Exercise 2. Answer the questions using the prompts.

Model: - Have you been waiting for two hours? (midday)

- By midday I’ll have been waiting for three hours.

1. Have you been learning English for three years (July)? 2. Have you been staying here for five weeks (Monday)? 3. Have you been living here for nineteen years (Christmas)? 4. Has he been playing basketball for an hour (tea time)? 5. Has she been studying in London for a year (next June)? 6. Has she been sleeping for eight hours (breakfast time)? 7. Have I been talking non-stop for an hour (seven o’clock)? 8. Have they been doing the sights for two hours (three o’clock)? 9. Has she been looking for a job for two months (January)? 10. Has Fred been working on his new book for half a year (next month)? 11. Have you been carrying out the experiment for a week (tomorrow)? 12. Has he been working on this problem for three years (next week)? 13. Have they been building this bridge for a year (February)? 14. Have the tourists been walking round the City for two hours (lunch time)? 15. Has she been nursing her sick mother for six months (next week)? 16. Have you been learning to play the piano for two years (next September)?

Exercise 3. Use correct forms of the verbs in brackets: theFuture Perfect orFuture Perfect Continuous.

1. We (finish) this exercise by 8 o’clock. 2. We are late. The seminar (start) by now. 3. By the end of March he (live) here for three years. 4. Young Bill is growing up. By this time next year he (begin) school. 5. They will be tired when they get there. They (travel) all day. 6. She (have) lunch by the time we arrive. 7. They (build) the road by the end of the year. 8. I (spend) all the money by tomorrow. 9. We (fly) for twelve hours by the time the plane lands. 10. The play (begin) before we reach the theatre. 11. Before the end of the year they (complete) the project. 12. I (work) for the company non-stop for thirty years by the end of October. 13. By the first of April she (be) in hospital for three weeks. 14. By the end of the month he (train) horses for twelve years. 15. By the end of this year his parents (spend) more than 500 dollars on his education. 16. When my daughter goes to school we (live) here for over five years.

Exercise 4. Use correct forms of the verbs in brackets:the Future Indefinite (Simple), Future Continuous, Future Perfect, Future Perfect Continuous Tense.

1. – What you (do) when you grow up? – I (be) a pilot. 2. This time next month I (sit) on a beach. 3. I (finish) this book by tomorrow evening. 4. By the end of the month we (live) in this house for two years. 5.– I’ll come at six o’clock. – Good, I (wait) for you. 6. – You’ve left the lights on. – Oh, so I have. I (go) and turn it off. 7. Mother hopes that Bill (not to eat) all the cakes before she gets home. 8. By the end of the year he (act) for thirty years. 9. If you (not to take) the job, you (be) sorry. 10. By next winter I (save) the necessary sum of money. 11. Don’t ring her up at 9, she (put) her children to bed. 12. By tonight I (work) for seven hours. 13. I (send) you a postcard as soon as I (reach) Paris. 14. When I come home today Grace (sit) in her armchair and (read) the newspaper. 15. By the end of the year I (see) most of Shakespeare’s plays. 16. By five o’clock we (work) for 3 hours. 17. Christmas eve (fall) on a Friday next year. 18. The actor (play) Hamlet fifty times by the end of the season. 19. I (stay) here for three weeks by next Monday. 20. When I (get) home, my dog (sit) at the door waiting for me.

Exercise 5. Translate these sentences usingthe Future Simple, the Future Continuous, the Future Perfect, or the Future Perfect Continuous Tense.

1. Приходите сегодня вечером. Мой приятель будет рассказыватьо своей поездке в Америку. 2. Анна будет убирать комнаты, пока Мария готовит обед. 3. Джон не начнет писать новую статью, пока не закончит первую. 4. К концу месяца эту выставку посетят пять тысяч человек. 5. К этому времени в будущем году он будет работать на заводе уже восемь лет. 6. – Летом вы опять будете путешествовать? – Да. 7. Секретарь напечатает эти письма после того, как их одобрит директор. 8. К тому времени она тебя совсем забудет. 9. Мы будем рекламировать эти товары несколько месяцев к тому времени, как они появятся на рынке. 10. Я подожду, пока он не позвонит мне. 11. – Что ты будешь делать завтра? – С 10 до 2 я буду работать в библиотеке. С 3 до 7 у меня будут занятия в институте. 12. К тому времени, когда он приедет, я буду жить на юге уже две недели. 13. Не знаю, пойдет ли Джон в кино после того, как вернется с работы. 14. Вы будете обсуждать этот вопрос уже полчаса к тому времени, когда я приду сюда. 15. – Что будут делать дети, когда мы придем домой? – Думаю, они будут играть. 16. Они закончат строительство школы к началу учебного года. 17. Я не знаю, когда мы опять встретимся. 18. – Что вы будете делать в это время в следующую пятницу? – Как всегда, буду работать. 19. Она будет делать домашнее задание в течение двух часов, к тому времени как ты придешь. 20. Мы придем к часу. Секретарь уже уйдет обедать.

Progress Check 3

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