III. Дополните эти комбинации слов глаголами. Все они встречаются в тексте.
Контрольная работа №1
Вариант 1
I. Прочитайте и переведите письменно текст.
A study of 650 women showed that a great number of women business owners in the United States take the risky step of starting a business because they run into a “glass ceiling” – an invisible barrier to advancement in their work.
Women coming from the corporate world are particularly frustrated. Many of them say that their employers didn’t take them seriously or value them. Nearly 60% of women who had come from corporations said nothing would make them return, including more money.
The research shows the reasons for the great growth in the country’s 8 million women-owned businesses, which now account for one-third of US firms. Women-owned businesses are being created at twice the rate of all businesses. Nearly half of women business owners started their companies because they had a winning business idea or they wanted to turn their skills into business.
Helen Hodges, a Houston-based entrepreneur since 1999, said she left the corporate world because she didn’t feel that she would get very far at the large company where she worked. “I felt the politics were too much against me”, said Hodges, who now owns Separation Systems Consultants, a small firm doing business in waste disposal. “If you want to get where you want to go, do it the way it works”.
Women also want more flexibility when they leave the corporate world. Half of women business owners who came from the private sector named a desire for more flexibility as a major reason for starting their own business.
II. Напишите вопросы к следующим ответам.
1._____________________________________ ?
They do it because they run into a “glass ceiling”.
2.___________________________________ __?
It is an invisible barrier to advancement in their work.
3._____________________________________ ?
Women coming from the corporate world are particularly frustrated.
4_____________________________________ ?
They say that their employers didn’t take them seriously or value them.
5_____________________________________ ?
They started their companies because they had a winning business idea or they turn their skills into business.
6_____________________________________ ?
It is a firm doing business in waste disposal.
7_____________________________________ ?
They also want more flexibility when they leave the corporate world.
III. Дополните эти комбинации слов глаголами. Все они встречаются в тексте.
1) to ___________ the risky step of starting a business
1) to ___________ into a “glass ceiling”
2) to ___________ from the corporate world
3) to ___________ a company
4) to ___________ the skills into business
5) to ___________ the corporate world
6) to ___________ business in waste disposal
Скажите, соответствуют ли данные утверждения содержанию текста.
1) The first Nobel prizes of the new millennium were awarded at ceremonies in Stockholm on Sunday at the end of December.
2) The Nobel Prizes were awarded by King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden.
3) The Nobel Prizes were first awarded to the inventor of dynamite.
4) Twelve laureates were awarded the prizes for sciences, economics and literature.
5) The Nobel banquet in Stockholm’s City Hall was attended by 1,800 guests.
6) There were the physics laureates.
7) ZhoresAlfyorov from St. Petersburg received the chemistry prize.
8) Alfyorov said that physics had brought both benefits and disasters to mankind.
9) The physics laureates were all from the United States.
VI. Выберите суффикс, который придает прилагательному противоположное значение.
1) relevant experience
a) dis- b) in- c) ir-
2) complete CV
a) in- b) im- c) un-
3) fair decision
a) un- b) dis- c) in-
4) popular manager
a) dis- b) un- c) im-
5) responsible worker
a) ir- b) un- c) in-
6) expected promotion
a) ir- b) un- c)in-
7) legal procedure
a) un- b) il- c) dis-
8) honest character
a) dis- b) in- c) un-
9) competent engineer
a) dis- b) un- c) in-
10) logical argument
a) in- b) un- c) il-
VII. Вставьтемодальныеглаголыmust, should, have to илиto be to в нужной форме.
1. The company … advertise the new product to attract more buyers.
2. The firm … provide quality certificates for all its goods.
3. The government … stimulate the production of necessities and it … prevent the increase in prices.
4. The company … pay taxes on its profits.
5. The new government policy … ensure more jobs for population.
6. The trade policy of the Japanese government in the 1950s … ensure rapid economic growth.
Контрольная работа №1
Вариант 2
Пояснения к тексту
1. venturecapital –венчурный капитал, т.е. капитал, инвестируемый в новые предприятия, что, с одной стороны, часто связано с риском, а с другой стороны, с возможностью получения высокой прибыли
2. invain –тщетно, напрасно
3. increasingly – все более, все в большей степени
4. untapped -неиспользованный
5. regulations –правила
6. tiny– очень маленький, крошечный
7. mature –зрелый, развитой
8. totriple– увеличивать втрое
9. two-fold– вдвое, в два раза больше
10. tofare– поживать, жить, быть
11. counterpart –коллега
12. equitymarket –рынок акций
13. torecoup –возмещать (убытки, потери)
IX. Ответьте на вопросы.
1) Did Charles Muirhead manage to get venture capital from firms of Silicon Valley?
2) What kind of failures have US venture firms had?
3) Where are venture firms seeking opportunities now?
4) Have European firms avoided the worst of the Internet boom and burst?
5) What are US firms drawn by?
6) Is there room to grow?
7) Is the amount of venture capital in Europe large?
8) What market is growing faster, the market in the United States or European market?
9) What amount of money has been raised in the US?
10) Is the European market inflated?
11) How many companies went public in Europe in the first quarter of 2001?
12) How many companies went public in the US in the first quarter of 2001?
Контрольная работа №1
Вариант 3
Пояснения к тексту
1. venturecapital –венчурный капитал, т.е. капитал, инвестируемый в новые предприятия, что, с одной стороны, часто связано с риском, а с другой стороны, с возможностью получения высокой прибыли
2. invain –тщетно, напрасно
3. increasingly – все более, все в большей степени
4. untapped -неиспользованный
5. regulations –правила
6. tiny– очень маленький, крошечный
7. mature –зрелый, развитой
8. totriple– увеличивать втрое
9. two-fold– вдвое, в два раза больше
10. tofare– поживать, жить, быть
11. counterpart –коллега
12. equitymarket –рынок акций
13. torecoup –возмещать (убытки, потери)
II. Ответьтенавопросы.
1.Did Charles Muirhead manage to get venture capital from firms of Silicon Valley?
2.What kind of failures have US venture firms had?
3.Where are venture firms seeking opportunities now?
4.Have European firms avoided the worst of the Internet boom and burst?
5.What are US firms drawn by?
6.Is there room to grow?
7.Is the amount of venture capital in Europe large?
8.What market is growing faster, the market in the United States or European market?
9.What amount of money has been raised in the US?
10.Is the European market inflated?
11.How many companies went public in Europe in the first quarter of 2001?
12.How many companies went public in the US in the first quarter of 2001?
Контрольная работа №1
Вариант 1
I. Прочитайте и переведите письменно текст.
A study of 650 women showed that a great number of women business owners in the United States take the risky step of starting a business because they run into a “glass ceiling” – an invisible barrier to advancement in their work.
Women coming from the corporate world are particularly frustrated. Many of them say that their employers didn’t take them seriously or value them. Nearly 60% of women who had come from corporations said nothing would make them return, including more money.
The research shows the reasons for the great growth in the country’s 8 million women-owned businesses, which now account for one-third of US firms. Women-owned businesses are being created at twice the rate of all businesses. Nearly half of women business owners started their companies because they had a winning business idea or they wanted to turn their skills into business.
Helen Hodges, a Houston-based entrepreneur since 1999, said she left the corporate world because she didn’t feel that she would get very far at the large company where she worked. “I felt the politics were too much against me”, said Hodges, who now owns Separation Systems Consultants, a small firm doing business in waste disposal. “If you want to get where you want to go, do it the way it works”.
Women also want more flexibility when they leave the corporate world. Half of women business owners who came from the private sector named a desire for more flexibility as a major reason for starting their own business.
II. Напишите вопросы к следующим ответам.
1._____________________________________ ?
They do it because they run into a “glass ceiling”.
2.___________________________________ __?
It is an invisible barrier to advancement in their work.
3._____________________________________ ?
Women coming from the corporate world are particularly frustrated.
4_____________________________________ ?
They say that their employers didn’t take them seriously or value them.
5_____________________________________ ?
They started their companies because they had a winning business idea or they turn their skills into business.
6_____________________________________ ?
It is a firm doing business in waste disposal.
7_____________________________________ ?
They also want more flexibility when they leave the corporate world.
III. Дополните эти комбинации слов глаголами. Все они встречаются в тексте.
1) to ___________ the risky step of starting a business
1) to ___________ into a “glass ceiling”
2) to ___________ from the corporate world
3) to ___________ a company
4) to ___________ the skills into business
5) to ___________ the corporate world
6) to ___________ business in waste disposal