 5. What can be boiled? 6. Do we fry meat or do we roast it? 7. What is an omelette made from? 8. What are cornflakes generally eaten with? 9. What is the difference between fried potatoes and chips? 10. What kind of meal is five o'clock tea in England? Do you know other names for this meal? 11. What kinds of fruit do you know? 12. Do we roast fish? What is the way to cook it? 13. Do you ever have stewed fruit for dessert? 14. Do you usually have a starter before dinner or do you do without it? 15. Where do you have your meals on weekdays and on Sundays?
VI. Fill in prepositions or adverbs where necessary:
1. Take another helping ... salad. 2. I think I'll trouble you ... a second cup of tea. 3. Will you please pass ... the sugar. 4. She is going to make some fish soup ... dinner. 5. Marmalade is made ... orange peel. 6. The egg is eaten ... a small spoon. 7. Their meal consisted ... two courses. 8. What can you recommend ... the first course? 9. The meat is done ... a turn. 10. No sugar ... me, thank you. 11.... midday people have their meals ... home or ... the canteen. 12. Custard is made ... eggs and milk. 13. The fish is just... my liking. 14. Evening meal goes ... various names ... England. 15. I don't take milk ... my tea. 16. Help yourself ... some pastry. 17. Broth is made ... boiling chicken. 18. Will you please hand ... the salt-cellar? 19. What do you usually order ... dessert? 20. The way to refuse ... a dish is ... saying "No, thank you." 21. You may ask ... a second helping.
VII. Translate these sentences into English:
1. На завтрак подали корнфлекс с молоком. Затем последовал поджаренный бекон. 2. Невозможно представить себе английский завтрак без тостов. Их намазывают маслом н джемом. 3. Завтрак часто едят наспех, так как все спешат. 4. Обед обычно состоит из двух блюд. Мясное блюдо подается с большим количеством овощей. За ним следует компот. 5. Так называемый «большой чай» — весьма основательная трапеза. 6. Он всегда не прочь, как он выражается, «плотно закусить». 7. Ничего нет вкуснее земляники со сливками! 8. Бифштекс вкусный? — По-моему, он недожарен. — А мне кажется, он как раз такой, как надо. 9. Что желаете на второе? — Какое-нибудь рыбное блюдо, как обычно. 10. Для меня ничего нет лучше жареной картошки, конечно, если она румяная и поджаристая. 11. Сколько вам кусочков сахара? — Благодарю вас, я пью чай без сахара. Ломтик лимона, пожалуйста.
VIII. a) Act out the dialogues below:
A. Inviting someone out
S.: Hallo, Bill, have you got any plans for this evening?
В.: No, really, no.
S.: Well, would you like to have a meal with me?
В.: Oh, well, I'm not sure I can manage that.
S.: There's a nice Chinese restaurant in town — the food's very good there.
В.: Oh, that sounds very nice, thanks.
S.: I'll call for you about 8, then.
В.: 8 o'clock. Fine, thanks.
B. Asking your friends to doyou a favour.
J.: I'm just going shopping. Do you want anything?
M.: Are you going past the baker's by any chance, Jan?
J.: Yes.
M.: Well, I wonder if you could get me fifteen Danish pastries.
J.: Fifteen? I can't imagine why you want fifteen.
M.: Well, I want to give everyone in the class one for tea.
J.: OK! I hope I'll get one of them.
M.: Of course, thanks a lot. (Functions of English. Teacher's Book. Cambridge Univ. Press, 1981)
b) Make up dialogues of your own using word combinations from the texts.
IX. Ask your partner
1. About the dinner he usually has (time, place, dishes). 2. If he takes any starter and what he likes for it. 3. What kind of soup he likes best of all. 4. What his favourite meat dishes are. 5. What kinds of fish he knows. 6. If- he likes stewed carrots. 7. What other stewed vegetables or fruit he eats. 8. What he wants for dessert. 9. How many lumps of sugar he takes with his tea. 10. If he prefers strong or weak tea. 11. What he usually does if he spills some liquid on the table-cloth. 12. If he can cook any dishes. 13. About the way he cooks meat (fry, roast, stew). 14. If he sometimes eats out. 15. If he prefers eating out.
X. Compose dialogues between a Russian and an Esglish student discussing a) English and Russian meals; b) their favourite dishes; c) where each of them has his meals.
XI. a) Study the text:
Bread -and-Butter Pudding
Beat up two eggs and add to them one pint of milk and a little flavouring. Butter the pie-dish and cut three slices of bread-and-butter in fingers, removing the crusts. Put a layer of bread in the dish, sprinkle with sugar and a few cleaned currants or raisins, add more bread, fruit and sugar and then pour over the milk and the eggs. Leave to soak for one hour, then bake in a slow oven about an hour. Sprinkle with sugar before serving.
b) Describe the way you cook your favourite dish. You may need some verbs besides those in the text, such as mince, mix, grate, grind, chop, sift, roll, bake.
XII. Try your band at teaching:
A. Preparation.Find 3 proverbs dealing with the topic. Translate them and give their Russian equivalents.
B. Work in Class.Get a member of the class to write one of them on the blackboard. Make another student translate it and give its Russian equivalent. Tell the class to think of a short situation illustrating the proverb. Correct the mistakes. (Look up the words you may need to do the exercise in class in "Classroom English", Section VIII.)
ХIII. a) Read the text below and comment on it:
Britons drink a quarter of all the tea grown in the world each year. They are the world's greatest tea drinkers. Many of them drink it on at least eight different occasions during the day. They drink it between meals and at meals. They drink it watching television. Join the Tea-V set! says one well-known tea advertisement. (See: Musman R. Britain Today. Lnd., 1974)
b) What is the attitude towards tea drinking in this country?
XIV. Translate toe following sentences:
1. «Сколько раз в день вы едите? — спросил врач. ~ Регулярное питание очень важно для здоровья». 2. Он съел полную тарелку каши, хотя говорил, что совсем не хочет есть. 3. Сегодня в меню есть мясные блюда, тушеные овощи, сладкий пудинг, разные закуски и даже мороженое с фруктами на десерт. 4. Сколько вам кусочков сахара? — Достаточно двух 5. Не хотите еще немного салата? — Благодарю вас, мне достаточно. 6. Суп вкусный? — Я еще не пробовала, он очень горячий. 7. Вы сказали сестре, чтобы она принесла чистую посуду? 8. Вы какой любите чай — крепкий или слабый? — Не очень крепкий, пожалуйста. 9. Что сегодня на второе? — Жареная рыба с картошкой. 10. Обед подан в столовой. И. Тебе намазать хлеб маслом? — Да, и вареньем. 12. У нас сегодня был легкий завтрак, и после прогулки мы проголодались. Было бы неплохо сытно поесть. 13. Он наскоро поужинал и принялся за работу. 14. Она любит консервированные ананасы больше, чем свежие. 15. В этом доме гостей всегда угощают совершенно особенным яблочным пирогом (apple-tart). Он необыкновенно вкусен. 16. Ее муж любит, как он говорит, вздремнуть полчасика (take a пар) после плотного обеда. — Это вредно для пищеварения. Ему бы лучше пройтись с полмили. 17. Ты уже накрыла на стол? — Нет еще. Не могу найти чистую скатерть.
XV. a) Study the text:
For many British people, the pub is the centre of their social life. People from some countries find this rather shocking, but for most people in Britain a pub is a place with a friendly atmosphere where they can meet their friends and talk over a drink — and often over a meal.
At lunchtime you can often get sandwiches or a plough-man's lunch (bread and cheese). In the evening many pubs serve 'basket meals' (especially chicken and chips served in a basket) at the bar, and some have restaurants where you can get a complete meal.
It is quite normal for women to go into pubs in Britain, but like everybody else they must follow the licensing laws. These are very complicated and control the time pubs are allowed to open. (See "Approaches." Cambridge 1979.)
b) Comment on the text adding some more information on the topic.
XVI. Make up dialogues:
Suggested Situations
A. Helen has invited some friends to a dinner party. She has cooked ail the dishes herself and proudly mentions the fact. Her friends do not find everything quite to their liking, but try not to show it. On the whole, every one is having great fun.
B, An irritable husband is sitting at dinner and criticizing his wife's cooking. He is trying to teach her the way this or that dish should be cooked though he knows very little about it. The wife is doing her best to defend herself.
C. A hostess is treating a lady-visitor to a meal. The visitor keeps repeating that she is on a slimming-diet, that she never eats anything fattening and that, in general, she eats like a little bird. Yet she helps herself to this and that very heartily, till the hostess begins watching the disappearing food with some anxiety.
D. A slow waitress is taking an order from a hungry and impatient client. All the client's efforts to order this or that dish are refused on all kinds of pretexts: the pork is fat; the beef is tough; they haven't got any more potatoes in the kitchen; the ice-cream has melted; the cook has a toothache, etc.
E. Two very young and extremely inexperienced housewives are advising each other as to the best way of feeding their husbands. One of them is inclined to take the line of least resistance and to serve only tinned food for all the meals. The other points out that tinned food alone will never do and suggests other ways of solving the problem.