Exercise 4. Complete the following conversation by putting the verbs in the right tense to express a future action.

Rebecca and Arnold are leaving the office where they work.

Arnold: Would you like to come to a film this weekend?

Rebecca: I’d like to, but I’m afraid I (not to have) time.

Arnold: Why? What you (do)?

Rebecca: Well, my father (arrive) back from Australia. He’s been there for six months and we (have) a big party to celebrate.

Arnold: He (not to be) too tired for a party after his flight?

Rebecca: Yes, and no doubt he (suffer) from jet lag. So, on Saturday he can take it easy. But on Sunday, all the family (come) for a big barbecue. I (prepare) things all day on Saturday.

Arnold: What a lot of work for you.

Rebecca: I don’t mind. My sisters are very helpful and we’re well organised. In fact, I (see) someone about hiring a band this afternoon. So, I must go now or I (not to get) to their office before they (close).

Arnold: I hope everything (go) well for you.

Rebecca: I’m sure it (be) a great day. Provided the sun (shine), that is!

The Sequence of Tenses (Согласование времен)

Согласование времен соблюдается в придаточных дополнительных предложениях, когда сказуемое главного предложения стоит в одном из прошедших времен.

Если сказуемое главного предложения стоит в настоящем или будущем времени, то придаточное дополнительное предложение может быть в любом, нужном по смыслу времени.

1. I know that my friend usually comes home early on Fridays.
Я знаю, что мой друг обычно приходит домой рано по пятницам.

2. I don’t know if (whether) he has booked a seat for the plane.
Я не знаю, заказал ли он билет на самолет.

3. I know that my friend came home very late last night.
Я знаю, что мой друг пришел домой очень поздно вчера вечером.

4. I know that he will come home at 6 o’clock tomorrow.
Я знаю, что завтра он придет домой в 6 часов.

Если же сказуемое главного предложения стоит в прошедшем времени, то:

а) для выражения действия, одновременного с действием главного предложения, употребляется прошедшее время (простое или продолженное).

I didn’t know, that his friend spoke English well.
Я не знал, что его друг хорошо говоритпо-английски.

б) для выражения действия, предшествующего действию главного предложения, употребляется так называемое “пред-прошедшее” время – the Past Perfect Tense.

I heard that my colleague had gone on business.
Я слышал, что мой друг уехал в командировку.

в) для выражения действия, которое последует за действием главного предложения, употребляется особое время, так называемое “будущее в прошедшем” (Future-in-the-Past).

Оно образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола should для 1-го лица ед. и мн. числа или would для всех остальных лиц и инфинитива смыслового глагола без частицы to.

Should Would } + инфинитив без to

Это время употребляется в придаточных предложениях для выражения действия, которое последует за прошедшим действием главного предложения.

I knew that my colleague would go on business soon. Я знал, что мой коллега скоро поедет в командировку.  
I knew that I should (would) have a lesson the next day. Я знал, что на следующий день у меня будетурок.  
  She asked whether (if) Mr Brown would go on business in August. Она спросила, поедет ли мистер Браун в командировку в августе.


После сочетания I’d like to… – Мне бы хотелось… правило согласования времен не соблюдается:

I’d like to know when he will come. Мне бы хотелось знать, когда он придет.

Exercise 1. Read and translate these sentences paying attention to the verb forms. Say whether the action of the object clause precedes, follows, or is simultaneous with the action of the principal clause.

A. 1. He says that he is very busy. 2. He said that he was very busy. 3. He said that he had been busy. 4. He said that he would be busy. 5. She says that she lived in Paris. 6. She said that she lived in Paris. 7. She said that she had lived in Paris. 8. She said that she was going to live in Paris. 9. He knows that Peter was in Moscow in 2005. 10. He knew that Peter was in Moscow. 11. He knew that Peter had been in Moscow several times. 12. He showed me the exercises he had done. 13. All the students knew what they had to revise for the examinations. 14. Didn’t you know who had done it? 15. We didn’t know whose things they were. 16. I saw him before the lecture. He was talking to some people I didn’t know.

B. 1. I’m sorry I didn’t know you were waiting for me. 2. We did not know that they had moved to Moscow. 3. They thought that it would be a nice day. 4. We knew that they would keep their promise. 5. Last month I saw Alec. He looked very sunburnt. He said he had spent a month in the south. 6. When I entered Jane’s room yesterday I saw that her eyes were red. I understood that she had been crying. 7. When I called on my friend the other day he was writing a report. He said he had been working at it for a month. 8. What did you say your father’s name was? 9. He decided that he would go to Berlin as soon as possible. 10. We took our umbrellas, because we were afraid it would rain, for the barometer had been falling for some time. 11. I wanted to join the police but I wasn’t tall enough. 12. I came to tell you that Henry had been here to see me. 13. Her family knew where she had been and what she had been doing. 14. He thought that they were going to get married. 15. I quite forgot it was my birthday today. 16. Yesterday on my way home I met Mary. She was in a hurry. I thought she was hurrying to the Institute, but she said she was going to the station to meet a friend of hers who was coming by the 9 o’clock train.

Exercise 2. Complete these sentences using the phrases in brackets.
Express a simultaneous action.

Model: 1. I didn’t want to phone Mary at that late hour. I knew she (to go to bed early). I didn’t want to phone Mary at that late hour. I knew she went to bed early.

2. I couldn’t talk to Helen when I met her on the way home. She said she (to hurry to the cinema). She said she was hurrying to the cinema.

1. I decided not to invite Helen to the theatre. I remembered he (not to like operas). 2. I gave that stamp to Peter. He said he (to collect stamps). 3. We made up our minds to spend the holidays in the mountains. We thought it (to be a great idea). 4. The Petrovs were away. We learnt that they (to travel in the Caucasus). 5. I decided to call on my neighbours the following day. I knew they (to expect guests). 6. We sent a ticket to Mr Smith. We knew he (to be keen on ballet).
7. When I phoned Victor the other day he was out. His sister told us he (to play tennis in the park). 8. I met Helen in the department store. She said she (to look for a winter coat). 9. My brother wanted to see that film. He said that many good actors (to star in it). 10. Mary hurried to the bus stop. She was sure Mike (still to wait for her). 11. We were not sure Peter would find Alice. We were afraid he (not to know her address). 12. I didn’t introduce Jack to Helen. I was sure they (to know each other), but it appeared they didn’t. 13. We didn’t bring an interpreter because we knew that Mr Mayamoto (to speak English well). 14. When I came home yesterday evening my brother was busy. I saw that he (to pack his things). 15. We decided not to tell Joan the joke because we knew she (to have no sense of humour). 16. We made up our minds to give Steve a new CD player for his birthday because we knew he (to be keen on pop music).

Exercise 3. Complete these sentences using the phrases in brackets.
Express a prior action.

Model: 1. I didn’t think Mike would come with us. I knew he (to see that performance before)

I didn’t think Mike would come with us. I knew he had seen that performance before.

2. Mary was angry with Mike. She said she (to wait for half an hour).

Mary was angry with Mike. She said she had been waiting for half an hour.

1. When I came to the station I saw my cousin there. I understood that he (to miss the 8 o’clock train). 2. When I entered my sister’s room yesterday I saw that her eyes were red. I understood that she (to cry). 3. Everybody praised the film. Jane was sorry she (not to see it). 4. It was raining hard. Mrs Parker regretted that she (not to take an umbrella). 5. Alice was busy yesterday. She said she (to type all day long). 6. Jack was happy that he had got a ticket. He said he (to stand in a queue for two hours). 7. My brother called on me yesterday. He said he (to book tickets for the match). 8. I was surprised that Mary didn’t know the news. I was sure her husband (to tell her everything). 9. Jack didn’t come to the party. We thought he (not to receive our invitation). 10. When I called on my friend yesterday he was writing an article. He said he (to work at it for two months). 11. She couldn’t get into the flat. She said she (to lose her key). 12. She explained to me that she (to paint the garage door the whole day). 13. I was sorry that Peter had failed his exams. I knew that he (to prepare for it for a long time). 14. The meeting was over at last. I looked at my watch and saw that we (to discuss the production plan for two hours). 15. Mother looked very tired when I returned home this afternoon. She said she (to clean the flat). 16. I couldn’t translate the article yesterday. It appeared I (to leave my dictionary at the Institute).

Exercise 4. Complete these sentences using the phrases in brackets.
Express a posterior action.


1. I was out when my friend called on me. I didn’t think he (to come so early).
I was out when my friend called on me. I didn’t know he would come so early.

2. Mary didn’t want to go out. She said she (to watch TV the whole evening).
Mary didn’t want to go out. She said she would be watching TV the whole evening.

1. On Friday I saw Lucy. I learnt she (to go abroad soon). 2. Dick couldn’t come with us. He said he (to play tennis in the evening). 3. Nick didn’t want to stay at his relatives. He said he (to put up at a hotel). 4. Jane said she would be busy on Saturday. I was sure she (to shop all day). 5. I felt worried. I was afraid Jane (to be late). 6. There were a lot of good actors in the cast. I thought that the film (to be interesting). 7. We didn’t invite John for the picnic. We knew he (to work in the library on Sunday). 8. I wanted to visit Helen yesterday but then I changed my mind. I remembered that she (to visit her parents in the country). 9. John came by train. I was sure that he (to fly). 10. The task was too difficult for me. My friend promised that he (to help me). 11. My friend and I agreed to go to the pictures yesterday evening. My friend said that he (to wait for me outside the cinema at 6). 12. I decided to put up at Peter’s because I wasn’t sure I (to get a room at the hotel). 13. Lucy told me not to worry. She promised she (to send me an email). 14. I wanted to phone Robert at 8 in the evening but then I changed my mind. I knew that he (to do his homework at that time). 15. George had already seen the play. He was sure we (to enjoy it). 16. We phoned the airport and learnt that the flight (to be delayed for 3 hours).

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