Anomalies of the oral cavity structures
Disorders of oral structures may be prenatal or postnatal in origin, and may be inherited or acquired. A congenital disease is one which occurs before or at birth but is not necessarily inherited, while a number of hereditary states are found at birth or become evident over a number of years.
Facial malformations result from fusion of maxillary and premaxillary processes between 5th and 8th weeks of fetal life. The incidence in general populations is 1 in 800 births. If a history of the abnormality exists in one parent there is about a 4% chance that the first child will have the defect.
Severe congenital abnormalities, such as cleft lip or cleft palate arise because of the failure of the facial processes to unite. Statistically cleft lip and cleft palate develop rather oftener than other abnormalities. It is more common in males. This condition is a serious handicap to the child and to the adult that he will become.
The treatment of cleft lip is a problem not for dentist alone. He is only one member of a team that work together for maximum results. The plastic surgeon, the dentist, the speech therapist and psychotherapist must work together, each in his special field, to give the child with a cleft palate not only normal appearance but also the possibility of normal functioning.
Babies with a cleft palate may have a great deal of difficulty in swallowing and are often severely undernourished. Besides, this condition is accompanied by unsightliness and functional disturbances especially in mastication and phonation. It is more common in girls. Cleft palate may involve the soft and hard palate and may extend into the nose, forming an oronasal passageway. This abnormality produces malocclusion from displacement of the maxillary arch.
The size and form of teeth are subjected to genetic, developmental and posteruptive factors, of which heredity is probably the most important.
Disturbances in tooth structure involve enamel and dentine. Hypoplasia or defective enamel structure may ensue from the matrix formation. If the mineralizing mechanism is disrupted, hypomineralization will result.
Mosby’s Comprehensive Review of Nursing . N.Y.
Find in the text the verbs with prepositions (phrasal verbs), remember their meaning.
Use do or make to form fixed phrases. Put the words below into the correct column.
A test / a mess / an attempt / a noise / some work / an experiment / friends / progress / homework / research / a mistake / your best/ a course (in something)
Do | Make |
Read the text and choose one of the answers to fit each space.
Essential skills for life
From next year, every student in their final year at our school will study for a normal Diploma of Practical Achievement. This will be in addition to the (1).... examinations. Up to now, the course has been optional, but from now on every student must (2).... it.
The aim is to (3).... students with 'life skills', which the Diploma 'divides into eight categories. These cover a range of things (4).... to life beyond school, from sending an e-mail to (5) .... presentations to an audience. Under the heading 'survival1, (6)..... students can learn car maintenance, first aid and cooking. We have discovered that many students cannot do simple things such as (7).... a puncture or boil an egg. At the other (8)..... the Diploma includes such things as how to design a webpage and how to (9).... if someone has a heart attack. It has been called a 'Diploma in Common Sense'.
On the course, students will not be taught in the traditional (10)..... but rather will be guided and encouraged to do things for themselves. This is above all a (11)..... 'hands-on' course. To a greater or lesser (12)..... good schools have always tried to (13).... these skills. Unfortunately, students have not always (14).... much interest because such skills are not directly related to passing exams for higher education. We hope this will change now that we have a proper course that will (15).... to a recognized diploma.
A | normal | В | everyday | C | set | D | typical | |
A | pick | B | make | C | adopt | D | take | |
A | give | B | equip | C | offer | D | donate | |
A | relevant | B | associated | C | linked | D | concerned | |
A | having | B | giving | C | speaking | D | expressing | |
A | as a result | B | therefore | C | for example | D | otherwise | |
A | service | B | maintain | C | do up | D | mend | |
A | extreme | B | end | C | limit | D | point | |
A | handle | B | guide | C | cope | D | direct | |
A | means | B | way | C | route | D | approach | |
A | theoretical | B | technical | C | practising | D | practical | |
A | amount | B | method | C | extent | D | depth | |
A | grow | B | develop | C | make | D | do | |
A | shown | B | given | C | placed | D | proved | |
A | move | B | result | C | take | D | lead |