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Department of the Treasury, U.S. [dɪ'pɑːtməntəvðə'treʒərɪ ] = the Treasury - Министерство финансов США (Федеральное министерство, образованное в 1789 г. с целью разработки и претворения в жизнь национальной кредитно-финансовой, экономической и налоговой политики. Возглавляется министром финансов [Secretary of the Treasury], назначаемым Президентом США "по совету и с согласия" [advice and consent] Сената [Senate, U.S.] и являющимся вторым по значению и порядку наследования президентского поста членом кабинета министров [cabinet]. В состав Министерства входят Монетный двор США [Bureau of the Mint , United States Mint], Таможенная служба США [Customs Service, U.S.], Налоговая служба США [Internal Revenue Service], Секретная служба США [Secret Service, U.S.] и др. подразделения)
Federal Reserve [rɪ'zɜːv] System (FRS, Fed, Federal Reserve) - Федеральная резервная система, ФРС (независимое федеральное ведомство, созданное для выполнения функций центрального банка и осуществления централизованного контроля над коммерческой банковской системой страны; включает совет управляющих, 12 региональных резервных банков и их отделения, несколько тысяч коммерческих банков; ФРС создана в 1913 г.)
Federal Reserve Notes - Ноты Федеральной Резервной Системы (билеты ФРС), банкноты, выпускаемые федеральными резервными банками.
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The United States has been the world's leading industrial nation since early in the 20th century.
The U.S. economy consists of three main sectors—the primary, secondary, and tertiary. Primary economic activities (4% of GDP) are those directly involving the natural environment, including agriculture, forestry, fishing, and mining. Secondary economic activities (23% of GDP) involve processing or combining materials into new products, and include manufacturing and construction. Tertiary economic activities (73% of GDP) involve the output of services rather than goods. Examples of tertiary activities include wholesale and retail trade, banking, government, and transportation. The tertiary is the most important sector by far.
The basic unit of currency is the US dollar. The U.S. decimal currency consists of coins and paper money, issued by the U.S. Department of the Treasury and the Federal Reserve System. The Federal Reserve issues paper money called Federal Reserve notes, which constitute almost all the paper money in the United States. The Treasury issues US notes, which come in $100 denominations, as well as all coins.
Most domestic commerce, or trade, in the United States is carried on by wholesalers and retailers. Wholesalers buy goods from producers and sell them mainly to retail business firms. Retailers sell goods to the final consumer. Wholesale and retail trade together account for about 16% of GDP of the US and employ about 20% of the labor force.
Foreign, or international, trade enables the United States to specialize in producing those goods it is best suited to make from its available resources. Nonagricultural products usually account for approximately 90% of the yearly value of exports and agricultural products for about 10%. Machinery and transportation equipment make up the leading categories of exports, amounting together to over 40% of the value of all exports. Other leading exports include manufactured goods, such as textiles and iron and steel; processed foods; inedible crude materials, such as cotton, soybeans, and metal ores; chemicals; and mineral fuels and lubricants.
1. Выпишите в свой словарик с транскрипцией и переведите следующие слова специальной направленности. Укажите, к какой части речи относится каждая группа слов, выделите характерные словообразовательные элементы представленных частей речи. Найдите и подчеркните данные слова в тексте. Отработайте чтение этих слов.
Agricultural, domestic, provincial, principal;
highly, typically, increasingly,
manufacturing, manufactured, produced, leading, specialized;
sole right, circulation, trust company, mortgage loan company, savings bank, credit union, securities exchange, item, timber, grain, share, truck, motor-vehicle part, crude petroleum, lumber, newsprint, wood pulp, wheat, industrial machinery, natural gas, office machine, aluminum, general purpose and specialized machinery, chemicals, per capita;
to operate, to export, to decrease.