В.г. гуд, г.в. ловгач, т.м. познякова

В.Г. Гуд, Г.В. Ловгач, Т.М. Познякова


(по фильму «Елизавета I»)

Практическое руководство

для студентов 2 курса специальностей

1- 02 03 06 -01 «Английский язык. Немецкий язык»,

1-02 03 06 -03 «Английский язык. Французский язык»


ГГУ им. Ф. Скорины


Pre-view Exercises

Ex. 1. Guess the meaning of the words.

Catholics, heretic, Ambassador, the Pope, Protestants, the Blessed Virgin, His Holiness, Mass.

Ex. 2. Check up the pronunciation of the words.

Authority, sovereign, sincerity, illegitimate, compromise, innocence, precious, conceivable, repugnance.

Ex. 3. Look up the meaning and pronunciation of the new vocabulary in the dictionary.

butchery (n.) eternity (n.)

charge (v.) humble (adj.)

commit (v.) massacre (v., n.)

consummate (adj.) plot (n.)

consolation (n.) subject (n.)

condemn (v.) trial (n.)

conspire (v.) treachery (n.) tumour (n.) treason (n.)

dispatch (v.) uphold (v.)

despise (v.)

to place smb upon the throne

to raise smb to the throne

death warrant

Ex. 4. Group the words according to the pronunciation:

a) [ᴧ] b) [a:] c) [ᴂ]

Advantage, uphold, Ambassador, subject, charge, dispatch, recover, after, command, Catholic, humble, massacre, consummate, repugnance, Mass, wondrous.

Ex. 5. Fill in the table with the words from exercises 3-4 corresponding to the following stress patterns.

/ _ / _ _ _ / _ / _ _ _ / _
suitor mortify resolve inherit veneration

Ex. 6. Build a) nouns from the verbs:

Console, commit, conspire, witness, bless, confess, deny, despise, poison, charge.

b) adjectives from the nouns:

Repugnance, innocence, sincerity, advantage, poison, eternity.

Ex. 7. Of the suggested meanings of the word choose the one which fits the contextual meaning of the underlined unit.

1 The bishops tried to charge Elizabeth that she was involved in the plot.

To charge – 1) accuse, bring a charge against; 2) rush forward and attack; 3) ask in payment; 4) load (a gun), fill, put a charge into; 5) charge with, give as a task or duty; 6) (especially of a charge, a bishop or a person in authority) command, instruct.

2 Elizabeth was accused of conspiring with Sir T. Wyatt against Her Majesty and she was arrested for treason.

To conspire – 1) make secret plans (with others, especially to do wrong); 2) (of events) act together, combine.

3 They wanted Elizabeth to repent for the crimes which she hadn’t committed.

To commit – 1) perform (a crime, etc); 2) give up, hand over to for guarding or treatment; 3) pledge, bind (oneself).

4 “It’s safely dispatched thanks to His Grace”, – Lord Sussex stated. – “I am ordered to dispatch you to the Tower”.

To dispatch - 1) send off to a destination, on a journey for a special purpose; 2) finish, get through business; 3) kill.

5 I am Your Majesty’s most humble subject.

Subject – 1) any member of a State except the supreme ruler; 2) something to be talked or written about or studied; 3) person, animal or thing to be treated or dealt with, or to be made or undergo or experience something; 4) (gram) word(s) in a sentence which is described, which does something; (music) theme on which a composition is based.

6 Let them burn for all eternity in the flames of hell.

Eternity – 1) time without end, the future life; 2) period of time that seems endless.

7 If she were brought properly to trial she would not be found guilty.

Trial – 1) testing, trying, proving; 2) examination in a law court before a judge (or judge and jury); 3) troublesome or annoying person or thing.

8 As long as she remains alive there will be plots to raise her to the throne.

Plot – 1) secret plan (good or bad); 2) plan or outline (of the events of the story, especially of a novel or drama).

9 Do not take away from the people the consolation of the Blessed Virgin, their Holy Mother.

Consolation – 1) consoling or being consoled, something that consoles; 2) circumstances or person that consoles.

Ex. 9. Write questions to which the bold type parts are the answers.

1 By orderof their Majesties, Queen Mary and King Philip, they came to witness the burning of the protestant heretics, who had denied the authority of the one true Catholic church.

2 There was no proof against the Lady Elizabeth. (A general question)

3 If Elizabeth were brought to trial the bishops would be condemned.

4 Elizabeth had many friends in Parliament.

5 Walsingham was said to return from exile.

6 Philip hadn’t shared her bed for many months, he had repugnance for it.

7 The real reason why Mary stopped bleeding was not pregnancy but tumour.

8 Norfolk demanded Queen Mary to sign Elizabeth’sdeath warrant.

9 Elizabeth promised to act as her conscience dictated.

Comprehension Check

Vocabulary Exercises



Ex. 1. Write a short summary of the events shown in the film on the part of a) a Protestant, b) a Catholic.


Pre-view Exercises

Comprehension Check

Vocabulary Exercises

Ex. 4. Insert prepositions.

1 I will mean nothing … you.

2 You must sign it. … the love … God, sign it. Will you leave your kingdom … a heretic?

3 Do not listen … any … them. None … them are … consequence.

4 … that time England was weak … strength, … men and riches.

5 He trusts that … your accession, the relationship … our countries may be much improved.

6 The country is threatened … abroad … ambitions … France and Spain.

7 You blush, Lady Knollys. Are you … love?

8 Mary of Scots has already laid claim … your throne.

9 I suppose that the French offer some suitors … her.

10 Her Majesty will consider … the proposal most carefully.

11 Her Majesty’s body and person are no longer her property, they belong … the state.

12 There was nowhere else we could meet … safety.

13 Music will be composed … your honor.

14 How could you be nothing … me, Robert!

15 Play … a volta!

16 It was Sir Norfolk who was eager to place himself … the throne.




Pre-view Exercises

Comprehension Check

Vocabulary Exercises




Pre-view Exercises

Comprehension Check

Vocabulary Exercises




Pre-view Exercises

Ex. 1. A) Guess the meaning of the international words.

Conspiracy, to corrupt, a gesture, terms, politics.

B) Translate the sentences choosing their appropriate contextual meaning.

1 Is God such a worldly person that he must play politics and conspiracy?

To play politics – 1) вести политическую игру (соблюдая собственные, а не общественные интересы); 2) вести нечестную политическую игру, пользоваться нечестными средствами для достижения политических целей.

Conspiracy –1) умысел, замысел; 2) тайный сговор; 3) тайная организация; 4) секретность, конспирация

2 The Queen’s love could corrupt the soul of any man.

Corrupt – 1) развращать, разлагать, разлагаться (о человеке, государстве); 2) подкупать, давать взятку; 3) гноить, портить (органические вещества), гнить, разлагаться; 4) искажать (язык, текст); 5) уничтожать, разрушать данные.

3 You must also make conciliatory gestures towards the Spanish.

Gesture –1)жест; телодвижение; 2) поступок, действие, шаг; 3) мимика.

4 What terms can your Queen propose?

Terms (pl.) – 1) условия соглашения, договора; 2) условия оплаты; гонорар; 3)личные отношения.


Comprehension Check

Given in the video film.

1 Thomas Elyot was his Grace’s servant.

2 Mary of Guise was too hasty at rejecting the Duke’s proposal.

3 Sir Francis was a wise man and a creature of the world like Elizabeth.

4 Walsingham didn’t have illusions, he clearly understood it was only a

matter of time before Elizabeth would be overthrown.

5 Robert was sure the King of France was the only person who could

guarantee Elizabeth’s safety.

6 Elizabeth was to dissociate from the act of Mary of Guise’s


7 Her Majesty had never followed Sir William’s advice in the affairs of

her kingdom.

8 Her Majesty decided to create Walsingham Lord Burghley so that he

could enjoy his retirement in greater ease.

9 It became known to Walsingham that there was a bishop abroad,

carrying letters from Rome to those who worshiped Elizabeth.

10 Norfolk’s power in Court went down.

11 To legitimize Norfolk’s claim to the throne of England, His Holiness

proposed His Grace should take as his bride Mary, Queen of Scots .

12 Sir William was the most powerful man in England and could have

been greater still but he had not the courage to be loyal.

13 Elizabeth made a decision to let Norfolk live as she didn’t want him to

become a martyr.

Ex. 2. Make up sentences by matching two parts.

Her Majesty rules with the heart … A not used to princes.
Oh, Lord, the dress … B treason will have been committed.
You must forgive my nephew… C make me a martyr.
I have no illusions, I know … D He would get into bed with either Spain or France.
A wise man would be careful E the dead have no titles.
The word “must” is … F not to put himself in the way of harm.
I may be a woman, but if … G was a gift to me.
Find the priest and … H always remind me of how close I came to danger.
You are in greatest danger, … I but not with the head.
All Norfolk needs do is to sign this paper and … J He speaks when he should not.
You were Norfolk … K I choose I have the heart of a man.
I think man’s courage is … L I am married to England.
He shall be kept alive to… M in the manner of his death.
So cut off my head and … N those who harbour him.
It is no easy thing … O but you have a friend, someone who can guarantee your safety and your throne.
All men need something greater than … P to be loved by the Queen.
I hear you are a wise man … Q to those who mean to harm you.
Observe, Lord Burghley … R which is necessary for safeguarding the throne.
There are but two choices … S it’s only a matter of time before my queen is overthrown.
A prince should never flinch from being blamed forthe acts of ruthlessness, … T and a creature of the world like me.
There is a priest abroad carrying letters from Rome … U themselves to look up to and worship.

Vocabulary Exercises



В.Г. Гуд, Г.В. Ловгач, Т.М. Познякова


(по фильму «Елизавета I»)

Практическое руководство

для студентов 2 курса специальностей

1- 02 03 06 -01 «Английский язык. Немецкий язык»,

1-02 03 06 -03 «Английский язык. Французский язык»


ГГУ им. Ф. Скорины


Pre-view Exercises

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