Degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs

Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий

  DEGREES: POSITIVE положительная COMPARATIVE сравнительная SUPERLATIVE превосходная
I. односложные двусложные   -er- -est-
small big nice smaller bigger nicer the smallest the biggest the nicest
– y – y à i + er- y à i + est-
funny funnier the funniest
II. многосложные   - more / - less - most / - least
beautiful more beautiful less beautiful the most beautiful the least beautiful
III. исключения 1. many much more (the) most
2. little less (the) least
3. good(adj)-хороший well(adv)-хорошо better (the) best
4. bad(adj)-плохой badly(adv)-плохо worse [wз:s] (the) worst[wз:st]
5. far –далёкий, дальний farther [a:] further [з:] the farthest the furthest
too beautiful –слишком красивая much / far + сравнительная степень, than… -гораздо / намного , чем…

much better = far better – гораздо / намного лучше

muchmore beautiful= farmore beautiful-гораздо / намного кра`сивее

· as + adjectiveas …– такой же …, как … · not so (as) + adjective as …– не такой …, как …

My sister is as kind as our mother. … такая же добрая, как …

My brother is not so (as) tall as our father. … не такой высокий, как …

· the + сравнительная степень, the + сравнительная степень –чем … , тем

the more, the better – чем больше, темлучше

the less, the worse- чем меньше, темхуже

ADVERB -наречие

adjective + ly
bad – badly nice – nicely   happy- happi+ly = happily beautiful – beautiful + ly= beautifully systematic –systematic+al + ly =systematically

TO BE -быть, находиться, являться

PRESENT SIMPLE -настоящее:am, is(ед.ч.), are(мн.ч.) -есть

(+) (?) (+) (--)
I am cold AmI cold? Yes, I am (cold). No, I am not (cold).
He She is cold. It he Is Isshe cold? it he Yes, she is(cold). it he No, sheis not(cold). it
We You are cold. They we Are you cold? they we Yes, you are(cold). they we No, you are not(cold). they

PAST SIMPLE-прошедшее:

was[wɔz] - (ед.ч.) – был(а),

were[wз:] (мн.ч.) – были

(+) (?) (+) (--)
I He wascold. She I Washe cold? she I Yes, he was(cold). she I No, he was not (cold). she
We Youwerecold. They we Wereyou cold? they we Yes, you were (cold). they we No, you were not (cold). they

FUTURE SIMPLE–будущее: will be

(+) (?) (+) (--)
I He She It will becold. We You They I he she Will it becold? we you they I he she Yes, it will be (cold). we you they I he she No, it will not be (cold) we you they


вопросительные местоимения

Who[hu:]–кто What[wɔt]–что, какой Which[wi tʃ] – который Where [weə] – где, куда Why [wai] – почему Whose [hu:z] – чей Who(m)[hu:m] – кого How[hau]–как How many / How much – сколько Who are you? – I am Tom Brown What street is it? – It is Pushkin street. Which number of the houseis it? Wherewere you yesterday? Why are they here? Whose book is it? Who(m) will you meet today? How are you? How many days are warm in summer? How much money is it?


Главные члены предложения Второстепенные члены предложения
подлежащее + сказуемое дополнение обстоятельство
  наречие времени глагол прямое косвенное места времени
Кто? Что? Как часто? Что делает? Что? Кому? Где? Когда?
Alice I usually always gives take milk books to her cat for him in the kitchen in the library every day. on Mondays


Ø выражает:

1) обычные, повторяющиеся действия, которые отражаются в обстоятельствах времени:

перед смысловым глаголом в конце (начале) предложения
always [`ɔ:lwiz] - всегда usually [`ju:ʒuəli] – обычно = generally [`dʒenərəli] = normally [nɔ:məli] often [`ɔ:fən] – часто = frequently [`frikwəntli] sometimes [`s۸mtaimz] - иногда = occasionally [ɔ`keiʒənəli] seldom [`seldəm] – редко = rarely [`reəli] never [`nevə] – никогда every = each day / week/ month/ year/ Friday on Mondays once (twice) a year(a day) four times a day(a week) as a rule – как правило

I usuallygo to school bybus. ButsometimesI walk.

2) общепринятые истины:

The Earth goes round the sun.

Ø образуется:


- I(we, you, they) go

V+ (e)s

- he(she, it) goes

( ? ) ( + ) ( - )
DoyouspeakEhglish? Does[d۸z] shespeakEhglish? Yes, I do. Yes, she does. No, I don’t. No, she doesn’t.

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