XVII. Перескажите текст урока.

XVIII. Задайте вопросы по заданию и ответьте на них:

1.Ask Mr. X. what goods they are interested in. 2. Ask Mr. X. for what time he has made an appointment with a representative of a foreign firm. 3. Ask the representative of a foreign firm when he'd like to go sightseeing. 4. Ask the representative of a foreign firm what you can do for him. 5. Ask the representative of a foreign firm at what price his company sells power equipment. 6. Ask the representative of a foreign firm what models of boilers are in great demand. 7. Ask the representative of a foreign firm what goods they can offer you. 8. Ask the representative of a foreign firm what terms of shipment are acceptable to them. 9. Ask the representative of a foreign firm what goods they require. 10. Ask Mr. X. since when they have done business with Brown & Co.

XIX. Составьте краткий рассказ на основе следующего диалога:

Secretary: Mr. Smirnov, this is Mr. Gray to see you.

Gray: How do you do, Sir?

Smirnov: How do you do, Mr. Gray. Will you sit down, please?

Gray: Thank you.

Smirnov: What can I do for you, Mr. Gray?

Gray: You see, Mr. Smirnov, my firm is interested in your boilers.

Smirnov: Glad to hear it. We can offer you different models of boilers.

Have you seen our catalogues yet?

Gray: Yes, I have. We require boilers, Model BL-220.

Smirnov: I see. And how many boilers do you require?
Gray: I believe, we can buy 2 boilers of the model. I must say, we would like to have the machines in July or August.

Smirnov: Very good. We can promise you July shipment, c.i.f. Manchester. Are these terms acceptable to you?

Gray: Yes, quite. But what about the price?

Smirnov: I think we've written in our offer that our price is £ ...

Gray: Can you reduce the price?

Smirnov: I'm afraid we can't, Mr. Gray.

Gray: All right.

a machineмашина; to promise['promis] обещать

XX. Составьте диалоги на основе следующих ситуаций:

Mr. Sanin meets Mr. Black in his office. There are cigarettes on the table, and they smoke. Mr. Black has brought catalogues and price-lists. He offers our representative their power equipment. They discuss the time of shipment and the price. Mr. Sanin asks Mr. Black to reduce the price. Mr. Black cannot give his answer. He is going to contact his people.

Mr. Minin of Machinoimport has come to the London office of Wilson & Co. Mr. Wilson asks Mr. Minin how he likes London.

Mr. Minin lets Mr. Wilson know that Machinoimport is interested in the goods of the company. He asks Mr. Wilson about the terms of delivery and the time of shipment.

The Sellers can offer the goods c.i.f. Petersburg.

XXI. Прослушайте и перескажите следующее письмо. Задайте вопросы к письму.

We have received your offer of power equipment of the 3rd of November. We have studied your catalogues and price-lists. We are afraid that your prices are too high and they are not acceptable to us. We know that your equipment is in great demand now and that you have done well lately. But we have some offers of power equipment from other firms too, and their prices are not very high.

However we are interested in your equipment and we would like to discuss the matter with you.

Please, let us know your answer by fax.

howeverоднако; a matterдело, вопрос

XXII. Закончите следующие ситуации:

1. A French firm is interested in buying our goods. A representative of the firm comes to Moscow and ... 2. On Wednesday the President of Machinoexport received two foreign businessmen. They ... 3. Last week my brother-in-law came to Moscow from Vladivostok. Yesterday was Sunday, and we decided to go sightseeing. We ... 4. Our cars are in great demand in some African ['aefrikan] countries. The other day Avtoexport...

XXIII. Составьте ситуации или диалоги со следующими словами и слово сочетаниями:

1.to be interested, to send an enquiry, to let the firm know, to send catalogues and price-lists, to go through, to be acceptable;

2.to have talks, to discuss, prices, to ask, to reduce, to accept, an offer;

3.to offer, to be in great demand, c.i.f.Petersburg, to be acceptable, to require, to ship;

4.to come to Moscow, representative, to have talks, to go sightseeing, to go to the Art Theatre, the Tretyakov Gallery, the Kremlin.

XXIV. Выполните следующие задания:

1.Позвоните фирме и попросите секретаря назначить вам встречу с президентом компании на завтра. Скажите также, что вам требуются их каталоги и прейскуранты. 2. Сообщите г-ну Кэмпу при встрече, что вас интересуют товары его фирмы. Скажите также, что вы хотели бы обсудить с ним условия поставки и что вам требуются товары в июле этого года. 3. Обсудите с представителем фирмы цены на товары. Скажите, что вы полагаете, что цены слишком высоки и неприемлемы для вас. Попросите его снизить цены. 4. Спросите г-на Кэмпа, был ли он в Москве раньше. Поинтересуйтесь также, посетил ли он Кремль и Третьяковскую галерею. Предложите ему билеты в театр на вечер.

XXV. Сделайте сообщения на следующие темы:

1.An enquiry. 2. An offer. 3. An appointment. 4. A business talk.



Grammar:1. Простое будущее время (Simple Future).

2. Употребление настоящего продолженного времени в значении будущего.

Revision:1.Систематизация времен.

2. Местоимения.


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