Ex. 3. Translate into English using to have.

1. Вход в музей бесплатный. Тебе не придется ничего платить. 2. Мне пришлось напомнить ему несколько раз, чтобы он вернул мне книгу. 3. Ему не нужно готовить, он ест в кафе. 4. Мне приходится ходить в очках, так как у меня плохое зрение. 5. Возможно, тебе придется лечь в больницу. 6. Лифт в здании не работал, и нам пришлось подниматься пешком. 7. На вокзале не было носильщиков, и мне пришлось нести багаж самому. 8. Оказалось, что я сел не на тот автобус, и мне пришлось делать пересадку. 9. Тебе приходилось работать по ночам, не так ли? 10. Мы были вынуждены рассказать родителям о наших приключениях. 11. Я хорошо тебя слышу. Не надо кричать. 12. Если ты хочешь жить полноценной жизнью, тебе придется жениться. 13. Нас не нужно представлять друг другу, мы уже знакомы.


This modal verb may be either a defective (can’t have tense and other grammatical forms) or a regular verb. As a defective verb “Need” has only on form and combines with a bare infinitive. For example:

Need I do it?You needn’t do it just now.

In the reported speech it remains unchanged.

As a regular verb it has the Past Simple form ”Needed” and regular negative and interrogative forms.

The regular form is used mainly when the following infinitive denotes habitual action. For example:

You don’t need to say it every time you see him.

It is used to express:

· Necessity/mainly used in questions and negative sentences/

Do you need to work hard?

Need she come tomorrow?

· Absence of necessity

She needn’t go there today He is ill.

· When followed by a perfect infinitive “need” indicates that the action expressed by the infinitive was performed but was not necessary.

You needn’t have spent all the money.

She needn’t have left her child alone.


Ex. 1. Paraphrase the following using the modal verb need.

1. I see no reason to give him so much money. 2. It wasn’t not necessary for us to book tickets well in advance. 3. Is it so very necessary that you should get there so early? 4. There is no use worrying about her; she is quite able to take care of herself. 5. What’s the use of finding faults with the child? He is only five. 6. There was no need for you to call her. 7. It was quite unnecessary for you to do the work instead of him. 8. It wasn’t necessary for Peter to take so much money. 9. It wasn’t necessary for Mr. Brown to collect the laundry because his wife said she would do it. 10. It wasn’t necessary to give her flowers as well. The chocolates would have been enough. 11. Our neighbour promised to look after our garden so it wasn’t necessary to hire a gardener.

Ex. 2. Fill the gaps with needn’t have or didn’t need to and the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1. I ran all the way to work, but I ... (hurry) because I was the first person to arrive. 2. We … (hurry), so we stopped to have lunch on the way. 3. I went to college today, but I … (go) as all the lectures were cancelled. 4. I … (ask) the way to Lewes, since I’d been there before. 5. I … (buy) any food, so I didn’t go to the supermarket. 6. I … (buy) any food after all, because we had plenty at home. 7. I … (pack) my shorts, as it rained all week. 8. We … (pack) many things, as we would only be away for one night.

Ex. 3. Translate into English using the modal verb need.

1. Три женщины ни от кого не зависели бы, если бы им не нужен был четвертый человек для игры в бридж. 2. Тебе не нужно читать все эти книги. 3. Не нужно меня бояться. 4. Мне нужно сообщить заранее о моем приезде? 5. Не стоило так беспокоиться. 6. Им обязательно переодеваться? 7. Солнце уже садилось, и ей не нужна была шляпа. 8. Она напрасно так уговаривала его. Все знают его упрямство. 9. Не нужно принимать витамины, если ты ешь достаточно овощей и фруктов. 10. Мне нужны были новые очки. 11. Напрасно мы заказали билеты заранее. 12. Нам нужно еще скопить денег, чтобы отправиться в путешествие. 13. Не нужно обманывать себя. 14. Тебе необязательно звонить родителям каждый день. 15. Тебе не нужно было заказывать номер в гостинице. Унасестьсвободнаяспальня.


The modal verb "Ought To" has only one tense form and it's not changed in the reported speech.

It combines with the "to-Infinitive". When followed by the non perfect or continuous infinitive it indicates reference to the present or future. In indirect speech it may also refer the action to the past. For example:

I told him that he ought to do it and he did it.

This modal verb is used only in two meanings.

Imperative Suppositional
· Moral duty and moral obligation, which is not always fulfilled. You ought to look after your children better. He ought to be punished · Probability, something that can be naturally expected. Apples ought to grow here  
· In combination with the perfect infinitive it means that something right has not been done. In this case it implies reproach. You ought to have helped him/But you didn't/ · "Ought to" does not refer to the past!    
· "Ought not" + perfect infinitive means that something wrong has been done and it is not too late to change it. You ought not to have laughed at him!  


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