The uk local government reforms

Until the late 1980s, local governments in the United Kingdom were financed from three sources. First, households paid domestic rates, that is a property tax assessed on hypothetical house prices. Second, local firms paid business rates on their property. Third, the largest source was from the central government.

The Thatcher government believed this system resulted in overspending by local governments. Many poor households did not pay rates but still had a vote and voted for high-spending programmes. Firms paid rates but had no vote at all. Only about 20 per cent of the local government revenue came from households paying rates. Most firms were against raising property assessment, the basis of the property tax, as market prices were rising.

The reform of local government in 1990 made three changes. First, education at state schools was moved from local to the central government. Second, instead of local business rates a national business rate was imposed. Business property re-assessment corresponding to market prices led to a great increase in taxed property. Whereas before the reform each local government could use its own business rate revenue, now the central government collected all this revenue and distributed it to local governments in proportion to the local population. Money from the rich south, where property prices were high, moved to the poorer north. Third, domestic rates gave way to poll tax, that is, a tax per head with some relief for the poorest households.

II. Выберите правильный вариант ответа на вопросы к тексту.

1. Who did not pay rates until the 1980s?

a) poor households b) local firms c) governments

2. Why were most firms against raising property assessment? Because of _________.

a) the basis of the property tax

b) the market price rise

c) the local government revenue

3. How does the central government distribute the revenue to local governments?

a) in proportion to the number of schools

b) due to the number of people living there

c) according to their needs

III. Закончите предложения по содержанию прочитанного текста.

4. The Thatcher government believed that overspending ________ the system of financing local authorities from three sources.

a) was caused by b)was opposed by c)was spent by

5.Local governments were _______ from three sources.

a) moved b) increased c) subsidized

6. Instead of local business rates a national business rate _________.

a) was distributed b)was voted c) was imposed

7. Local governments in the UK were financed from three _________.

a)authorities b) sources c) points

8. Before the reform each local government could use the revenue ___________.

a)on its own b) exactly on education c) on purchasing land

IV. Подберите эквивалент к данному русскому слову или словосочетанию.

9. доход

a) tax b) property c) revenue

10. налог на недвижимость

a)property tax b) profit tax c) value added tax

11. домовладельцы и квартиросъемщики

a) housewives b)households c) housings

12. оценка имущества

a) property assessment b) property development c)public property

13. облагать налогами

a) to impose fines b) to impose duties c) to impose taxes

14. налог с бизнеса

a) business rate b) business opportunities c) business objectives

15. облегчение

a) reform b) distribution c) relief

V. Выберите русское предложение, наиболее точно передающее содержание предъявленного.

16.Business property re-assessment corresponding to market prices led to a great increase in the taxed property.

a)Переоценка бизнес собственности в соотношении с рыночными ценами привела к увеличению налогов.

b)Переоценка собственности предприятий в соответствии с рыночными ценами привела к значительному увеличению имущества, облагаемого налогом.

c)Результатом переоценки делового имущества явилось повышение рыночных цен.

17. Most firms were against raising property assessment, the basis of the property tax, as market prices were rising.

a)Многие фирмы были против повышения налогов на недвижимость, основы имущественного налога, а также роста рыночных цен.

b)Большинство фирм противились повышению цен на недвижимость, основных имущественных стоимостей, т.к. рыночные цены росли.

c)Большинство фирм были против принятия мер по оценке имущественной стоимости, основы имущественного налога, т.к. рыночные цены росли.

18. Now the central government collected all this revenue and distributed it to local governments in proportion to the local population.

a)Теперь верховная власть требует все доходы с населения и распределяет их в правительстве.

b)Теперь федеральное правительство занималось сбором всех этих доходов и распределяло их между местными органами власти пропорционально населению.

c)Сейчас центральное правительство собирает весь этот доход для локальных правительств в пропорции к местному населению.

VI. Выберите английское предложение, наиболее точно передающее содержаниепредъявленного.

19. Firms paid rates but had no vote at all.

a)Though companies paid property tax, they weren’t able to influence the governmental policy.

b)Firms paid taxes but refused to participate in General Elections.

c)Firms paid taxes to vote.

20.Instead of local business rates a national business rate was imposed.

a)A local business rate was imposed but not a national one.

b)A national business rate was imposed to substitute a local one.

c)Both national and local business rates were imposed.

21. Domestic rates gave way to poll tax with some relief for the poorest households.

a)Some relief for the poorest firms was obvious due to domestic rates.

b)Domestic rates made it possible to charge a gift tax.

c)To protect the poorest families, a tax on every person in the country was introduced instead of domestic rates.

VII. Выберите правильную видовременную форму глагола.

22.How did the British population _______ the reform?

a) take b) took c) taken

23. Money _________ from local to the central government.

a) was moving b) was moved c) moved

24. Those households that paid rates _______ for high spending programmes.

a) didn’t vote b) doesn’t vote c) can vote

25.A national business rate was ___________ by the government.

a) impose b) imposed c) imposing

26. Property assessment and pricing problems ___________ lately.

a) have been raised b) have raised c) were raising

VIII. Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами или их эквивалентами.

27. To be successful in avoiding strong fluctuations in business activity, the government _________ to make injections into a growing economy.

a)need b) must c) has

28. The government _________ to reduce expenditures to prevent recession.

a) is able b) must c) can’t

29. Aggregate demand _________ be managed to grow as much as the GNP.

a) allowed b) ought c) should

30. Oil and gas ________ be sought in inaccessible places, which adds to their production costs.

a) need b) can’t c) have to

31. National economy ____________ be dramatically affected by too high aggregate demand.

a) can b) ought c) shouldn’t

IX. Заполните пропуски прилагательными в нужной форме.

32. Many needy families became _________ than before.

a) poor b) poorer c) more poor

33. Property prices in the south were much __________ than in the north.

a)highest b) more high c) higher

34.The ___________ economic event happened in 1980.

a)wonderfuller b) more wonderful c) most wonderful

X. Переведите текст (письменно).

Liquidity is determined by the speed and certainty with which an asset can be converted into cash (notes and coins) in order to be used as a means of payment. The quicker an asset can be converted into cash, the more liquid it is. Therefore, money is the most liquid of all since it is widely accepted as the medium of exchange, while durable and highly specific assets such as machinery are the least liquid as such asset cannot be converted into money without finding a buyer and determining the value of the property to be sold.

Bank assets can also be characterized in terms of their liquidity.

Loans to households and firms do not appear to be very liquid forms of bank lending, for the borrower may not be able to repay the sum owed to the bank whenever the bank demands.

Securities including government bonds and shares of firms, though traded on the stock exchange, cannot be relied upon for a certain amount of cash as their prices fluctuate from day to day. Therefore, financial investment in securities seems also to be illiquid.

The uk local government reforms - Контрольная работа №1

по английскому языку для студентов экономических специальностей

заочного отделения

I семестр

Вариант 5

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Stabilization policy, or demand management, is the control of the level of aggregate demand in economy using fiscal policy in order to eliminate fluctuation at the national level. The general aim of stabilization policy is to regulate aggregate demand so as to make it as big as the gross national product in order to maintain the existing level of output and employment. It is also essential to keep aggregate demand low enough to avoid inflation.

An unregulated economy will tend to go through periods of depression and boom. Governments try to avoid such fluctuations by stimulating aggregate demand when the economy is depressed and reducing aggregate demand when the economy is overheating. Ideally, aggregate demand should be managed in such a way so as to grow as much as the GNP.

There exist two main problems: (a) correct timing of a government injection or withdrawal; (b) correct magnitude of an injection into or withdrawal from the economy to eliminate depressions and booms.

If the government can get the timing and magnitude correct, it will be able to eliminate the effects of depression. For the government to be able to reduce the intensity of the depression to follow, it is necessary to forecast accurately its beginning, perhaps while the economy is still growing actively.

Much government action is inaccurate in timing and magnitude. Where the government has not been successful in avoiding strong fluctuations in business activity, it can make injections into a growing economy, which then overheats, and withdraw too much at the wrong time, braking too hard.

II. Выберите правильный вариант ответа на вопросы к тексту.

1. What is stabilization policy?

a)non-market economic activity

b)the control of the level of total demand in economy using fiscal policy

c)an amount of money freely circulating in economy

2.Which fluctuation periods will an unregulated economy tend to go through?

a)of inflation and devaluation

b) of depression and boom

c) of injection and withdrawal

3. What actions does the government have to take to reduce the intensity of the depression to follow?

a) to keep aggregate demand low enough

b) to satisfy cash demand

c) to forecast accurately the beginning of recession

III. Закончите предложения по содержанию прочитанного текста.

4. The general aim of stabilization policy is ________.

a) to regulate aggregate demand

b) to make injections into a growing economy

c) to reduce aggregate demand

5.It is greatly important to keep aggregate demand low enough to __________.

a) check the magnitude of an injection

b) prevent inflation

c) maintain the existing level of output and employment

6. If the government can get the timing and magnitude of the injection correct, it will be able to __________.

a)control business activity

b) reduce aggregate demand

c) avoid the effects of depression

7.Much government action is inaccurate in ___________.

a) making injections or withdrawal

b) timing and magnitude of injections and withdrawal

c)eliminating the effects of depression

8. Ideally, aggregate demand should be regulated in such a way so as ___________.

a) to rise as much as the gross national product

b) to reduce the intensity of depression

c) to grow as much as the gross domestic product

IV. Подберите эквивалент к данному русскому слову.

9. устранять

a) to stimulate b)to regulate c) to eliminate


a) depression b) fluctuation c) boom

11. поддерживать

a) to maintain b) to control c) to follow

12. избегать

a) to manage b) to tend c) to avoid


a) withdrawal b) reduction c) injection

14. уменьшать

a) to withdraw b) to reduce c) to keep

15. предсказывать

a) to tell b) to brake c) to forecast

V. Выберите русское предложение, наиболее точно передающее содержание предъявленного.

16. An unregulated economy will tend to go through periods of depression and boom.

а)Нерегулируемая экономика будет склонна к депрессии.

b) В нерегулируемой экономике будет наблюдаться тенденция к чередованию периодов спада и резкого подъема.

с) Нерегулярная экономика будет иметь тенденцию к прохождению через периоды депрессии и бума.

17. Ideally, aggregate demand should be managed in such a way so as to grow as much as the GNP.

а) Совокупный спрос следует соотносить с валовым национальным продуктом.

b) В идеале, регулирование совокупного спроса должно осуществляться таким образом, чтобы он вырос до величины валового национального продукта.

с) Валовой национальный продукт должен вырасти до величины совокупного спроса.

18. Governments try to avoid such fluctuations by stimulating aggregate demand when the economy is depressed and reducing aggregate demand when the economy is overheating.

а) Правительства пытаются избегать таких колебаний, т.е. внезапных спадов и подъемов развития, стимулируя агрегатный спрос, когда экономика депрессивная, и редуцируя агрегатный спрос, когда экономика “перегревшаяся”.

b) Правительства пытаются избежать таких колебаний в экономике, стимулируя и уменьшая совокупный спрос.

с)Правительства пытаются избежать таких колебаний, стимулируя совокупный спрос, когда экономика в упадке, и сокращая совокупный спрос, когда экономика развивается слишком быстрыми темпами.

VI. Выберите английское предложение, наиболее точно передающее содержаниепредъявленного.

19. There exist two main problems: correct timing of a government injection or withdrawal and correct magnitude of an injection into or withdrawal from the economy to eliminate depressions and booms.

a) Two main troubles exist here: to make choice between the periods of the government supporting or neglecting the economy development.

b) There are two main economic problems to be settled by the government: the right moment and the necessary amount of money and resources to be supplied or taken from the economy to avoid recessions or sudden increase in economic activity.

c) To choose the right time and the amount of money to put in or take from the economy, that is the way to solve all the economic problems.

20. If the government can get the timing and magnitude of the injection and withdrawal correct, it will be able to eliminate the effects of depression.

a) If the government can get rid of the effects of depression, it will be able to control the time and the rate of inflation.

b)The government should take the right decision when and how to finance the economy, which will have an effect on its further development.

c) The economy will face no recession if the government chooses the time and the amount of the injection or withdrawal correctly.

21. Where the government has not been successful in avoiding strong fluctuations in business activity, it can make injections into a growing economy which then overheats and withdraws too much at the wrong time braking too hard.

a) When the government is able to avoid depressions and booms, it might always speed up economic growth.

b) The government might promote rather fast economic development, or slow it down dramatically.

c) Injections into and withdrawals from the growing economy to avoid fluctuations are the key to its successful regulation.

VII. Выберите правильную видовременную форму глагола.

22. The government ________ an important role in avoiding strong fluctuations in business activity.

a) is playing b) played c) plays

23. Currently the government __________ efforts to keep aggregate demand low enough to avoid inflation.

a) has made b) is making с) is made

24. For many years governments _________ to keep stabilization policy by charging taxes to eliminate depressions and booms.

a) have tried b) was trying c) tried

25. Prices and aggregate demand _____ always ­­­­_______by economists.

a) had monitored b) are monitored c) are monitoring

26. The problem of proper demand regulation_______ yet.

a) has not solved b) is not solved c) has not been solved

VIII. Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами или их эквивалентами.

27. Next year the government ________ to reduce the fluctuation level of economic activity.

a)could b) will be able c) may

28. To avoid high rate of inflation, aggregate demand ________to be kept low enough.

a) has b) should c) must

29. The government _________ make injections into growing economy.

a) has b) can c) ought

30. Business owners _________ support stabilization policy.

a) are allowed b) are able c) should

31. The government __________ to take proper measures to avoid high inflation last year.

a)need b) had c) were

IX. Заполните пропуски прилагательными в нужной форме.

32.Inflation is a rise in the level of prices as demand is ________ than supply.

a) the highest b) more high c) higher

33. The regulation of aggregate demand suggests that it should rise as _________ as the GNP.

a) many b) much c) more

34. Last year the government took the _______ actions to eliminate the effects of recession.

a) more successful b) most successful c) successfullest

X. Переведите текст (письменно)

Opportunity cost is a fundamental concept of economics. Opportunity cost is the economic cost of using scarce resources in terms of the alternatives elsewhere. This concept is of value for all economic choices. In every choice the person has to take one action rather than others. For each choice, the person compares the benefits and costs of each alternative and tries to get the maximum benefit.

Benefits are usually clearly seen. The person can feel satisfaction because he buys a car, a meal, a concert, or even a year at college. But costs are more difficult to see. The true economic cost – the opportunity cost may be not the same as the simple expression in money terms because there are other real costs.

The other real costs are often hidden or indirect. They include things, material and immaterial, the person cannot get because he gets something else.

For example, with just two days before exams, you can only study eco­nomics and raise your course grade from В to A, or only chemistry and raise that grade from С to A. The opportunity cost of an A in chemistry is getting a В in economics rather than an A.

Контрольная работа №2 по английскому языку для студентов экономических специальностей заочного отделения II семестр

Вариант 1

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