Ex.1: Find the information about your profession.



Ex.1: Answer the questions:

1. What is the purpose of a resume?
2. What are effective resumes?
3. What is the length of effective resumes?
4. What should a useful resume include?
5. How should a resume be reproduced?



Ex.1: Complete each sentence (A—H) with one of the endings (1—8):
A. Nowadays employers demand
B. Competence is
C. Today executives and managers don't only speak of skills and qualifications of their employees, but of
D. Competence development is a long process that requires
E. A good employee should demonstrate problem-solving capability and think about
F. Intercultural competence is the ability
G. Relationship-building is a new popular term that means
H. Modern life is full of stress that is why it is essential to be able

1. their competencies that measure a person's appropriateness for a particular job.
2. to understand people of other cultures and to work effectively with them.
3. a combination of knowledge, skills and behavior, the ability to perform a specific role.
4. what is to be achieved and how it is to be achieved.
5. to cope with stress and fatigue.
6. perfect knowledge, work experience, a range of transferable skills and such qualities as efficiency, punctuality, practicality, creativity and many others.
7. building good relationships with partners and clients.
8. training and personal development.




Ex.1: Make up the summary of the text:

My name is Martha Glass. I'm thirty-nine years old and I'm a doctor. I chose the medical profession because I wanted to help people and at the same time make good money. When I was younger I wanted to become a teacher or a nurse, but I soon realized there wasn't much money in either of those professions.

My parents almost didn't help me, because they didn't want me to have a career at all. They wanted me to do what so many other girls did. They wanted me to become a secretary, marry the boss, have kids and stay at home. Well, I got married, and I had kids, but I have my career as well.



Ex.1: Make up the summary of the text:

Hi. I'm Billy. 1 left school when I was sixteen. I didn't have any qualification. I just wanted to earn some money. I got a job in a factory. I didn't mind being a blue-collar worker. All I wanted was enough money to take my girlfriend out on a Saturday night. But then they got robots in to do my job and I was out of work.

I was out of work for sixteen months. It's terrible being unemployed. The days seem so long. I finally got a job as an unskilled labourer, working for a builder. I'm twenty-five now. I suppose I should go to night classes and get some extra training so that I can earn more money as a skilled worker can.



Ex.1: Make up the summary of the text:

My name is George Rushton. I'm a businessman. I'm fifty years old and I've been working for the same company for twenty-five years. I think I've had a very successful career. I started work with the company as a poorly paid clerk. I was one of those nine-to-five white-collar office workers who spend all day with a pencil in one hand and a telephone in the other.

I hated it. So I was transferred to sales and became one of the company's sales representatives. I travelled all over the country selling the company's products and became the most successful salesperson on the staff. In ten years I have been promoted to manager of the sales department. In another ten years I hope to retire with a good pension.

3. Критерии оценок к самостоятельной работе.

В критерии оценки входят: полнота, глубина, прочность, систематичность, оперативность, осознанность знаний, умений и навыков по дисциплине.
Уровень знаний оценивается в баллах:

· 5 (отлично) – за глубокое и полное овладение содержанием учебного материала, понятийным аппаратом, за умение связывать теорию с практикой, решать практические задачи, высказывать и обосновывать свои суждения. Отличная отметка предполагает грамотное, логичное изложение ответа (как в устной, так и в письменной форме), качественное внешнее оформление.

  • 4 (хорошо) – если студент полно освоил учебный материал, владеет понятийным аппаратом, ориентируется в изученном материале, осознанно применяет знания для решения практических задач, грамотно излагает ответ, но содержание и форма ответа имеют отдельные неточности.
  • 3 (удовлетворительно) – если студент обнаруживает знания и понимание основных положений учебного материала, но излагает его не полно, в определении понятий, в применении знаний для решения практических задач, не умеет доказательно обосновать свои суждения.
  • 2 (неудовлетворительно) – если студент имеет разрозненные, бессистемные знания, не умеет выделять главное и второстепенное, допускает ошибки в определении понятий, искажает их смысл, беспорядочно и неуверенно излагает материал, не может применять знания для решения практических задач.

Список используемой литературы и интернет источников

Безкоровайная Г.Т., Койранская Е.А., Соколова Н.И., Лаврик Г.В. Planet of English: учебник английского языка для учреждений СПО. — М., 2014.

Безкоровайная Г.Т., Койранская Е.А., Соколова Н.И., Лаврик Г.В. Planet of English: электронный учебно-методический комплекс английского языка для учреждений СПО. - М., 2015.

Голубев А.П., Балюк Н.В., Смирнова И.Б. Английский язык: учебник для студ. учрежде­ний сред. проф. образования. — М., 2014.

Восковская А.С. Английский язык для экономических колледжей:Учебное пособие/А.С.Восковская – Ростов н/Д:Феникс,2010. – 352с. –(СПО)

Пшегусова Г.С. Английский язык для экономических специальностей:Учебник/Г.С.Пшегусова, Л.Л.Андреева, Н.Д.Гребенникова, Н.В.Млодзинская. – 2-е изд. – М.:Издательско-торговая корпорация «Дашков и К»; Академцентр, 2012. – 280с.


www.lingvo-online.ru (более 30 англо-русских, русско-английских и толковых словарей общей и отраслевой лексики).

www.macmillandictionary.com/dictionary/british/enjoy (Macmillan Dictionary с возможно­стью прослушать произношение слов).

www.britannica.com (энциклопедия «Британника»).

www.ldoceonline.com (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English).

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