Prepositions of place and direction

Ex. 1 Study the following table. Translate the sentences into Russian and see the difference in the use of prepositions.

In In a room In a tree In a bed In a street In a picture In the sky In a car In hospital In prison In the middle   There is nothing in the room yet. Look, there is a bird in the tree. Johnny is still in bed. Look! There are a lot of people in the street. I know this man in the picture. There are a lot of stars in the sky. When in the car the baby fell asleep at once. Nick is ill, he is in hospital. He spent two years in prison. What is there in the middle of the room?
At At the door At the bus stop At the station At home At work At school/college At one's house At the doctor's At the hospital At a concert At a party At a table At the top At the bottom   There is somebody at the door, open it, please. They waited for the bus at the bus stop. There are always a lot of people at the station. She is always at home at this time. He hasn't come home yet, he is still at work. She is at school till 2 o'clock. We all met at her house. He went to see the doctor and he is at the doctor's now. He is a doctor and works at the hospital. You can always meet them at this singer's concerts. I met a lot of my friends at that party. Sit down at the table. Read the title at the top of the page. There is a figure at the bottom of the page.
On On a table On a wall On a bus/train On the first floor On the platform   Your book is on the table. The picture is on the wall to the left. She didn't feel well on the plane. His flat is on the first floor. People were standing on the platform waiting for the train.

Ex. 2 Put in the prepositions in, at, on.

1. Where is Betty? - She is still ____ work. 2. Go straight and turn right ____ the corner. 3. The picture ____ the wall looks nice, doesn't it? 4. Do you know the man ____ the picture? 5. There is a round table _____ the middle of the room. 6. Were there many people _____ the concert on Saturday? 7. Which is the biggest continent _____ the world? 8. The leaves _____ this plant grow very large. 9. Are you going to meet John ___ the station? 10. Rostov is a big city _____ the South of Russia. 11. You cannot have a lot of things with you _____ the plane. 12. I usually do my shopping _____ the city centre. 13. Paul is _____ hospital. He is going to be operated on. 14. We learn foreign languages _____ the University.

Ex. 3 Translate the following into English.

1. Ты знаешь человека на картине? 2. Том болен, он в больнице. 3. Обычно они завтракают в кухне. 4. Ключи в машине. 5. Дети не играют на улице. 6. Наша квартира на третьем этаже. 7. Картина на стене мне знакома. 8. На платформе много людей. 9. Они за столом. 10. Книги на столе перед ними. 11. Мы познакомились у нее дома. 12. Она уже дома. 13. В доме четыре комнаты. 14. Она ждет меня на автобусной остановке. 15. Мы будем ждать тебя на вокзале. 16. Мы встретимся на концерте. 17. Мы хорошо провели время на вечере. 18. В поезде было много людей. 19. Он все еще на работе. 20. Кто-то стоит у двери.

Ex. 4 Study the following table. Mind the use of the prepositions.

go/come/return/walk/arrive home He usually comes home late. Are you going home soon? She was tired when she arrived home at last. be/stay/do at home He is at home now. I don't want to stay at home today. What are you doing at home now?
go/come/walk/return to We are going to Italy next summer. He came back to his native city last year. They walked from the cafe to the park. He didn't return to work yesterday. arrive in/at - arrive in a country or city: They arrived in Rostov last week. -arrive at other places: The train arrives at the station in five minutes. I'll call you as soon as I arrive at work. be/stay/live/do in/at/on He lives in London. He is at University now. He doesn't like to stay in bed. He met me at the station. Look, she is standing on the platform.

Fill in the blanks with the prepositions

a)to or in.

1. Where is Mrs. Sanford? - She is ___ bed. 2. What time does Tommy go ___ bed? 3. Where is Jack? - He is still ___ hospital. 4. He returned ___ the hospital after lunch. 5. Where's Mum? - She is ___ the kitchen. 6. Please, go ___ the kitchen and make some tea. 7. We are arriving ___ London at 3 p.m. 8. Would you like to go ___ Great Britain with us? 9. Mary lives ___ a small town ___ the North of the country. 10. Would you like to go ___ the South in summer? 11. She is going to stay ___ Moscow for a couple of weeks. 12. Are you going ___ Moscow with them?

b)to or at where necessary.

1. He doesn't go ___ work on Sunday. 2. He hasn't returned yet. He is still ___ work. 3. Do you know if he is ___ home now? 4. I don't think he has already come ___ home. 5. Let's walk ___ the station, it isn't far from here. 6. I'm sure, he'll meet us ___ the station. 7. Ann is 14. She still goes ___ school. 8. Ann does well ___ school. 9. We are not going ___ the party tonight. 10. It's a pity. There will be a lot of fun ___ the party. 11. Ann doesn't feel well. She has gone ___ the doctor's. 12. She was ___ the doctor's yesterday. 13. When the train arrived ___ the station, the platform was crowded. 14. Will you go ___ University after school? 15. There were a lot of people ___ the football match yesterday.

c) to, on, in or at where necessary

1. Will you be ___ home tomorrow? 2. Come in. They are ___ the house. 3. Write your name ___ the top of the page. 4. My name was ___ the bottom of the list. 5. I went ___ the airport by car. 6. I met Ann ___ the airport. 7. They arrived ___ England last week. 8. What time did they arrive ___ the hotel? 9. They won't arrive ___ home until noon. 10. He was the first whom I saw ___ the platform.

Ex. 5 Translate the following into English.

1. Моя подруга живет в США. 2. Она живет в маленьком городке. 3. Ее офис в этом здании. 4. Ее офис на тихой улице. 5. Она держит письма в ящике стола. 6. Садитесь в это кресло. 7. Утром она идет на работу. 8. Она возвращается домой поздно. 9. Садитесь на диван. 10. На стене красивая картина. 11. На этой странице много упражнений. 12. Поезд скоро прибывает на вокзал. 13. Поезд прибывает в Москву на Казанский вокзал.

Ex. 6 Translate the following into English.

1. Где Анна? – Она на работе. 2. На собрании было много людей? 3. Ростов – большой город на юге России. 4. Сегодня на улице много людей. 5. Ты видишь птичье гнездо на дереве? 6. Ты будешь завтра вечером дома? 7. Где они? – Они в доме. 8. Давай встретимся в аэропорту. 9. Они всегда встречают нас на вокзале. 10. Когда они приехали в Англию? 11. Когда они прибывают в отель? 12. Когда они прибывают в Ростов?

Ex. 7Studythefollowingtable. Translate the sentences into Russian. Use the prepositions in the sentences of your own.

On In Under Below Over Above Next to Beside By Between Among In front of Behind Opposite From ... to Into (in) Out of Off Through Round (around)   Up Down Along Across Past There is a bag on the table. There is a book in the bag. There is a cat under the chair. The shelves are below the pictures. A boy jumped over the fence. The pictures are above the shelves. Jane is sitting next to Mary. She is sitting beside Mary. The table is by the window. Jane is sitting between Ann and Mary. There is somebody among the trees. There is a lawn in front of the house. The back yard is behind the house. There is a park opposite their house. He walked from the car to the door of his house. He opened the door and walked into the house. She was going shopping; she went out of the house. Take this picture offthe wall. He entered the house through the back door. He walked round (around) the room. The shop is roundthe corner. He walked up the hill slowly. Other tourists were already walking down. A boy was walking alongthe road. Then he went acrossthe road. He walked past the shop without entering it.

Fill in the blanks with the suitable prepositions.

1. The pictures ___ the wall look nice. 2. The cat is hiding ___ the table. 3. There is a tree ___ the house. 4. The shop is in our block of flats. My flat is ___ it. 5. So the shop is ___ my flat. 6. Look at that man standing ___ the piano. 7. ___ the station there is a park. Just cross the street and you are in the park. 8. The cupboard is ___ __ the sink. 9. It is ___ the sink and the cooker. 10. He walked ___ the hotel ___ the station. 11. Put the money ___ your pocket. 12. Take your books ___ __ your bags. 13. I'm going to hang these pictures ___ the wall. 14. Don't fall ___ the stool. 15. We went ___ the road ___ the house ___ the hill. 16. They went ___ the path ___ the river. 17. The plane flew ___ the mountains. 18. Can you climb ___ this wall? 19. You can walk ___ the town and take some pictures. 20. The path goes ___ the forest, be careful. 21. Let's have a trip ___ the river. 22. He is a good swimmer and he can swim ___ the river. 23. They didn't notice me and walked ___ me.

Ex. 8 Translate the following into English.

1. Положи книги в шкаф. Книги в шкафу. 2. Кошка залезла под стол. Кошка под столом. 3. Поставь чашку на стол. Чашка на столе. 4. Повесь картину над столом. 5. Птицы летали над озером. 6. Я не вижу пятно на стене под картиной. 7. Она живет рядом с нами. 8. Сядь рядом с Анной. 9. Джек стоит между Мэри и Анной. 10. Я не вижу ее среди деревьев. 11. Перед театром большая площадь. 12. Напротив театра парк. 13. От университета до нашего дома долго идти. 14. Зайдите в дом, здесь холодно. 15. Когда выйдешь из магазина, поверни налево. 16. Когда выйдешь из автобуса, иди прямо. 17. Убери тарелки со стола. 18. Перепрыгни через лужу. 19. Они шли через лес. 20. Можно пройти через поле. 21. Их дом за углом. 22. Он обошел комнату и вышел. 23. Мы поднялись по одной улице, а спустились по другой. 24. Давай пройдемся по берегу. 25. Когда пройдешь мимо театра, поверни направо. 26. Она сидит рядом со мной. 27. Они живут близко от центра. 28. Они живут напротив парка. 29. Их дом на другой стороне улицы. 30. Она сидит рядом с дверью. 31. Учитель стоит перед классом.

Ex. 9TranslatethefollowingintoEnglish.

1. Открой книгу на странице 10. Посмотри в книгу. На этой странице есть интересное упражнение. На верху страницы новые слова. Под упражнением вопросы. Ответьте на вопросы и посмотрите на задание внизу страницы. Ключи к этому заданию в конце книги. В начале книги несколько текстов. Это упражнение к одному из них.

2. Вот наш дом. Он расположен на тихой улице. Перед ним зеленая лужайка. Рядом с нашим домом стоит дом наших друзей. Если пойти вверх по улице, там магазин. Напротив магазина – кинотеатр. Пройдите мимо кинотеатра, и вы увидите парк прямо перед собой. Нам нравится гулять по аллеям этого парка. Под деревьями зеленая трава, на деревьях птичьи гнезда.

Дома стоят по обе стороны нашей улицы. Наша улица тихая и иногда дети играют на улице. Позади дома небольшой сад. Приятно выйти в сад утром. Солнце в небе светит ярко, птицы поют на деревьях.

Ex. 10 Translate the following into English.

1. Почему он не остановился на автобусной остановке? 2. Я встретила ее на вечеринке вчера. 3. Будь на платформе, когда приедет поезд. 4. Вы знаете этого человека на фотографии? 5. Мой брат изучает языки в университете. 6. Она больна, она в больнице. 7. Напишите свое имя вверху страницы. 8. Мое имя в самом конце списка. 9. Посмотри на упражнение внизу страницы. 10. Я обычно делаю покупки в центре города. 11. Она плохо себя чувствует в самолете. 12. Мы встретились в поезде. 13. Давай поедем в аэропорт на машине. 14. Он пошел к доктору, сейчас он у доктора. 15. Ребенок всегда спит в машине. 16. Она сидит прямо напротив двери. 17. Она всегда садится рядом с окном. 18. Кто это стоит у доски? 19. Гдемашина? – Возледома. 20. Сядьрядомсомной.

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