(Псевдопростые грамматические формы)
1. After the 1242-nd orbit on November 23, 1962, the command channel ceased responding.
2. Superposition of the falling regions of these curves shows the gain to be independent of rs.
3. In the chapter on experimental techniques, we are given a good insight into many of the special problems that have to be solved.
4. The neutron may be considered in fact as being exposed to a time-dependent electric field.
5. On the basis of the product being a single isomer, the intermediate radical appears to react with iodine.
6. Britain's greatest single source of wealth is coal; it was this abundance of fuel which made it possible for her to take full advantage of the industrial revolution.
7. It was only in 1781 that Emerson invented the process of direct fusion of the metals to produce a copper — zinc alloy we call brass.
8. The refractive index of amorphous selenium at a wavelength of 2.5 microns has been reported to be 2.46 or 2.44 by different authors.
9. However, the hypothesis of Siekevitz and Potter has been criticized on the grounds that AMP did not stimulate oxygen consumption as quickly as did ADP.
10. There is one important factor to be considered when a phase discriminator is used.
11. The equal spacing between components appears to make double flip-flops possible in most configurations.
12. They succeeded in obtaining good results working with quicksilver, it being known to be a very dangerous metal.
13. Project Telstar was planned from the first as being primarily a communications experiment.
14. The Boltzmann expressions for the transition probabilities are shown to have been applied under conditions for which they are not valid.
15. It is desirable that the output signal should be a linear function of the input signal; any deviation from linearity is called distortion and is highly undesirable.
16. There have been rumours that more efficient carburators have been invented which are said to have increased the gazoline milage of automobiles by as much as 100 per cent.
17. The effect is highly dependent on frequency with the lower frequencies showing less noise.
18. Many proposals for changing the traditional methods of storing and searching for information have been made in the last decade, and some of these have already proved to be of considerable practical value.
19. From what has been said so far, one might think that alternating current has little advantage over a direct current.
20. The atomic bomb explosion may blow a hole in the ocean a mile in diameter, the size depending on the amount of plutoni-um used in the bomb.
21. The best compromise is to select a low-coefficient fixed inductance.
22. It should be stated that we are assuming throughout this chapter that the primary condition that the system be stable is already satisfied.
23. The larger the screen of a television receiver, the more light must it emit if the picture on it is to appear satisfactorily bright.
24. Such fluctuations, being sensitive to the exact location of channel boundaries, would not be expected to reproduce in successive determinations.
25. Working under hard conditions were all the early students of this new field of electronics.
26. Bohr'stheory of atomic structure turned out to be extremely fruitful in the explanation of various properties of atoms and molecules.
27. On close examination of a piece of granite we find it to be composed of several kinds of minerals having different degrees of hardness, different colours, and different properties in general.
28. As radio waves travel away from their point of origin, they become attenuated as a result of spreading out due to energy being lost in travel.
29. This value is subject to systematic errors, the most important one reflecting our lack of knowledge of the energy spectrum.
30. A gram of water is proved to change exactly to a gram of ice when freezing and to a gram of water vapour when evaporating.
31. The material damping is considered in a manner which seems to be as exact as it can be without the use of nonlinear equations.
32. Hardness and tensile strenght tests are shown to be rather indirect attempts to measure the strenght of the bonds existing between the atoms of the metal.
33. Metals known to exist in more than one crystallographic form are cobalt, cerium, tin, manganese, chromium, thallium.
34. Should extreme gain stability be required, it can be achieved without degrading the noise figure.
35. Since the optical-model potential cannot be expected to take into account all interactions of the neutron with the nucleus an explanation along conservative of low-energy nuclear physics may turn out to be adequate.
36. Direct calculation of the position in a square well or oscillator potential is not accurate, absolute level positions being most sensitive to the details of initial assumptions.
37. The present era, which is distinguished by the utilization of metals in enormous quantities, may be said to have begun in 1860.
38. The original signal is reconstituted thereby, with the noise impulses «smeared».
39. Many proposals for changing the traditional methods of storing and searching for information have been made in the last decade, and some of these have already proved to be of considerable practical value.
40. Perhaps on the basis of this notion most of the recent effort expended in attempting to prove existing tables of these factors has been limited to using better atomic wave functions.
41. The occurance of metals in the earth's crust is unequal, some of them being plentiful, the other existing only in small quantities.
42. If machining is necessary, dust created must not be allowed to excape into the plant atmosphere even in small amounts.
43. Unless these two particles scatter coherently in «hard» interactions, the small deuteron binding energy should not be expected to keep them together.
44. The curves of Figs. 15 and 16 show a much smaller rate of change of gain with pump voltage than do those of Fig. 8.
45. The moment a flame comes near the gas in the mines, the gas is sure to explode. If it does explode, it will kill every one in that part of the mine.
46. Our preliminary results do not suggest that caloric restriction is apt to provide a very profound increase in life span of mice bearing LI210 leukemia.
47. Since the barometer measures the pressure of the atmosphere, the greater the elevation, the lower the barometer reading.
48. In the lower latitudes, the down and dusk periods will last about two hours.
49. It is true, however, as Wilkinson pointed out, that fast transitions are more likely to have been abserved than slow ones.
50. Although the structures proposed may not have been established with complete certainty, all the known facts, physical and chemical, fit beautifully this ingenious interpretation.
51. With the slots alternately inclined the phase is reversed by 180° and this enables the slot spacing to be less than a free-space wavelength.
52. It is the gravitation that makes the satellites move round the earth.
53. The electrical manufacturing industry would be helped very considerably if more of the insulation manufacturers gave reliable technical information on their products.
54. A rough estimate of the rate of cooling and growth of the solid crust of our globe indicates that the cooling process must have begun several billion years ago.
55. It was important that the satellite not be dependent upon orientation relative to the sun or the earth.
56. These experiments prove that it is physically possible for the ground ice of Alaska to have been formed by a process of segregation.
57. If a single drop of water were magnified to the size of the earth, each molecule contained in it would be no larger than a football.
58. He believed the results of this test to have been plotted in
the diagram.
59. Associated with the slow creep of metals at elevated temperatures is another general phenomenon in metals known as relaxation.
60. Also, in order that the capacitance divider ratio shall be independant of frequency, C2 must have no appreciable inductance.
61. The engineer wants the workers to use soft rubber for electrical insulation.
62. It is among the naturally occuring minerals that we find the most beautiful examples of crystals.
63. We know physical chages to be caused by heat.
64. One should know that the electric cell is a device for converting chemical energy into electrical one.
65. When solid black is being transmitted, all of the styli will be marking virtually all of the time.
66. It is usual that the slower the rate of cristallization, the more perfect are the resulting crystals.
67. The positive particle in the nucleus of the atom was given the name of «proton».
68. The atomic scattering factor or form factor may be thought of as being a measure of the scattering due to the individual atoms.
69. Had we informed proper agencies interested in building such a machine we should have received their necessary assistance.
70. In modern aviation greater and greater speeds are being attained, entailing, however, a substantial increase in air resistance.
71. In the following the analysis of symmetrically-loaded stairs with both ends fixed is described.
72. Essentially, in this model the crystal is assumed to be entirely ionic with no exchange between charge clouds of adjacent
73. Infra-red rays being invisible to us, photographic films and plates are made to-day which are sensitive to them.
74. There is a certain amount of interaction between the tuning and loading functions, but it is not excessive at normal values of Q-factor.
75. However plentiful the ore may be the extraction of a metal will not be profitable unless it is sufficiently suitable for some purpose to be sold at a price that will pay for extraction.
76. The input signal was taken to be a fast wave at the cyclotron frequency, which meant that all the electrons had orbit radius s and the same time phase of rotation, assumed to be zero.
77. Never before has there been any device so versatile and efficient in handling electricity as the electron tube.
78. For other types of signals the carrier level may have to be increased.
79. The neutron may be considered in fact as being exposed to a time-dependent electric field.
80. At higher energies electric dipole radiation can be expected to give rise to D state in the continuum.
81. Generally speaking, a liquid having a free surface is one on whose surface there is absolutely no pressure.
82. The sulfite liquors of the paper mill are being worked up into industrial alcohol.
83. To-day it seems certain that a given ion does have a definite mobility, one that does not change with time.
84. Having extracted the acid, they continued experimenting.
85. There being an admixture in the parent compound, the overall yield proved to be low.
86. The data obtained are considered as not being adequately represented by equation 1.
87. The PCM signal is first changed to a frequency-shift form of modulation with frequencies of 3225 and 2775cps representing the binary 1 and 0, respectively.
88. Amber, glass and sealing-wax are among the substances to be easily electrified by rubbing.
89. Some advantage in detector sensitivity is to be gained by working at low outlet pressures.
90. There is definite justification for saying that a correlation does exist between helium content and colour.
91. The name electronics is known to be derived from the word electron, the electron itself being the basic unit of negative electricity and all electric currents consisting of electrons in motion.
92. Both filters employ ladder networks, with the tone filter using two crystals and the carrier filter three crystals.
93. Some scientists consider Mars to be covered with vegetation.
94. These practical considerations suggest that alternative schemes exploiting more traditional circuitry should be sought.
95. The atmosphere has been proved to extend several hundred kilometers above the earth.
96. A possible reason for increasing the estimated A might be supposed to be that the observed G is influenced by retardation effect and may therefore be too small.
97. Among all forms of magnetic storage, magnetic tapes were the first to be proposed in connection with digital computers.
98. Mathematically two coordinates locate a point known to lie in a given plane, as the xy plane.
99. The selectivity requirements for the filters have resulted in the tone and carrier filters being crystal units.
100. As in liquids, the atmospheric pressure at any given point is equal in all directions but we know it to decrease as altitude increases.
101. We can and do increase the productivity of labour by introducing new machines and methods of work.
102. Notice that the time to solve Eq. (27) for several column input matrices on the right side will be only slightly greater than the time required to solve Eq. (27) with only one column input on the right side.
103. The heavier a floating body, the greater the weight of liquid it will displace.
104. The model is assumed to have a positive change of state at times corresponding to the sampling times, the probability of the state change being denoted Pt.
105. The ground station will be at Rumford, Maine, and will be comparable with that used for Project Echo. In this case the radio frequencies are proposed to be in the neighborhood of 4.000 and 6.000 mc.
106. Other things being equal, iron will oxidize more rapidly than mercury or silver.
107. The temperature being raised, the kinetic energy is increased.
108. After cessation of diurezic therapy, which may have contributed to potassium depletion, one would not anticipate observing a prompt shift from urinary potassium wastage to retention during sodium restriction.
109. If the value of the force which a particle would experience at any point of a region of space is given, a force field is said to exist in that region.
110. The ion waves are generated by applying pulsed wave trains with carrier frequencies between 0.1 and 10 MHz to a pair of grids with grid diameters of 5 cm and a spacing of 0.05 cm between the two grids.
111. Magnetic-head requirements have become stricter as a result of the trend toward better frequency response, higher packing densities and lower tape speeds. Gaps of 0.0005 inch were considered small a few years ago, but today's highresolution heads have gaps five to ten times narrower.
112. The techniques are based on conventional technology which Fig. 5 exploits to implement the operations specified in Fig. 3.
113. Single tumor fragments of S-189 and Ca-755, weighing approximately 15-20mg., were implanted subcutaneously by trocar. Leukemic cells were inoculated intraperitoneally, with 0.1 ml. of diluted ascites fluid containing 105 L1210 leukemic cells.
114. If computers are ever to gain wide acceptance for process control they must be understood by the people who have to operate them. For this reason they should be kept as simple as possible.
115. Professor A. B. Pippard of Cambridge University, England, said theoretical problems have now been largely solved, but production barriers have to be surmounted before cryotrons and similar devices are put to practical use.
116. Programming a computer involves analysing the problem to be solved and a plan to solve it.
117. In the argon, nitrogen, and hydrogen plasmas used in the experiments, the plasma densities can be chosen around 10-9cm-3, nd Te is about 50.000° K.
118. In the steam engine the fuel burns comparatively slowly, e heat being used to generate steam.
119. The increase due to endotoxin averaged 18 per cent and anged from 6 to 46 per cent. Within the ranges studied, 1 to 8 x
10-6 gm/ml endotoxin and 10 to 50 per cent blood, there appeared to be no correlation between the concentrations of these materials and the magnitude of the augmentation by endotoxin.
120. It is in the area of equation solution that computers are invaluable.
121. With the above principles of thermocouple construction in mind, data largely taken from the recent work of Rosi, Dis-mukes, and Hockings are presented on the evaluation of compound semiconductors and alloys for power generation over specific temperature ranges.
122. Auxiliary experiments with grid spacing between 0,05 and 1 cm, show, however, no measurable influence of this parameter on the phase velocity and attenuation.
123. The sodium content was determined by reading the optical density at 589 m, whereas potassium was measured at 768 m?. The sodium content determined may be higher than was actually present in the cells because of the sodium chloride in the suspending medium.
124. It was not, however, until World War II that the speed advantages of electronics were exploited.
125. The investigation of the reaction product of mesityl oxide with phosphorus trichloride in the presence of acetic anhydride gave the proved structure of the intermediate as being identical with the product discussed in Section XIII, and obtained from diacetone alcohol.
126. It would be much more convenient if a machine were available that would automatically give the gain change in decibels and phase change in degrees for a given change in frequency.
127. Also shown in the figures is the dependence of the phase velocity and the damping on frequency, as predicted by Gould's theory.
128. It is by the agency of radio that we receive most of the information the satellites are collecting at the borders of space.
129. It will be seen later that, with sensible values for the operating parameters, this statement remains substantially true when large-signal effects are taken into account.
130. The weight of all the molecules of a substance being the same, the molecules are considered to be composed of exactly the same number and the same kind of atoms.
131. To learn what the child must learn in order to function as an adequate human being, he must have a large brain. It is a striking fact that by the time the human child has attained its third birthday it has also virtually achieved the full adult size of the brain.
132. Biological methods of purifying water are given much attention to by our scientists.
133. The association of the disubstituted phosphine oxides is probably similar, and the shift of tile P — H stretching frequency can be interpreted as reflecting the change of electron affinity of the phosphorus atom.
134. Nowhere can we see such rapid progress as in computing technique.
135. Since the relationship between opalescense and cholesterol release is evidently profoundly influenced by extract concentration, the progress of the two induced changes in serum with time was systematically compared at several different concentrations of streptococcal extract.
136. Powers approaching 10 or more times greater than those now being achieved are forthcoming.
137. It is of importance to know the basic principles to be observed in the design and use of optical equipment.
138. We know the velocity of a particle to be continuously changing if this particle has a nonuniform motion. In each successive time interval the particle acquires some increment of velocity.
139. Human erythrocytes from donors with blood group typings A and AB treated with an adenovirus type 1 suspension exhibited the same decrease in agglutinability against the test viruses as did group 0 erythrocytes.
140. For two thousand years the basic laws of geometry offered by Greek scientist Euclid were considered to be indisputable.
141. The input signal will be taken to be small enough for the condition of equal fast and slow waves to be reached before the electron's orbits have become large enough to cause any significant departure from the small-signal theory.
142. Different gases might cause the currents to differ by altering the surface of the metal either by combinig with it, or by condensing on its surface.
143. Having obtained information as to the homogeneity and chromosome constitution of the low ploid stemline of PK1-2, we introduced chromosomal variants into the population by means of x-ray treatment.
144. Magnetostriction is defined, basically, as a change in dimension produced in certain ferromagnetic materials when placed in a magnetic field, the phenomenon being reversible.
145. As a matter of fact this is the first approach to communication system design with the disturbance of the channel utilized as the primary criterion in the design.
146. It is assumed that set pulses have been applied to three of the stages so that binary number 11001 is stored in the register. The shaded stages are assumed to be in the binary 1 condition, and the unshaded stages are assumed to be in the 0 condition.
147. Transistors do, however, hold out a promise for smaller, simpler and less expensive computers of very high performance for the future.
148. It is assumed here that the resistivity, thermal conductivity, and thermoelectric power are constant within a branch over the temperature range considered and, consequently, that the Thomson coefficient can be regarded as zero.
149. It is evident that the motor car of to-day could not have been produced in the quantity and quality without the liberal use offorgings.
150. The best procedure is that which gives the greatest reduction, and this maximum reduction may be taken as being a measure of the return to be expected from applying extremum control to a given plant in a given situation.
151. We succeeded in getting Mr. Arthur and Walker's opinion on this question, the former being a scientific worker of a well known laboratory and the latter director of a large plant.
152. It was shown by theoretical physicists that an electron moving at speed could be considered as possessing a wave length, this wave length decreasing with increase in velocity.
153. Although the carrier line signals are transmitted and received over separate cable pairs, they are separated further by being placed in different frequency bands to simplify crosstalk suppression problems.
154. The oral drugs, known chemically as sulfanylureas and biguanides, have greatly reduced the need for insulin injections in many diabetics. All of them were found to be more effective than insulin in lowering cholesterol synthesis in the rat liver tissue.
155. Had there been no earth's gravitation, the satellites would have moved through airless space in a straight line at a uniform speed. It is the gravitation that makes them move round the earth.
156. Just prior to this transfer it could be seen that heteromor-phic cell sheets were forming. This was especially evident in the cultures, where a number of focal areas of growth were developing, having obvious morphological differences.
157. Any deviation from ideality may be due either to the heat of dilution not being equal to zero, or the entropy of dilution not being given by R-InN?.
158. In the passing of current through the conductor resistance results in the giving off of heat; the greater the resistance the greater the heat for the passage of a given current.
159. The total energy E is assumed to be constant in all these calculations, i. e., the energy stored in the induced rf fields internal and external to the ferrite is assumed to be small compared with the stored energy of the cavity.
160. The steam turbine, in a crude form, is said to have been used many centuries ago, but its development as a really practical form of prime mover has only taken place during the last fifty years.
161. The patient in case 3 was considered to have had the nephrotic syndrome for about 16 months and diagnosis of chronic membranous glomerulonephritis was made on microscopic examination of the renal biopsy.
162. At the end of a rainstorm, many fine drops of water are suspended in the air. Emerging from each drop are the rays of all the spectrum colors, each at a different angle.
163. Plotting these frequencies against the sum of the phos-phoryl shift constants of the other two substituents, excluding the oxygen, gives a smooth curve. Trivalent species would not be expected to obey this relationship.
164. The complete elucidation of a reaction mechanism might be expected to include a stereochemically complete description of the movements of every atom throughout the reaction.
165. Each diode, as shown in Fig. 13, is supported between two chucks, one being on the end of the center conductor, the other in the center of a four—arm spider, mounted in a dielectric support within the waveguide.
166. Experiments have shown thatisomerization does not take place during the reaction of bromine substitution by lithium, but that it is the organolithium compound which is isomerized after formation.
167. The patience of the ancient forgeman must have been remarkable, since he first made his own steel by a slow process, and lost a good percentage during the process.
168. If no energy were lost during the transformation, the input and output would be equal and the machine would be perfect as it would change the form of the energy and lose none.
169. As we have just noted there was a time when heat was supposed to be a sort of substance or fluid which flowed from a body of high temperature to one of lower temperature.
170. Due to the non-coincidence of the geographic and magnetic poles and to the presence of magnetic materials in the earth, the compass needle does point to the true North in only a few places on the earth's surface.
171. The satellite is in a 70 per cent sun-time orbit with the transmitter assembly located on the sun side of the satellite, normal to the sum vector. This is a transient condition with the satellite receiving direct solar evergy 70 per cent of the time.
172. A small amount of sugar being heated in a test tube, the sugar melts, turns brown in colour, gives off gases and finally dries to a solid black residue which can be identified as carbon.
173. Groups of rabbits were given graded doses of theendoto-xin under test so as to obtain data for calculating the dose required to produce a fever index of 40 cm2, a value which was shown to fall on the linear portion of the doseresponse curve.
174. The newborn elephant and the fallow deer can run with the herd shortly after they are born. By the age of 6 weeks the infant seal has been taught by his mother to navigate his watery world for himself.
175. The geologists teach us that coal has been formed millions of years ago from the enormous quantities of vegetation and trees. The process of their decay must have been very gradual but constant.
176. Although vasoconstriction does not enhance body insulation by an order of 10 in man (or other land warmblooded animals) upon cold exposure, it does assist in maintaining a degree of thermal insulation in the face of exercise and shivering and thus helps to conserve body heat.
177. Air cooling instead of water cooling would also reduce the weight of the engine, but a larger blower (fan) would be required to keep the engine cool. Power to drive this blower would have to come from the engine itself, therefore reducing the power output and at the same time increasing the fuel consumption.
178. Each time a piece of magnet is broken, each fragment upon being tested with a compass is found to have a north pole on one end and a south pole on the other.
179. Lubricants are employed in engineering practice for two reasons: to diminish friction surface of machine parts, and to diminish friction between a cutting tool and the material being cut, and at the same time serve to dissipate the heat developed in the operation.
180. The effect of the pumping field will be to change the radius and phase of the orbit in a manner depending on the value of 0Q. Strictly speaking the axial velocities will also be changed, but this effect will be ignored for the time being.
181. It is the object of this paper to extend the theory to the large-signal region, taking into account the variation of axial velocity, the change in total energy due to the electrostatic pump potential and the true form of the twisted quadruple field.
182. It was early recognized that all the rocks were surprisingly similar in chemical composition, the fact having been confirmed by the subsequent examination of rocks from different parts of the world.
183. In the usnolic acid series, spirans (I) are attacked by ozone in the expected fashion to give coumaranones (II), but in the grisan series ozonolysis (in methyl acetate) of spirans (III) gives anomalous results, the products having been assigned structures of type (IV).
184. This suggests that adaptations, probably in the form of mutation-selection, can occur in the quasi-diploid components as well as in the components of higher ploidy which have been considered as being genetically more versatile by Levan.
185. This will happen if beryllia is heated above about 1,850 F in the presence of water vapor, or if small-enough particles are mechanically produced from the solid.
186. The data in Table 1 and results of other experiments involving tests for various host responses, while indicating that the quantity of lipid present in endotoxins did not parallel their host reactivity, were not considered conclusive since the content of bound lipid had been determined by only one method.
187. As the cells involved in maintaining such a set point might be expected to have some unusual metabolic response to temperature level, Hall, Grant and Field made a systematic study of the Q10 of the tissues of the mammalian hypotehalamus using the Warburg method to see if they could find such a relationship.
188. The first column gives the cavity made, the second referring to Fiq. 4 and indicating the position of the ferrite with respect to the ef field, the third column giving the orientation of the dc field.
189. In celestial mechanics, one of the basic problems is to determine orbits of planets, asteroids, comets and meteors. For instance, a recent determination of the orbits of the five outer planets is reported to have involved over twelve million arithmetic operations still within easy reach of a fast computer.
190. A simple modification of the basicplot of Fig. 3 permits this procedure to be applied to a crystal oscillator using the crystal in its series mode.
191. The satellite is in a 70 per cent sun-time orbit with the transmitter assembly located on the shadow side of the satellite, normal to the sun vector. This is a transient condition with the transmitter assembly never receiving direct solar energy, but receiving refleced solar radiation 70 per cent of the time.
192. In the event of any pair of bars not completing its normal full travel, the machine is automatically stopped so that remedial action can be taken. The standard feed mechanisms, which have a travel of 7 in., can be used either singly or in pairs, for two simultaneous movements at one station.
193. It was thought that a semi-positive vertical flash mould would modify the flow pattern and eliminate the cracking. This was not so, it being found that although the mould design could do much to reduce the cracking, it could not completely eliminate it.
194. If relations (29), (28) and (27) for u, v, and w are studied, it will be discovered that all the boundary conditions at both ends of the cylinder cannot be satisfied. This difficulty is seen to arise from relations (21) and (22), causing Sy and Sz to be proportional rather than independent.
195. There may be some increase in random red cell destruction during this entire period, but the bulk of the red cells that are to be destroyed are probably removed from the circulation during the first several days after infusion of the antibody.
196. There are, however, exceptions, or features which do not fit such a simple picture, and it is these that are being viewed in the light of the recently discovered properties of viral nucleic acids.
197. Mere mechanization is muscular action, that is to say, our limbs can move without our having to use our brains. It is only when our brain controls our movement that these can be adjusted to changes in outside circumstances, and it is precisely this element of control which the modern electronic computer introduces.
198. One would thus expect the second harmonic to grow along the beam in much the same way the voltage grows in time on a lossless resonant circuit which is excited by a signal at the resonant frequency.
199. Commercial nameplates — be they of anodized aluminum, etched aluminum, or just plain parer— are generally made through either screen or offset printing.
200. The chief power of a magnet to attract or repel is concentrated at certain poles — located at the ends of bar magnet — one being known as a north pole and the other as a south pole.
201.S-180 bearing Swiss mice will, on the average, lose slightly more than I gm. (in 8 days), even though their tumors may contribute a gram to their body weight.
202. It was on November 24,1831, that Faraday demonstrated to the Royal Society that an electric current can be produced in a coil of wire when a neighbouring electric current is made or broken.
203. The relatively broad beam (about 20°) of this antenna facilitates finding the satellite in space, even with quite crude orbit prediction.
204. It was Clausius who in 1857 established the kinetic theory of matter according to which molecules are in constant motion, the motion itself being heat and their velocity being dependent on the temperature.
205. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the importance of three variables: distribution ratio, film thickness, and diffusion in the mass-transfer term.
206. Based upon observations in 5 surgically proved cases of primary aldosteronism, laboratory tests were sought that might prove useful in diagnosis.
207. In any feedback control system it is desired that the controlled variable or output of the system bear a definite and known relationship to the reference input. To this end it is essential that the system be so designed that the transient disturbances will decay quickly enough to permit rapid recovery by the controlled variable.
208. After only 1 minute's exposure at 22°C the 10-1 dilution of adenovirus type 1 suspension had reduced the agglutinability of the cells by a significant amount.
209. Gold plating has been used for the majority of components, the theoretical attenuation for gold being only about 20% higher than that for copper. A plating of a few microinches is sufficient at these frequencies, and the process also results in an attractive exterior finish.
210. The shift to higher temperatures is to be expected, since the maximum in the temperature dependence of Q is usually associated with the onset of intrinsic conduction, which would occur at a higher temperature.
211. It is to be hoped these interesting experiments will initiate a series of similar investigations, which may offer a final solution to the most important problem of tumor-specific resistance.
212. Since there are no means of access or connection to the satellite in its packing container, the system had to be complete within itself and to begin to operate automatically when placed in orbit.
213. Virtually all modern headphones fall into one of three generic groups: magnetic, crystal, or dynamic. In all the units we checked, only one was found to fall outside these categories — it being a variable-reluctance device.
214. Perhaps one of the biggest problems is ventilating sucts.
They act as speaking tubes, carrying noise from one area to another. Conversations overheard from office to office or from one toilet room to another are likely to cause embarrassment, at the very least.
215. The reactions of benzyl and cinnamylchlorides are similar; here the reactants are also mesomeric, but there is nevertheless an increase in activation energy during reaction, the benzyl and cinnamyl radicals having larger resonance energies than the parent chlorides.
216. The amplifier is so designed that, should one of these transistors open circuit, the feedback network would operate to continue to provide a fairly flat transmission path without excessive loss.
217. It has been shown that emphasis is necessary in step 2a because the choice it includes has not been adequately recognized in the past. It is this step which essentially determines the form of the system of equations and the magnitude of the derived units.
218. Since the data of Bernardini and Goldwasser are generally believed to indicate proportionality of 6 to the pion momentum in this energy region the retardation effects are not likely to be very strong because if they were the threshold law for S pion ejection would be obeyed poorly.
219. The satellite is in a 100 per cent sun-time orbit with the transmitter assembly located on the shadow side of the vehicle normal to the sun vector. This is a steady-state position with the transmitter assembly receiving no direct solar energy.
220. Decapryn is considered to be one of the prominent anti-histamine drugs. Although certain compounds containing a quin-oline or isoquinoline nucleus have been found to have antihista-mine activity, no analogs of Decapryn containing a quinolyl oisoquinolyl group have been reported.
221. The fact of instability of heavy nuclei throws light on the question as to why there are only ninety-two elements in nature; in fact any nucleus heavier than Uranium could not exist for any period of time and would immediately break into much smaller fragments.
222. It is the sun shining on the drops of rain, as they fall, that makes those beautiful colours in the rainbow. It is because every little raindrop is a round ball of water, that the bow itself is curved or round.
223. Serum bilirubin concentrations may be slightly elevated in patients with heart failure and hepatic congestion but a sudden increase in serum bilirubin in cardiac patients has long been known to signify the occurrence of pulmonary infarction.
224. Frequency modulation is accomplished by coupling the modulating signal from the audio amplifier to the base of the oscillator, which causes the oscillator frequency to change. The change is proportional to the amplitude of the audio voltage applied.
225. Thus, an intact hypothalamus and sympathetic nervous system seem to be required for a normal febrile response and complete extirpation of the posterior hypothalamic gray matter prevents the pyrogenic action in most instances.
226. In this example, the forecast was considered to be net income. Sometimes it is preferable to forecast gross income with operating costs remaining constant throughout. This is accomplished by subtracting the present worth of operating costs.
227. Cathodic protection procedures require a low voltage direct current. Thermoelectric generators appear, therefore, to be suited to this application, as their output is d-c in the desired voltage range.
228. Until then only the lodestone was held to be the source of magnetic power. A new and more powerful agency for creating magnetism had thus been discovered. By mathematical analysis Ampere predicted electrodynamic behavior, subsequently proved by experiment.
229. This second master can be in two spool, or endless loop cassette form, the latter probably being the most convenient. This is then played back at a fixed multiple (say 4) of «book speed» by a machine using multiple replay amplifiers, simultaneously, their outputs being fed to the final copy-making machine also running at the same speed.
230. This diode-driving technique and the use of high frequency transistors in the A.G.S. amplifier (fr = 250 mc) results in the frequency response of the A.G.S. loop being controlled almost exclusively by capacitor C.
231. Fraction C, of which the lipid A content bad been markedly lowered, still retained 3.0 per cent nitrogen and thus contained appreciable protein which may have exerted an influence in the biological activity of this preparation. For this reason, further studies were conducted as detailed below.
232. The prepared fractions were analyzed for total lipid, unesterified and total cholesterol, lipid phosphorus, and total nitrogen. Direct protein analyses were not carried out because, in trials using several commonly employed methods, the opalescence and fatty nature of the fraction recovered from extract-treated sera had been found to interfere with such analyses.
233. Contributing to these losses are the coaxial cables which couple the electronics canister to the radial power splitter and the cables which connect the outputs of the power splitters as antenna feeds to the hybrids.
234. As one migth expect, makers of business machines and home appliances use heat treated steels in stress-bearing parts as do automotive manufacturers. Although cost is just as important a factor as it is to the automakers, the pattern of usage is somewhat different because these two industries make such a wide variety of products.
235. Only those femoral heads completely out and above the acetabular limbus were considered to be dislocations. All the x-rays of patients included in this series were reviewed and classified as showing subluxation or dislocation, according to the mentioned criteria. Of the 68 subluxated hips in this series, 52 were originally diagnosed as dislocation on the hospital records.
236. We know that the old mountains are gradually being washed away by the rain, and that new mountain ridges rise from time to time as the result of tectonic activity, but all these changes are still only the changes of the solid crust of our globe. It is not, however, difficult to see that there must have been a time when no such solid crust existed at all and when our Earth was a glowing globe of melted rocks.
237. Hence, a pulse train is established with a pulse repetition frequency (prf) determined by the time necessary for the acoustic energy to travel down the river.
238. The clinical diagnosis of pulmonary embolism in older patients is difficult, the signs and symptoms often being attributed either to heart failure or to bronchopneumonia. Moreover, the high incidence of acute myocardial infarction in this group adds further diagnostic difficulty. The present triad allows this difficult differential diagnosis to be made precisely even in geriatric patients with preexisting heart disease.
239. The results of this measurement for the two GaAs junctions are shown in Figure 12. Q is plotted as a function of photon energy. The response tends to saturation at the higher photon energies. By extrapolating the data toward the apparent saturation values, the diffusion lengths in the skin are calculated to be 0.5 and 0.6. The lifetime is thus 10-10 sec, if one assumes a diffusion constant of 25 cm2/sec.
240. The active antigenic fraction, in spite of revealing many properties similar to viruses, was not infectious. It was believed to be an autocatalytic cellular component with proliferative activity. In his review Hauschka discussed the possibility that some isoantigenic components of the Brown-Реагсе sarcoma may have influenced experimental results of Kidd and his collaborators.
241. By reducing circuit operating temperature below normal ambients, and by holding it constant, excellent stability was obtained.
242. Besides being a function of speed, the output of the drag cup generator is also a function of the voltage applied to the primary winding. Whereas this is not a disadvantage in the usual sense, it does require careful regulation of the applied voltage. Furthermore, the fact that the output is an a-c voltage can cause additional components to be used and time delays to occur in certain application.
243. In the fourth case, diagnosed as probable membranous glomerulonephritis, the pattern of fluorescense observed in the treated kidney sections was quite different from the patterns described in the previous three cases. Sections exposed to conjugated anti-human globulin showed specific fluorescence in short thin segments of glomerular capillary walls. This was noted to be confined almost entirely to peripheral portions of the glomeruli.