Most controversial. Then try to defend or reject each claim.
1. Awful programmes on TV far outnumber good ones.
2. Films where the main aim is to terrify the audience should be banned.
3. Theatre, cinema and television are great transformers of minds.
4. Watching late-night TV is the easiest way to set off to sleep.
5. Violence on screen encourages violent behaviour in society.
6. Young people need to be protected from seeing certain films and videos.
7. Dancing and watching TV are simply ways of killing time.
8. The world of television is fictional and ready-made.
9. Game-playing is becoming a way of life on television.
1. Some people think that theatre audience is mainly middle-aged and old people. They also say that theatre is an activity for clever people, except if one goes to see a musical or other form of light entertainment. Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not?
2. It has been said ‘Theatre is a powerful instrument of education as well as art and culture, which makes it attractive for people of different generations and different times.’ Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give specific reasons to support your answer.
3. Some people argue that nowadays theatre has very little to do with ‘real life’. ‘It’s just some fiction which directors desperately try to turn into reality. Plays by W. Shakespeare and other classical playwrights have no value for modern people’ – they say. Do you have the same or a different opinion? Why or why not?
4. According to some researchers soap operas are influential in transmitting life-styles and manners to young viewers. Do you agree? If so, what kind of information is being transmitted? Be specific.
5. Are you selective in your choice of viewing? Rate the following – crime, health, family problem, travel, quiz, comedy programmes, boxing and football – in order of importance. Give specific reasons and details to support your answer.
Main writing form: Review
A review is a short description of a performance (film, book, etc).
A review should have a) an introduction in which you give the background of the performance (setting, type, main characters), b) a main body consisting of two paragraphs where you give the main points of the plot and general comments concerning the acting/directing and c) a conclusionwhere you summarize the reasons why the performance is recommended/not recommended.
Present Tenses should be used for writing a review.
Useful Language for Writing Reviews
Background:The story is set in...
The play tells the story of...
Main points: The plot focuses on...
The plot has an unexpected twist...
The performance reaches a dramatic climax...
General comments: It has a tragic / surprising / … end.
The film will appeal to …
Recommendations:Don’t miss it! It will change the way you see the world!
It is well worth seeing...
I wouldn’t recommend it, because...