Complete the sentences, using the information from the text.

1. The British government controls … …. …. .

2. The main sectors of British economy are …. …. .

3. The most important mineral resources of Great Britain are …. …. … .

4. The main centers of cotton and woolen industry are … … … .

5. The service sector includes …. …. …. .

6. The United Kingdom's principal exports are … … … .

7. Its main EU partners are … … … .

7.6Match each term in column A with its definition in column B:

A 1. The total amount of money a country earns for goods and services inside the country is called… B a. visible exports
2. The total amount of money a country earns including exports, for a certain period of time is called… b. gross domestic product
3. Goods sold to other countries, such as food, cars, machines, medicines, books, musical instruments and many others, are … c. invisible exports
4. Services, such as insurance, tourism, technical expertise, medical operations and others sold to other countries are … d. trade deficit
5. The value of all goods and services produced in the economy in a given period such as a year. e. bank
6. A financial institution that accepts deposits from the public and creates credit. f. gross national product
7.7 Answer the questions. 1. What is the British economy based on?  

2. What are the United Kingdom's principal exports?

3. What does the service sector include?

4. What is the United Kingdom's main trade partner?

5. What is the United Kingdom's largest single market?

6. The United Kingdom has been a member of several organizations. What are they?

Unit 8. At the railway station

Capital cities in Europe - where are they? Speak, connect and write.

I’d like to go to…. …… is in….

Rome. Spain.

Berlin. England.

London.the Czech Republic.

Paris. Italy.

Madrid. Germany.

Budapest. France.

Prague. Hungary.

Bratislava. Belgium.

Brussels. Slovenia.

Bern. Russia.

Copenhagen. Finland.

Oslo. Sweden.

Stockholm. Switzerland.

Helsinki. Norway.

Moscow. Denmark.

I’d like to go to Rome. Rome is in Italy.

I’d like to go to ......................... ............. is in ..............................

I’d like to go to ......................... ............. is in ...............................

Travel plans. Speak and write.To which of these countries can you travel by train?

You can go by car, bytrain or by plane.
I’d like to go to Rome.

I’d like to go to … You can go…


Berlin by train.

London by car.

Paris by plane.

Madrid by bus.

Budapest by boat.

Prague by bike.

Bratislavaby ????



Where do you want to go? Write about your travel plans:

I’d like to go to ........................................ by ...............................

I’d like to go to ........................................ by ...............................

Topical vocabulary. Read and translate.

arailwaystation – железнодорожный вокзал

direction - направление

a booking office - билетнаякасса

a ticket - билет

asingleticket - билет в одно направление

areturnticket - билет туда и обратно

apound – фунт (денежная единица)

a waiting room – заложидания

arrival - прибытие

a porter - носильщик

to carry luggage – нестибагаж

topush – толкать, продвигать

atruck – багажная тележка

atrunk – дорожный чемодан

asuitcase – чемодан (небольшой плоский)

aluggagevan – багажный вагон

abroad – за границей, за границу

adirect train – прямойпоезд

to be due out – долженотойти

to be due in – долженприбыть

a sleeping car – спальныйвагон

a stopping train – пассажирскийпоезд

a place of destination – местоназначения

chief - главный

a station-master – начальникстанции

a bookstall – книжныйкиоск

a left-luggage office – камерахранения

tocallforsmth – заходить за чем-либо

a carriage – пассажирскийвагон

Read and translate the text, practice the conversations.

At the railway station

We are at the railway station in London. Let’s look round the station and watch the busy life that is going on. There are a lot of platforms from which trains go out and come in. Our train goes from platform 2, so let us wail in that direction. There is a booking office where you can buy a ticket for your journey. Let’s listen to that man buying a ticket.

Man: I want a ticket to Brighton, please, second class.

Booking clerk: Single or return?

Man: Return, please.

Booking clerk: Second return, Brighton: one and fifty pounds, please. (The man

gives him two pounds). Fifty pence change, thank you.

Man: Could you tell me what time the next train goes?

Booking clerk:8.55, platform 12. If you hurry you’ll just catch it?

Man: Thanks.

Next to the booking office there is a waiting room where people are waiting for the train's arrival. On the platform the porters are very busy carrying luggage to the train or pushing it on their trucks. They are taking those trunks and suitcases to the luggage van. Look at the labels on them – Paris, Rome, Madrid. Quite a lot of people are going abroad. There is a direct train to Paris, it's due out at 8.50.

Here is a train that has just come in, with crowds of people getting off it. It has had a long journey. Those are sleeping cars in front of the train. It is a stopping train, not an express; it stops at five or six stations before it gets to the place of destination.

The chief man of the railway station is the station- master. There is his office next to the waiting – room. We can see a restaurant which is open. There aren’t many people in it, just a few having breakfast, but there are rather more people having a snack. They are drinking cups of tea or coffee, eating sandwiches, buns or biscuits.

Here is a bookstall where you can buy newspapers and magazines. Then follows a left-luggage office. What is that woman saying to the man at the left-luggage office?

Man: Yes, madam.

Woman: I want to leave some luggage here until this afternoon; is that all right?

Man: Oh, yes, madam, that’ll be quite all right. Is this just one bag?

Woman: No, there are those two suitcases and this trunk. My husband will call

for them with his car this afternoon.

Man: Very well, madam. What name, please?

Woman:Mrs Smith.

Man:Right. Here's the ticket. That’ll be twenty pence, please. Thank you.

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